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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1300516217' post='2670000']
Mostly because of the peace mode tactic employed that prevented the war from being fought.

Here's the difference with Valhalla: Valhalla had a clear bad history with Polar and made it clear they weren't going to enter on Polar's behalf. Duckroll in general had ties to our side and it was never really a possibility that they'd betray TOP to help Polar.

NPO and its allies were supportive of Polar throughout the war. The only connection that you had to our side was Hydra and LSF. The decision to not help Hydra had been already made. LSF was not countered and NATO was rolling with TFD from the start. At that juncture, Exodus had already been been countered and Valhalla did not ride in. Oly wasn't attacked and ML was never formally countered either. If Pacifica and TPF did not want to enter and wanted to make it clear, a simple announcement would have likely made that intent clear for all to see.

Further elaboration: TPF had just signed with NpO's main ally STA. The NPO itself was trying to upgrade a treaty with a Polar ally. The alighment prior to the war was pointing in one specific direction which makes it entirely different from Duckroll, who had moved away from NPO and hated Polar. NPO and TPF were getting closer to Polar.
First off, it is comical to assert that myself and polar are on friendly/supportive terms. I remember bipolar just as well as TOP or Valhalla, you'd remember we all got screwed there. You'd probably also remember karma where polar hit DOOM - which recently folded into us - after stating they were staying out of the war. Actually they had said they were supportive of NPO until the dow happened. You'd recall I fought against polar in WoTC or whatever you want to call it, called sponge out very hard. Hell I even fought against them in GWIII. STA knew our stance regarding Polar, our treaty with them was about putting grudges aside and growing the white sphere for prosperity and unity. You'll notice around the time of that signing about 6 alliances moved to white team with some help from other members of the sphere. Fact is we had 2 treaties with duckroll, and we knew they wanted to stay out and so did we. This was posted to our duckroll allies, it was said clearly in every skype our leadership was put in, and I said it how it was when Crymson came asking about it. Of course you'll say that was all lies or deception, but a look at history regarding the players involved would support my statements. Your conclusion a pre emption was necessary are wrong, we weren't going to enter, you screwed up.

All the above is irrelevant for my question I posed to you though. You say the war has not been fought, yet it has gone on for 7 weeks or more, many in our coalition and yours suffering 50% or greater NS loss. The war might not have been fought how you would like it, utilizing umbrella's strengths against our weakness, but there can be no argument made that the war has not been fought. There is not a single alliance on either side that has not taken significant losses... except perhaps umbrella.

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[quote name='janax' timestamp='1300560149' post='2670328']
They may have done well agains wF, but I'm positive that both PC and Argent gave much better than we got.
Actually, PC didn't fight back against us at all (presumably because of their policy of concentrating on RoK). We didn't do a whole lot of damage to them because we effectively only fought one round against them and were countered almost immediately by a large number of other alliances, but I'm sure we did more to them than they to us.

I don't know what you're arguing about beyond that. :P

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First and foremost I thank all of our allies for everything they have done for us in both words and actions. It is beyond words that I can express my respect for each of you.

Going to make this very simple...

1. You attacked because of fear and/or to set yourself on a solid dominating path. That is 100% within your rights.
2. You want our top teirs open to beat us down to support items 1.

If it were up to me (and you should probably be very thankful it isn't) I would tell you to take your terms and shove them straight up your hind end. The answer for Pacifica is no. I would advise my allies to seek white peace and not to worry about the Order because we are trenched in and ready to ride this out. White peace to all allies and NPO, no apologies and the world moves on. If not, nations remain in peace mode and fighting nations keep fighting and my middle finger stays up for you to witness daily.

I don't care about your dogma, your philosophies or your arguments. You don't get to dictate our actions or what our circle of allies do.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1300561769' post='2670338']
I would advise my allies to seek white peace and not to worry about the Order because we are trenched in and ready to ride this out.

You stay, we stay.

