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Judgements Pt. 4 (31-40)

Rush Sykes


31-40.. Off we go....

House Baratheon - When I look down the member list, I see just about everything I liked about old CSN. That is a plus. You guys dont really make much of an effort to be heard though. That is not a bad thing, its just a cookie cutter thing, and some would even say its smart, because we all know that those who do something are universally hated. We have some common allies, but we have no real common ground or knowledge. I may get back to a judgement of you at a later date, just that right now, I dont really have the knowledge.

NEW - Difficult. It is the only word I can use to describe you. You are difficult to deal wtih, and not merely because of a language barrier. You have this unwillingness to compromise that really makes handling even the simplest of matters, very difficult. Aside from that, you seem to be a really ok group. Learning some diplomatic tact would benefit you.

STA - I never got to fight you. This saddens me. You are the last alliance on my list of alliances that I WANT to fight. Oddly, I dont even really want to fight you anymore. You guys have the personalities to make things happen, it seems that they do not want to expend the energy to actually make them happen though (not that I can blame you for this, I feel the same way.) It relegates alliances like yours (and mine) to simple military arms for other alliances.

UPN - One thing sums up everything I have ever thought of UPN.... that thing is... LOL. The end.

Knights of Ni! - You gave me my single biggest headache in CN history, and you didnt even try to. Kudos on that. Other than that though, nothing of real note here. I suppose you are ok, or I suppose you could completely suck. I dont know. I dont know anyone else who knows. Stand up and be heard at some point!

CCC - You have some ok folks. But you seem to lack any independent thought. Just another long-lived cookie cutter alliance. That is not intended to be insulting, its only intended to be truthful. I can usually look at most alliances, and attribute a single notable moment in time to them.... Nothing for you guys though.

RIA - I suppose you folks are ok. Much like TLR, you seem to be a shell of your former selves. Such is the state of the game. Your leaders of the years, are a bit strange in terms of reactions. I remember when Londo did his joke Supergrievances thread in World Affairs.. you guys played along in the thread... then got outraged when you discovered Fark was inexplicably outraged. It left a sour taste in alot of mouths in C&G. So we look at you guys, and we wonder who you really were. And in addition, we wonder who you really are now. Time will tell.

INT - By far, this is the hardest one to write. So much to love, so much to loathe, and no real way to accurately pick the ground in between. You have the weirdest democracy dynamic though. In that you seem to almost always re-elect to gov... those who leave you and come back. Im not saying its a bad thing, i am just saying that you guys stand out for the number of times it has happened. We have been through hell and back together, and I would not trade in one moment of that for any different outcome. I truly do love you guys, and I do not think many people in this world besides me, really appreciates how wonderful you guys are. Sadly, I think you think they do. Oh well, it is what it is.

Anarchy Inc - I want to be positive about you guys. I want to like you guys. I just dont know if I can. I cannot dislike you though. Every single personality that made AI what it was.. is gone. Every single Olympus member that I counted amongst my friends... is gone. I look at your alliance, I recognize the name. I dont recognize the alliance. Will you fade? I think you probably will. Can you prove me wrong? Only you know the answer to that. You know what though? I want you to.

Invicta - Did you ever see the Robot Chicken Star Wars episode.. Where George W. Bush was a jedi? Thats how I envision Invicta. You keep going for what you want, but you never really have the power to get it. Except after X number of failures, you stumble into a good situation and you get the tacos that George got. Enjoy your tacos.


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With regards to UPN... have you tried actually talking to them within the past year or so? I'm asking because I would have responded exactly the same way you did just a little while ago. Then I got the chance to speak to their government and their members, and I found an alliance that was genuinely committed to righting past wrongs and emerging as a competent player in global affairs. They're certainly on the right track, and I'm glad to call them my allies.

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Its a commie alliance thing. We consider ICSN, ICP, CPCN and INT as effectively the same alliance with a different name, so when we get people return from the old days its like an old member coming back from a break rather than a new guy being elected.

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I'm eagerly awaiting your reviews of my favorite fast foods.

I know you love Jack-in-the-Box tacos at least as much as I do.


The McRib is back .. for a limited time only. I will address this in due course.

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With regards to UPN... have you tried actually talking to them within the past year or so? I'm asking because I would have responded exactly the same way you did just a little while ago. Then I got the chance to speak to their government and their members, and I found an alliance that was genuinely committed to righting past wrongs and emerging as a competent player in global affairs. They're certainly on the right track, and I'm glad to call them my allies.

Enjoy them then. And basque in my ignorance. And may your beautiful friendship with them bring you everything you deserve.

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Enjoy them then. And basque in my ignorance. And may your beautiful friendship with them bring you everything you deserve.

Hey hey hey, no need for condescension. That's my gig.

Of course, you didn't really answer my question, but seems like your answer constitutes a "no". Oh well, I won't obligate you to change your obsolete world view... you must still think Planet Bob is flat, too.

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Hey hey hey, no need for condescension. That's my gig.

Of course, you didn't really answer my question, but seems like your answer constitutes a "no". Oh well, I won't obligate you to change your obsolete world view... you must still think Planet Bob is flat, too.

Obsolete world view you say? Thats kind of ironic.

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If you talk to people and get to know them, they pretty much all become cool and willing to work out past errors, even UPN, Invicta or GATO.

Amazingly, there are some for whom this simply doesn't work.

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It's not too late to fight us. Now would be a perfect time even, there's a war on and everything!

Wow.. good to see you around old man. Also, no. We dont fight people who are fighting on the same "side" as us.

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