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Everything posted by Mixoux

  1. Don't worry, it'll get spun as baseless accusations before you know it.
  2. This is an alien concept, I know, but some of us simply like large wars. It's not any personal vendetta against TPF's allies; if my former alliance was one of said allies, I'd still want to fight them.
  3. Lest we forget the mighty Republic of Lennon. Aye, for a time he was ranked #3 in NS. The good ol' days..
  4. Don't forget that it helps your alliance nuke count and adds NS to your nation!
  5. Not like a certain 4 alliances did that or anything~ If you guys really are taking all this time to prepare, it better be a damn good blitz.
  6. I read then re-read that post just due to its ingenious construction.
  7. I do think some of the actions taken by ADI were quite low. Nobody is saying that RoK was forcing them to come to their defense due to conflicting treaties, hell, RoK themselves even said it. Claiming that Hoo purposefully lied to you about the FEAR-TPF treaty is taking it way too far man. From the looks of it, he named off the treaties he knew of and expected you to do your own researching to double-check. And hell, you have a treaty with FEAR, why didn't you just ask them yourselves? Hoo was in no way attempting to feed you false information, that would just be silly and a waste of time given that the information is public in several places. I can understand if you don't agree with the CB, but don't drag your former ally's name in the mud when they haven't done anything wrong to you.
  8. Yes. In case you didn't know (which obviously you don't), honoring a treaty into a defensive war is honorable; honoring one into an aggressive war, however, is bandwagoning.
  9. Wish you hadn't posted that, now we're going to get 5+ pages of e-lawyering debating whether or not they were 'technically' at war with Athens et al.
  10. So, it's okay for alliance leaders to concoct these sort of plans, but only if they don't succeed? So I could theoretically form an alliance with the intent to destroy your alliance's community through internal strife, but if the alliance I'm talking to decides to back out I'm suddenly in the clear? Oh no, wait. I have to be at war first, because that justifies it right?
  11. Unfortunately, the public is now starting to veer into the realm that these actions are actually accepted during wartime. It's now the only argument they have left to justify the entire op.
  12. Glad to hear this. I'm sure this thread will continue on for another few pages of people flaming The Brain, but these kinds of mixups do happen.
  13. I agree with this post 110%. For shame.
  14. Hell yeah. Also sup Epip, I still own you with 203 in IC.
  15. They won't start going off for another 2 hours or so.
  16. 259 User(s) are reading this topic (88 Guests and 4 Anonymous Users) Heh, awesome.
  17. I can store it for you if you'd like. Just ship it on down to Mixoux's infra emporium and we'll keep it nice and safe - and with prices the lowest they've ever been, how could you turn down such an opportunity!
  18. If you never talk about it ever again, maybe it'll just go away!
  19. Yes, we obviously bandwagoned because they it's not like they asked us to come in or anything. We also just love to roll with 30 minute notice, it's the best.
  20. Also, if TPF really did attempt to call this off but lost control of ZH, had they simply gone to Athens/RoK/Sparta and said "look, we set this off then called it off, it's out of our hands and want nothing to do with it", then maybe something could have been worked out. Instead, we hear nothing about it until a few days ago.
  21. I keep seeing the whole diplomacy argument being thrown about. What exactly could you talk about to TPF after this? "Hey, we know you tried to spy on people, and then after months of not getting intel, you continued to keep it a secret from everyone. Now obviously this is going to hurt our trust in you.. but don't do it again." "Congrats. Peace in our time o/"
  22. I'll third this. NEW seems to know what they're doing though, politically and internally. Wherever this takes you I know you'll do your part and then some.
  23. Obviously, because Vox was never able to be stopped this is our fault. Even though half the world declared war on them. (declaring war for spying? Outrageous!)
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