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='uaciaut' timestamp='1300529479' post='2670093']
Maybe we should just p-zi everyone who doesn't come out of PM, it's not like we'd be setting a precedent.
what about those of us that have already walked through 'bout half a dozen MK nations, are on our 2nd and 3rd nations and are only taking a breather in hippie?
What about them guys that turned GOONS into something from a [OOC]Mad max movie[/OOC] that are only in hippie for a break?
Peace Mode deactivation? A chip off the old block Eh? :P

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It's probably been said before in the last 80+ pages but I'll go ahead and mention that arguing that you are on a different path than the old hegemonic regime doesn't hold water when you are mimicking the actions of that very regime. I remember back when the NPO used the same justification as you are using now to keep GATO at war, they said that there would be no peace for them until their peace mode large nations came out and fought.

If you really want to fight them then how about asking all of your allies and all of NPO's allies to agree to a cease fire and going one on one with the NPO, winner take all? The NPO member who posted that they should ride it out is right. They have nothing to lose and can keep you guys frustrated for quite some time by continuing to do as they are doing.

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1300334058' post='2666890']

Good evening.
Good Afternoon :P

1. In order to finance its outnumbered soldiers in the lower ranks, Doomhouse and its allies have for the past month maintained the largest aid operation in history, funneling over $5.3 billion dollars into the coffers of brave Kingdom and GOON nations, along with millions of soldiers to fight where they are most needed.
So you're broke, it don't take rocket science to figure that out but thank you for your honesty anyways <3

2. We have witnessed the departure of Ragnarok from the storied SuperFriends bloc after choosing to defend Polaris over all others.
Having trouble keeping allies lately? none of ours has switched sides yet.

3. Polaris and Viridia made peace without reparations or apologies. Never before has the central front of a global conflict ended in such a way.
True dat

4. Never before has Peace Mode been utilized in so sweeping a manner in global warfare, the forces of the Hopeless Coalition dividing their troops into upper and lower, securing their strength while swarming with the weak.
Karma, Liquid Mercury ordered it. 30% + of our side was in hippie.

And finally, last night Pacifica learned of the fate demanded by our leaders: abandon peace mode, fight for one month, and surrender without further terms. They must fight this war. No more. No less.
No guarentees. What's to stop you guys from suckering them into leaving hippie, suckering their allies into peace and pulling VietFAN MK edition?

The enemy still resists, however.
Well no !@#$ sherlock, you sorta ummm attacked our ally? We know you'll demand the big reps. Don't blame us for starting this war.

Those who do not bend will find themselves broken beyond all repair.
How many alliances have said that and where are they now? THAT is precisely the attitude old GOONS had with their shark week and such. Now it's coming from the mouth of a self proclaimed noble alliance.

We near the end. The end of forced disbandment. The end of terms that cripple alliances forever. [b]The end of silence for fear of persecution.[/b] The end of the influence of those who would overthrow these goals in favor of their own return to power. The end of cowardice. The end of myth and fear. The end of this war.
2 words, Toad's kitchen.
paste binning IRC logs for public display and public humiliation also runs counter to what you just said. dude none of the bull !@#$ you just said in that OP holds water. you just wasted an hour of your life writing that crap. The reality is you're no better than any of our past big hegemonies.

We will endure. We will prevail. We will bring about these ends.
AND that's why your alliance, TOP and GOONS are heaping piles of smoldering wreckage.

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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300567594' post='2670376']
No guarentees. What's to stop you guys from suckering them into leaving hippie, suckering their allies into peace and pulling VietFAN MK edition?
Because despite all that's been said about us, we have not nor will ever sink to the depths of pre-Karma NPO.
Well no !@#$ sherlock, you sorta ummm attacked our ally? We know you'll demand the big reps. Don't blame us for starting this war.
MK has no interest in any reps, GOONS has no interest in reps from NPO.
How many alliances have said that and where are they now? THAT is precisely the attitude old GOONS had with their shark week and such. Now it's coming from the mouth of a self proclaimed noble alliance.
You have no idea what Shark Week even was do you? Hint: It had nothing to do with long drawn out alliance wars.
2 words, Toad's kitchen.
paste binning IRC logs for public display and public humiliation also runs counter to what you just said. dude none of the bull !@#$ you just said in that OP holds water. you just wasted an hour of your life writing that crap. The reality is you're no better than any of our past big hegemonies.
I fail to see how toad's kitchen has ever moved to silence somebody's speech. On the contrary, the denizens of it enjoy the incredibly stupid speech of some of their enemies, and would doubtlessly fight to defend it.
AND that's why your alliance, TOP and GOONS are heaping piles of smoldering wreckage.
GOONS may have lost NS, but we more than made up for it in new members drawn by the spilled blood of war, and the strengthened community. To my understanding TOP is hardly destroyed at all.

