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Everything posted by Mixoux

  1. A lot less commentary this time around. Silence 5 NATO 4 Global Order of Darkness N/A We Are Perth Army 5 Global Democratic Alliance 3 heh World Federation 6 Argent 4 - Was a 5 last time, but the responses to comments itt have been funny. The Phoenix Federation 4 Genesis - 6 Imperial Assault Alliance 5 Regnum Invictorum(Invicta) 3 New Sith Order 5 - For better or for worse, keep on keepin' on The Resistance 6 - LEO Asgaard - 6 Goon Order of Oppression, Negligence and Sadism 7 Greenland Republic 5 Carpe Diem iFOK 6 Christian Coalition of Countries 6 Monos Archein 6 Valhalla 5 United Commonwealth of Nations 5 Green Old Party Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics 3 Union of Integrated National Entities \m/ 6 Order of the Black Rose 5 Echelon 4 Ronin 5 The German Empire The Corporation 8 - Great people. Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes The Sweet Oblivion 4 Grand Global Alliance 4 Federation of Allied Republics The Lost World =LOST= United Blue Directorate Zenith 5 TheNinjas 6
  2. [quote name='BlkAK47002' date='18 May 2010 - 09:36 AM' timestamp='1274189791' post='2302129'] lol, really now? [/quote] Contrary to the propaganda, yes.
  3. [quote name='Haflinger' date='19 May 2010 - 09:08 AM' timestamp='1274274510' post='2303276'] You know, because those alliances have no independent thought and have always done what IRON told them to. [/quote] Which I must say is pretty ironic, as the joke was always that [i]IRON[/i] was the one with no independent thought.
  4. [quote name='Rotavele' date='19 May 2010 - 05:12 AM' timestamp='1274260309' post='2303178'] and you wont be here much longer anyways so, not even needed [/quote] I'm liking the foreshadowing here~
  5. [quote name='shilo' date='18 May 2010 - 10:27 PM' timestamp='1274236049' post='2302785'] I want to see those who would criticize you, or if there were others, any alliance that cancels a treaty with the gRAMlins. Distancing yourself from a group like them is simply and only entirely a positive thing, no matter how you look at it. [/quote] "Wow, you canceled an ETERNAL TREATY? *inserts vast amounts of sarcasm at the shock and awe before throwing in a 'told you so' comment*" That would go on for years too, I'm sure.
  6. [quote name='theArrowheadian' date='17 May 2010 - 12:28 PM' timestamp='1274113685' post='2301270'] I felt the need to respond being the narcissist I am, but plenty have, most notably, with exceptions to RIA, CSN, FAN, GOD and Grämlins. [/quote] RIA came from gamefaqs, FAN came from FANgamers, GOD came from DLP, and Gre came from a Starcraft forum. Dunno about CSN.
  7. Later man. We never talked nearly enough, considering we know a lot of the same people.
  8. [quote name='SirDelirium' date='15 May 2010 - 02:46 PM' timestamp='1273949200' post='2298939'] It may be a joke, but there is a little truth behind every joke. Blowing this up to try to make us look bad is an obvious smear technique, which generally would have some motive behind it. [/quote] That was said by Alterego, who is not in GOD/RIA/anyone else involved in this fiasco. And frankly I'm not surprised that he'd accuse one of us of a war conspiracy, it's sorta his thing.
  9. [quote name='SirDelirium' date='15 May 2010 - 02:32 PM' timestamp='1273948354' post='2298921'] Really guys? Really? If you want to manufacture a CB on us or something, I'm sure you can be a little more creative. [/quote] I don't see anyone threatening war. Nice jump though, nonetheless.
  10. Who in their right mind would want Bilzey?
  11. [quote name='Boyle' date='12 May 2010 - 04:59 PM' timestamp='1273697934' post='2296212'] Wait, how can you have joined when this forum was new and now know who TBB is? Because from your post it looks like you don't. [/quote] Whoa now! He's on a roll, trying to use whatever excuse he can to pin \m/ (and by default, anyone who is remotely linked to \m/) as being evil hegemonic bullies that are enabling Gre, destroying the game, and ruining lives. And kicking puppies.
  12. Heh, we'd have 1 more in the top 1%, but the third guy is literally 1K away from breaking it.
  13. Yeah, without those wars the average strength globally would be quite a bit higher.
  14. [quote name='amad123' date='12 May 2010 - 02:06 PM' timestamp='1273687557' post='2296107'] I assume that once they get to below 15 nations they will be considered valid "Tech Raid" targets by some alliances. I'm looking forward to seeing who tech raids them. Could be lots of fun. [/quote] You know what, I never even considered that. Though they'd still have to deal with MHA. EDIT: (maybe)
  15. [quote name='Tomcat' date='11 May 2010 - 10:14 PM' timestamp='1273630436' post='2295545'] So the reason why you hate those who you now believe "rule" planet bob, is because they aren't bad enough guys? Sounds like you're going out of your way looking for new enemies. [/quote] I agree with him though, honestly. It's all good and fine to try and strive for moralism and peaceful resolutions, especially when you're at the top, but that doesn't make for a fun atmosphere and everyone knows it. Otherwise we'd all be in GPA, TDO or WTF right now. There's a couple 'bad guys' on both sides currently, but not enough to shake things up any more than they are right now.
  16. You decided to openly ignore alliances not in the Sanction race this time around, despite the fact that some of us would fall within these clumpings. The title of the thread is a slight misnomer, it's not "Alliance Strength Distributions" so much as "Strength Distributions of Sanction Race Alliances"; as largely evidenced by anybody not in the race not included. Whatever floats PhysicsJunky's boat. EDIT: But seriously though, nice work on the stats.
  17. Happy birthday, guys. You've certainly come a long way since I've known you.
  18. Good that this was finally posted, I was starting to get [i]mighty cheesed[/i].
  19. [quote name='Delta1212' date='07 May 2010 - 12:20 AM' timestamp='1273206022' post='2289829'] I think we know who really won. [IMG]http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h184/Delta1212/VladSmug.gif[/IMG] [/quote] Well, besides Flying Tigers anyway.
  20. [quote name='Van Hoo III' date='06 May 2010 - 11:32 PM' timestamp='1273203142' post='2289749'] People really still say this? [/quote] [i]Brilliant[/i] political move amirite
  21. [quote name='CptGodzilla' date='06 May 2010 - 11:14 PM' timestamp='1273202079' post='2289706'] [b]your allies in GOD[/b] have been harassing FEAR way before GOONS started [/quote] This. We've been pretty public about our opinion of FEAR for.. well, years now.
  22. Tie between Penkala and Bob Janova for sure.
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