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The 'C' word



I have decided to share this with you today to put it in the open so people can be informed correctly and hopefully for those in my age group, get a check up!

On the 23rd of Feb this year I heard the dreaded words from my Doctor, "you have cancer".

Without all the boring bits, a ton of tests and scans later and I know it's bowel cancer and also cancer in my left kidney.

On Monday the 13th I will undergo surgery to have it all cut out. That means a couple of weeks in hospital and a substantial recovery period.

The good news is the surgeon believes in 12 months I should be living a normal life again and 100% cancer free.

Btw I'm 49 with a crappy family history for this so the warning signs were there, but I ignored them until I was in serious pain...

If you are around that range, GET A CHECK UP!

P.S. If anyone hits my nation while I'm gone I invite the whole world to burn them to the ground!


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This is a shame. I know you and I haven't seen eye-to-eye in the game whatsoever as of late, but as someone who also comes from a family with a history of Cancer, I do wish you the best of luck and hope you make a full recovery.

Don't give up, and beat it into submission.

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Politics aside, you've played this game as you've seen fit and not backed down because of it and I respect you for that. I'm sorry to hear about this, I wish you nothing but the best of health and a speedy recovery.

Stay positive mate, and my best regards to you.

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Thanks guys and yeah all issues are and will always be IC.

OOC you're a great group of people and I look forward to returning to continue this game with you all.

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Hey, Dajobo - you've kicked everything's ass around here, so cancer should be cake for a fighter like you. You got this, brother.

We're all thinking of you in this tough time.

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Don't know you well, but I know Cancer. Give yourself up to the system and give them your trust. Chemo and Radiation have made remarkable progress in just the last five years and you can live a semi-normal life during treatment. After surgery is a bear tho, don't be afraid use the good stuff, it works! Watch out for the rehab man tho, sometimes if you cuss loud enough they will go away for a few hours and leave you in peace to enjoy the good stuff. :)

For dawgs sake get an iPad.

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You're a great guy Daj - I have had a number of people close to me diagnosed as well in the recent months and everyone has recovered successfully. Keep fighting and can't wait to have you back in this realm.

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