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[quote name='Baldr' timestamp='1300524309' post='2670054']
[url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=328646"]Your nation[/url].

457,239 Casualties

Before you whine about his casualty count, you should bring yours up to at least his level. So far, you are at roughly half.

And regardless, if his alliance is happy with what he does, then it's not really up to you. In alliances where almost everyone is upper tier, bankers may not be important, but in alliances where you have a wide range, bankers are very helpful.

1. You are right. My current casualty count is a little under half of Branimere’s 5 year. For all practical purposes, it was acquired during the most recent war. The $6M War didn’t contribute that much. My current casualty count is also substantially lower than the one I had in a previous incarnation. My former ID was 33367 [{OOC} game death by RL political campaign and a RL hospitalization{/ooc}] and it stood at 1,476,178 to be exact. Does that should put Killer Branimir’s casualty count into perspective for you?

2. The casualty count actually is not my argument. That credit belongs to KingEsus. You can find his argument [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99990&view=findpost&p=2669229][b]HERE[/b][/url] I merely put KingEsus' argument into the correct perspective.

3. Are you sure that the NPO troops who must content themselves with ancient doctor office Sir Paul tabloids while are shedding their blood and treasure are happy? Has anyone informed them that the mighty killer is sitting back in his palace thumbing through “[i]2011 Viridian BloodSports Magazine – Swimsuit Edition[/i]”?


4. A banker is only helpful when he exits peacemode and starts distributing his largess. Last time I checked the mighty warrior, Branimir of Ujedinjena Slavija, still felt like his nation was too important to fight and/or that his struggling comrades, what’s left of them, were not important enough for him to come to their aid. Apparently you, as well as the fearsome Branimir’s NPO elite peacemode warriors, agree.

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300568175' post='2670378']
Because despite all that's been said about us, we have not nor will ever sink to the depths of pre-Karma NPO.
you already have by attacking for no reason other than paranoia.

MK has no interest in any reps, GOONS has no interest in reps from NPO.
wasn't it something like 200 mil apiece from NPO's allies which total to something like a billion $$?

You have no idea what Shark Week even was do you? Hint: It had nothing to do with long drawn out alliance wars.
Shark week was how I ended up in NADC 3 years ago. I was attacked by 3 of your comrades who wanted me to join GOONS.

I fail to see how toad's kitchen has ever moved to silence somebody's speech. On the contrary, the denizens of it enjoy the incredibly stupid speech of some of their enemies, and would doubtlessly fight to defend it.
Fear of public ridicule and public humiliation is reason enough to silence most people.
Aren't you guys pushing freedom of speech here? or is it all just hipocracy?
Also several of you guys poked fun at Emperor Charlemagne in IRON's channel because he was justifiably angry that your allies nuked him and he couldn't fight back. Cheap tactics like that don't earn you any respect. We have to respect YOU, but you're too big to give US any respect in return. You know what? I have ZERO respect for GOONS, MK or TOP. when you get me kicked from NADC and you're ZI'ing me for not respecting you we'll play PR ok?

GOONS may have lost NS, but we more than made up for it in new members drawn by the spilled blood of war, and the strengthened community. To my understanding TOP is hardly destroyed at all.

Dude, GOONS is totalled, TOP's NS looks like a sonar sounding of lake michigan.

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1300529925' post='2670098']
I don't disagree there in hindsight. Archon disappearing off the face of the earth afterwards didn't help it either. Ultimately, you're right about the wider community.

It's not really the case. As I said before, MK posters like saying things get people up in arms and they did want a war, but that is the case with almost all alliances in terms of rank and file, they're just rowdier and louder. People have talked about the radio show story but taking it as the actual reason for the war is being very MK-centric and acting as if MK members determine what happens rather than the leadership. The DoW assumed people would know the context of the Polar/STA thing and many didn't.

