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Everything posted by BringMeTheHorizon

  1. Name them, because you have the worst pure numbers on a winning side that is a dog pile than anyone in 2014. Sun may be doing worse than you in pure numbers, but their also in a dog pile on a losing side of the war. So that's out. NSF did better in pure numbers in 2014 than you. Guinness is doing better in pure numbers than you right now. If you want to start naming AA's with worse pure numbers than you, on a winning side of a beat down. Please, start posting these numbers, and showing us how we are wrong in saying Atlas has done the worst in 2014. You can't just keep saying but reasons/excuses for you being horrible, because every AA has excuses, as I showed before. Start naming. Also, why do I need to make you change your mind, this thread wasn't made for us to change your mind, This thread was created for you to tell the people voting how Atlas is in fact not the worst military of 2014. So my "pointed" opinion isn't trying to change your mind, it's me saying hey your thread didn't do it's purpose. If you want to change my mind, or other peoples mind who think you were the worst military, it falls on you to change our mind, not us to change your mind. With your excuses/reasons aren't enough, because as shown before, every AA you brought up has just as many if not better excuses than you for doing worse in 2014. So drop the excuses, and show us someone who did far worse than you're doing right now.
  2. Let me re-word it then, you may not have the worst military, you have had the worst showing in 2014. Which leads to the perception of having the worst military. I should also reiterate, being second worse, or being compared to NSF in anyway militarily is not an accomplishment that you should be proud about, or make a topic about to bring more attention to it.
  3. I think I did address it, a few posts up actually... There are always counter points to the points you brought up, which I addressed. As in pure numbers, and in excuses.
  4. All I got from this war was the ability to reread how NSF surrendered to Riot Society for 78 million reps which was a joke offer for them to refuse. Though, Atlas has done poorly, there is no reasonably explanation that can be said. Being green, or no warchest can be canceled out by you choosing to enter on an opponent beaten down, and on an opponent that was piled on. You could have for all purposes sat this one out, and focused on building up your military wonders, and war chest. This falls on Atlas themselves for failing to see how bad they would actually do, and as Franz said, they knew they weren't going to do well. I'm saying that NSF/Guinness was handled poorly via the FA route not the military route, even though they did bad, but not even they had the kind of Numbers atlas is showing on the winning side of a beat down war. You can't even compare guinness because Riot Society stole half of their active gov/members with a splinter. So they have a legit excuse if people say Atlas has an excuse. Now NSF was bar far more disorganized, but in pure numbers did way better than Atlas has. Now let's say everyone accepts Atlas's excuses, we all move on, and forget. Let's just remember this, even if times tells a different story the next war, Atlas was still being compared to the worst militaries of 2014. With that being said, I wouldn't say they have the worst military, I think they have poor leadership which lead them into their bad showing, and the perception of them being the worst military of 2014.
  5. Worst Alliance Of The Year: NSF Worst Military of the Year: NSF Worst Block of the Year: Die Linke Most Inactive Large Alliance: MHA Worst Diplomatic Team: RIOT Society Alliance Most Likely To Fail in 2015: NPO Worst Player of the Year: Rota Worst Leader of the Year: Tywinn Worst Treaty of the Year: NSF-Guiness Protectorate Worst Theme Used in 2014: Supernova I mean I can understand why everyone (So far) is saying Guinness as having the worst military, but RIOT Society took half of their active government, members, helped them start a splinter, and protected them right before we attacked Guinness. If anything NSF who protected them, after attacking an alliance 1/12 their size, disbanded, and paid reps to RIOT Society after their attack. Which is by far so much worse than how Guinness fought through the war.
  6. I actually think it's closer to 50% of your pact who have tried to extort tech, but one of them escapes my memory so I can't say for sure, that leaves me knowing for sure 3 people have. Not that there is anything wrong with trying to extort tech from a tech raid, actually saying give me tech, and i'll stop attacking is just the same as saying i'll keep attacking you if you don't accept my peace after I took tech/land/money. Though I digress, you should defend them either way even if they do try to extort tech.
  7. Sanctions are in the game for a reason, and using them during war time is a perfectly valid use of the tactic. Just because you're too nice, or don't have enough desire to cause it doesn't mean it isn't a valid war tactic, especially if you can knock of their construction, lead for a few days, or uranium. I wish more people used sanctions in war time.
  8. That is tempting, not that you should have any problems with them. Maybe RIOT will reform just for this attack.
  9. Way too late for me, I was trying to get you kids to attack sun with me, but you kids were like, or nah. I am the truth, and you should have been about it a year ago. You opportunistic dirt bags.
  10. I am glad you are getting pounded, it's quite poetic.
  11. You should have known better Tywinn, this is your own fault.
  12. You guys are giving tywin way too much credit. Since I was the one that created SNX. [11:39pm] Saxplayer: Also [11:39pm] Saxplayer: Congrats [11:40pm] BM|Away: on? [11:40pm] Saxplayer: Your raiding of Guinness indirectly led to the founding of SNX [11:40pm] BM|Away: SNX is nothing special to me [11:40pm] BM|Away: Just dead AAs merging to avoid the unavoidable [11:40pm] Saxplayer: Nope [11:41pm] Saxplayer: SNX is shit [11:41pm] Saxplayer: but it only exists because NSF lost the Guinness-LT war
  13. TL;DR RIOT was always intended to be a different AA, and it was no longer a different AA so we decided to move on. Because if you are no longer an AA that can give you a different experience, then why should that AA even exist, when there are so many out there that have been established.
  14. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but shame on me for thinking you've changed.
  15. This deal is really nothing special in all reality, it's just paying the tech up front. 100, 6 mill, 6 mill, 100, then it starts as a normal 6/100 deal. Unless you'll continue to do 100/6/6.
  16. As long as you don't come back into #RIOT and act like Rota, you are more than welcome to come back into #RIOT as Beauty. That being said, i'm not sure if other people give you the same amount of rope to hang yourself. If you're not concerned with keeping your post count, re-roll as a new name, and new forum name, everything (tell the mods) and try from there, go into an alliance, and not act like the petulant little child you have always acted. It's up to you, work on this name, and continue to show people you are not Rota, and you are now Beauty, which will be a lot harder now, or start completely a-new.
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