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Lessons of the Xiphosis Experiment




This article is best read while listening to the modern hegemony's


In explaining why GOD, Kronos and others felt it necessary to pretend that they were declaring war on a weaker alliance, GOD's leader, Xiphosis, suggested that he was conducting a social experiment. While the discovery -- that an alliance threatened with war will probably prepare for war -- wasn't overly surprising to those of with more than a week's worth of political experience or two brain cells to rub together, there were far more profound and unintended conclusions drawn from this 'fun' experiment.

Ultimately what it served to highlight was how monotonous normal life under the new regime has become. This was brought about by the contrast of sudden activity with the lack of it once the world returned to normal -- one can live in poverty while one remains unaware of the riches down the road; it is only contrast with the latter that demands recognition of the former.

Thus, what comes out of this experiment is not a statement on how fun and powerful and popular Xiphosis is, but rather a statement on the power-relations of our day -- a realisation of the stifling superstructure erected by the ruling alliances, and an intensifying of the reality that any alliance at any time could be destroyed by this ruling elite without cause.

This once again must be contrast against the aspirations of Karma, with its underlying narrative of making the world a more exciting and free-flowing place. The lesson to be taken from the Xiphosis Experiment, therefore, is the reaffirmation of the victory of an enhanced unipolarity, where there is no competition: only the powerful -- playing whimsical games and jokes on an international scale -- and the powerless -- sitting with their heads down, hoping not to end up a victim.


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Ultimately what it served to highlight was how monotonous normal life under the new regime has become

While i think what was done was nothing short of !@#$@#$ retarded, i want to point out your surrender terms are over and you are free to declare war..or yaknow, STFU

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While i think what was done was nothing short of !@#$@#$ retarded, i want to point out your surrender terms are over and you are free to declare war..or yaknow, STFU

'Do something about it or shut up.' How far we have come.

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'Do something about it or shut up.' How far we have come.

Dude what do you want? we all feel for the same !@#$%^&* but instead of getting over it like alot of people are you come here and QQ in a blog if you're THAT morally offended then start sending aid to Valhalla and plot to roll GOD !@#$ aint that big of a deal

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I think everyone can agree that the stunt was stupid. Not even that funny in my opinion either. The funny thing to me is how much everyone was pushing for war, and how desperate we are for it.

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Dude what do you want? we all feel for the same !@#$%^&* but instead of getting over it like alot of people are you come here and QQ in a blog if you're THAT morally offended then start sending aid to Valhalla and plot to roll GOD !@#$ aint that big of a deal

So no one is allowed to have an opposing position unless they are entering into a suicidal war? What brave new world of politics is this?

What do I want? I want to voice my thoughts, same as you (apparently). In this I am simply sitting here, in my own little corner, describing the world as it is and holding it up against its own standards. If you don't want to face up to my analysis then you don't have to read it -- a rather simple task, one would think.

However, you do read it. And it is strange that you hold me in such contempt for daring to put forth my thoughts on the power relations of the entire world, while you are incapable of restraining yourself from putting forth your thoughts on my politically-irrelevant postings on my own personal blog. Perhaps rather than coming here to complain, you should partake in a little introspection. What is it that you want? [That's a rhetorical question. Feel free to engage in your introspection elsewhere.]

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The powerless have always stood with their heads down and hoped to not be the next victim. Difference is, nowadays the threat is "whimsical games and jokes," whereas it was destruction, disbandment, or extortion that they faced in the old days.

If anything, this shows how much better the change in power was for Planet Bob, rather than remaining under Pacifica's rule.

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The powerless have always stood with their heads down and hoped to not be the next victim. Difference is, nowadays the threat is "whimsical games and jokes," whereas it was destruction, disbandment, or extortion that they faced in the old days.

If anything, this shows how much better the change in power was for Planet Bob, rather than remaining under Pacifica's rule.

Hahaha. Good one. So Athens hitting TPF was just a whimsical joke? Your alliance threatening war over a 'your mom' joke was a joke? Man, those jokes are worst than April Fools day.

Get new material.

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NPO Then: Rolling an alliance forever or to the point of disbandment is fine

NPO Now: Scaring someone into peace mode makes you like Hitler

Perhaps not being on top of the world has taught us perspective? Or are you unwilling to admit that people can change?

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Hahaha. Good one. So Athens hitting TPF was just a whimsical joke? Your alliance threatening war over a 'your mom' joke was a joke? Man, those jokes are worst than April Fools day.

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You know our side expected TPF's allies to actually do something. It was an unintentional curbstomp.

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Although I wish you'd addressed the act itself a bit more instead of focusing on what it represents.

That's Vladimir for you, he's always obsessed with symbolism.

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The music really made this blog entry work, though the entry is a bit short and I was hoping the song would continue to play over the text I was reading. That said, it was a good choice and I applaud you on this fine decision.

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Hahaha. Good one. So Athens hitting TPF was just a whimsical joke? Your alliance threatening war over a 'your mom' joke was a joke? Man, those jokes are worst than April Fools day.

Get new material.

TPF attempting to sabotage Athens wasn't a joke, and it was met with the necessary response. Even so, a week of war ending in white peace is still far better than anything received by those who crossed NPO and friends. As far as your comment about TIO, I wasn't aware we were a big player in the world. Regardless, last I checked OO wasn't destroyed, since the war didn't go beyond the threat stage. So unless you think being asked to issue a half assed apology is worse than the way Pacifica and friends treated people, then you either need some perspective, or forgot entirely what it was like living under the Continuum.

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