I believe Stormsend to be somewhat more than a general member of Mushroom Kingdom. He did say this war was to appease general members of said Kingdom. And honestly, we know that what the Kingdom wants it is going to get in regards to Doomhouse.

You stepped in a pile of crap and have changed the story from your inital DoW once the fallout became more negative than you expected it to become. You figured every single alliance and person on Bob outside of NPO's sphere still had a pre-Karma view of NPO. That is proving to be quite different and now you are trying to legitimize your unprovoked and aggressive war. That's why you had even Spartan Govt calling you out in this thread. You put them through their own big PR debacle and harsh war for your LOLZY attack on NPO.

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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300571291' post='2670402']
Dude, GOONS is totalled, TOP's NS looks like a sonar sounding of lake michigan.

TOP has lost about 500K, and have actually REGROWN during the war over the course of the last few days.

You are completely detached from the reality of the situation.

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[quote name='janax' timestamp='1300571886' post='2670410']
TOP has lost about 500K, and have actually REGROWN during the war over the course of the last few days.

You are completely detached from the reality of the situation.
It's like he's in his own little world. Funny that he was shark weeked by the old GOONS, I think I can see why.

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='janax' timestamp='1300571886' post='2670410']
TOP has lost about 500K, and have actually REGROWN during the war over the course of the last few days.

You are completely detached from the reality of the situation.

1. In order to finance its outnumbered soldiers in the lower ranks, Doomhouse and its allies have for the past month maintained the largest aid operation in history, funneling over $5.3 billion dollars into the coffers of brave Kingdom and GOON nations, along with millions of soldiers to fight where they are most needed.

1. you're in debt.
2. 100k or so from your peak low isn't exactly a regrowth.
3. you got more alliances piling you than any 2 alliances on either side.

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='janax' timestamp='1300571886' post='2670410']
TOP has lost about 500K, and have actually REGROWN during the war over the course of the last few days.

You are completely detached from the reality of the situation.
Size isn't the only way to gauge damage. Our side has fewer in anarchy and we're doing all the blitzing here. Where are the big MK, TOP and GOONS blitzes?

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300572295' post='2670412']
It's like he's in his own little world. Funny that he was shark weeked by the old GOONS, I think I can see why.
no you don't, I was only in CN 1 week never posted on the forums, never talked on IRC, you guys Shark weeked me because I was on None.

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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300572808' post='2670416']
no you don't, I was only in CN 1 week never posted on the forums, never talked on IRC, you guys Shark weeked me because I was on None.
Then that wasn't a shark week, that was something we in the 'biz call a "tech raid". Regardless, you're still barking up the wrong tree with regards to DH+TOP damages compared to NPO's side.

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='janax' timestamp='1300571886' post='2670410']
TOP has lost about 500K, and have actually REGROWN during the war over the course of the last few days.

You are completely detached from the reality of the situation.
NS fluctuates in every war. Regrowth is 1mil NS or better, what I see on them graphs is normal NS fluctuations. they spiked a tiny bit now they're on that downword curve again.

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Guest avenger218

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300573033' post='2670418']
Then that wasn't a shark week, that was something we in the 'biz call a "tech raid". Regardless, you're still barking up the wrong tree with regards to DH+TOP damages compared to NPO's side.
"Join GOONS 4 peace" isn't a tech raid. being mailed terms of surrender that involve going to GOONS forums and filling out a membership application and only getting peace when accepted is not a tech raid.

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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1300558326' post='2670306']
You attacked NPO for two reasons:

1. Hatred
2. Paranoia (DoW NPO before they can jump into the meatgrinder)

Your alliance and their allies failed to produce strong evidences that NPO planned on joining the war. The treaty web is a flimsy evidence, more of a fluff than a backbone. You went ahead and attacked NPO, not even bothering diplomatic discussions.[/quote]

You flatly ignore where I just say we forewent reasons in favor of being forthright about the purely strategic goal of our operation. I do not hate Pacifica. If anything, as countless individuals on both sides will confirm, my disdain was wholly aimed at Polaris in the span between BiPolar and this conflict.

[quote]Interesting, going into peace mode is a CB. GOON has 49 members in PM, FAN has 64 members in PM, MK has 83 members in PM, Umbrella has 4 members in PM, so why not DoW on them and your own alliance, or are you a hypocrite?[/quote]

Peace mode is not a [i]casus belli[/i] for the launch of a war, but it is a justification for the continuance of war.

OOC: A strategy that boils down to "this game let's us choose not to play, so let's not play", "we can't beat them, so we'll just bore them to death", and "I'm taking my ball and going home" is absolutely horrible for the well being of this game. I had the option (and ample opportunity) to utilize it way back in the Green Civil War and choose more drastic methods over it because of this fact (among others). CN is fragile enough as it is. The last thing we need is people refusing to play in war mode when they get the short end of the stick. We will not condone this strategy by succumbing to it. The dogpile on GOONS was silly and we'll kick people a little bit for it come peace negotiations, but the peace mode strategy is absolutely unacceptable.

[quote]Ah, my bad, I meant P-ZI, not E-ZI. Anyways, a long-term war is essentially a P-ZI. You are punishing all of NPO for crimes that it had already paid for back during Karma, and you aren't willing to back down until NPO surrenders. But NPO and its allies don't want to surrender for very good reasons, they will not tolerate injustice and [b]they have no trust in your words[/b]. Your alliance and their allies have already indicated that they are still upset that NPO didn't pay fully for their pre-Karma crimes, despite having agreed to peace with NPO.[/quote]

A long-term war is not "essentially a P-ZI". Besides, this war is not long because we've decided to VietFAN people. It's long because the enemy has pursued a strategy specifically designed to drag it out. You're accusing us of an outcome that is the direct result of your method of response, not our method of attack.

[quote]For those who don't understand how a court system can be applied to politics; *snip*[/quote]

Your analogy is still inappropriate. The international stage never reveals all the reasons why actions are taken, at least not when they're still unfolding. People act for numerous reasons and complex motivations, most of which remain private. This is true in all wars as much as in this one. The details and information that lead to war never grace the pages of the OWF. They stay in backrooms and private channels, known by a select few. One decides to go to war not because they feel they have a strong enough case to convince some public forum, but because they themselves are convinced that war is necessary. These decisions can be made on a mountain of evidence if an enemy has done a poor job of keeping their machinations secret, or if they've blatantly committed a violation in the wide open (the Six Million Dollar War is a good example). But far more often they're made on a few scant details and estimates. There are always holes in the story. There is always reasonable doubt. The very nature of our universe makes absolutes impossible without some admission or failure of the guilty. And so leaders look at fact patterns, try to discern the most likely (or, unfortunately, most desired) explanation, and act accordingly.

That said, your vision of law is simplistic at best and I must again insist you cease attempting to build an analogy around it. Most branches of law do not use a standard of "beyond all reasonable doubt" any law professor will inform you that "[courts] aren't interested in truth."

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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1300558326' post='2670306']
You attacked NPO for two reasons:

1. Hatred
2. Paranoia (DoW NPO before they can jump into the meatgrinder)

Wrong. Try reading some of the vast amounts of literature we've been cranking out explaining why we attacked NPO. Of course I don't expect you to actually do that, instead I expect you to claim that you read it and all you got out of it was "HATRED AND PARANOIA"

Your alliance and their allies failed to produce strong evidences that NPO planned on joining the war. The treaty web is a flimsy evidence, more of a fluff than a backbone. You went ahead and attacked NPO, not even bothering diplomatic discussions.

Doesn't telling the alliance our plans of a pre-emptive strike on them defeat the purpose of the pre-emptive strike entirely?

Interesting, going into peace mode is a CB. GOON has 49 members in PM, FAN has 64 members in PM, MK has 83 members in PM, Umbrella has 4 members in PM, so why not DoW on them and your own alliance, or are you a hypocrite?


Ah, my bad, I meant P-ZI, not E-ZI. Anyways, a long-term war is essentially a P-ZI. You are punishing all of NPO for crimes that it had already paid for back during Karma, and you aren't willing to back down until NPO surrenders. But NPO and its allies don't want to surrender for very good reasons, they will not tolerate injustice and [b]they have no trust in your words[/b]. Your alliance and their allies have already indicated that they are still upset that NPO didn't pay fully for their pre-Karma crimes, despite having agreed to peace with NPO.

I can understand why NPO won't trust our word, it'd be pretty dense of them to trust us without first questioning our motives behind such an offer. Then again, it's also pretty dense to think they'll get out of this war the same way they got out of Karma; by hiding all of their upper tier in peace mode and hoping the combatants will give up. If we were to let them surrender while they kept the bulk of their strength in peace mode it would set a bad precedent for the future, imagine if the outcome of a war was decided on how quickly you can hit peace mode. How boring that would be.

For those who don't understand how a court system can be applied to politics; suppose a member of MK was accused by another member of plotting to sell MK's classified information, passwords and other stuff on eBay or Craigslist that would allow a non-member of MK to easily gain control of the website. The accuser [b]does not have any hard evidences[/b] to backup his or her claim.

Do you?...

1: Ignore the accuser.
2: Take the accuser seriously and demand the accused to prove him/herself that he/she did not plan on sabotaging MK.
3: Attack and demand the accused to admit guilt or face an endless triple-teaming, essentially a P-ZI.

Now a slight rewording (indicated in red bold)...

Suppose [color="#FF0000"][b]NPO was accused by various DH's alliances and their friends of plotting to join NpO's side.[/b][/color] The accuser[b][color="#FF0000"]s[/color][/b] [b][color="#FF0000"]do[/color] not have any hard evidences[/b] to backup his or her claim.

Do you?...

1: Ignore the accuser[color="#FF0000"][b]s[/b][/color].
2: Take the accuser[color="#FF0000"][b]s[/b][/color] seriously and demand the accused to prove [color="#FF0000"][b]itself that it had no plans of joining NpO's side.[/b][/color]
3: Attack and demand the accused to admit guilt or face an endless [b][color="#FF0000"]warfare[/color][/b], essentially a P-ZI.

Those three options can't all be applied to one single party. Option 1 can only be taken by NPO and options 2 and 3 can only be taken by Doomhouse. Option 2 is impractical because if we were to goto NPO prior to declaring and straight up ask "ARE YOU GOING TO JOIN THE WAR WITH POLAR?" it would not only lack any kind of tact but it also lacks basic military intelligence. Why on earth would they tell us the truth? It's not like relations between us and NPO were great before we declared, you'll remember that NPO and MK ceased diplomatic relations via embassy prior to the war. To expect the NPO to provide hard evidence in favour of our claim that they were going to join the war on the Polar front would be downright foolish.

And that of course leaves us with Option 3. Except we're not demanding anyone admit any guilt, we're actually just requesting that NPO comes out of peace mode so we can smash each other properly for one month and leave it at that. I've seen their warchests and they can easily rebuild after a month of warfare, however those warchests will shrink if they choose to remain in peace mode and the chances to rebuild to optimum capacity will get lower and lower for everyday their nations spend in peace mode. (That isn't a threat by the way, that's just how peace mode will make their defeat much more decisive)

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300572295' post='2670412']
It's like he's in his own little world. Funny that he was shark weeked by the old GOONS, I think I can see why.

If being an idiot is reasonable cause to attack someone when can we expect the GOONS civil war to erupt? :ehm:

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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1300573391' post='2670424']
Wrong. Try reading some of the vast amounts of literature we've been cranking out explaining why we attacked NPO. Of course I don't expect you to actually do that, instead I expect you to claim that you read it and all you got out of it was "HATRED AND PARANOIA"
Alright, so what's your alliance's CB against NPO and what evidences does your alliance and their allies have other than the treaty web? They don't have to be shown, just at least mention where you got the evidences.

No fluff please btw.

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='avenger218' timestamp='1300572666' post='2670414']
Size isn't the only way to gauge damage. Our side has fewer in anarchy and we're doing all the blitzing here. [b]Where are the big MK, TOP and GOONS blitzes?[/b]

I'm 92% sure this questions isn't serious.

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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1300574235' post='2670435']
Alright, so what's your alliance's CB against NPO and what evidences does your alliance and their allies have other than the treaty web? They don't have to be shown, just at least mention where you got the evidences.

No fluff please btw.
CB: "We don't like you."

Evidence: we attacked them.

Evidence we'll stop: we're suckers for [s]second[/s] [s]third[/s] fourth (I've lost count) chances.

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