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A Statement from Doomhouse


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DH keep pushing this as no reps despite the cost of a month long beatdown probably being astronomical and more excessive that the dollar value of the excessive reps demanded from NPO to get peace in karma. The true dollar value of these terms placed on them for doing nothing is the reps. Has anyone calculated the dollar value of these terms demanded by DH? I imagine it runs to the tens of billions.


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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1301895770' post='2683834']
DH keep pushing this as no reps despite the cost of a month long beatdown probably being astronomical and more excessive that the dollar value of the excessive reps demanded from NPO to get peace in karma. The true dollar value of these terms placed on them for doing nothing is the reps. Has anyone calculated the dollar value of these terms demanded by DH? I imagine it runs to the tens of billions.


We just want them to fight in a war that they brought upon themselves. We are only doing what is just and right.

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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1301894396' post='2683822']
HoT stop using the word "our" when referring to NPO. You don't have an upper tier, you are useless in the "defense" of NPO. You simply don't matter but you try so hard to wedge yourself into it.
[color="#9ACD32"]>100k NS nation
>doesn't have an upper tier[/color]

Edit: Also:
[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1301896068' post='2683840']
We just want them to fight in a war that they brought upon themselves. We are only doing what is just and right.

So, NPO, despite not giving you a CB and not doing anything to provoke this war, in fact just sitting there doing nothing at all, is them "bringing this on themselves," plus an added "we're doing what is just and right" bull!@#$? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1301896120' post='2683841']
[color="#9ACD32"]>100k NS nation
>doesn't have an upper tier[/color]

1 nation does not equal a tier or nations, it is in fact, just one useless nation, especially in your hands

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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1301894396' post='2683822']
I'm sorry that you spend all day twisting everything that is said by anybody to fit into your specific needs.

If Sard listened to members of GOONS for diplomatic direction we would have declared war on The Cascade Coaliton right after we declared we existed. He's smarter than that, as a whole members (outside of gov ) don't give two !@#$% what the world thinks of us. We come to be entertained, so far that is being fullfed more than we ever hoped for. That is why Sard is the leader and that is why we aren't.

So keep on with the constant cries or lies and whatnot, it's cute like a puppy dog.

And FYI, CoJ gets reps for a long standing issue with the lackluster leader, has nothing to do with what he says about DH or PB. He is an infant who never go picked to play on our kickball team and his words are less impacting than the ones HoT tries to cobble together.

So, please, random guy on the sidelines, do stop twisting my words to fit into you agenda.


HoT stop using the word "our" when referring to NPO. You don't have an upper tier, you are useless in the "defense" of NPO. You simply don't matter but you try so hard to wedge yourself into it.

lawlz. I don't really need to twist anything. Ya'll open your mouths and basically do it all for me. Now that is what is quite amusing. Where have I twisted anything you said? I have not. You blatantly said what you said. There was nothing for me to twist.

Schatt has more impact on Planet Bob than what you could ever pull off mate. You should respect your superiors.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1301896120' post='2683841']
[color="#9ACD32"]>100k NS nation
>doesn't have an upper tier[/color]
I'm pretty sure one person isn't a "tier."

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[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1301896068' post='2683840']
We just want them to fight in a war that they brought upon themselves. We are only doing what is just and right.

You mean you want NPO to be destroyed in a war that DH brought upon them. Please do not spin this blatant act of aggression by DH. You are only doing what is unjust and wrong.

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[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1301896068' post='2683840']
We just want them to fight in a war that they brought upon themselves. We are only doing what is just and right.
NPO have been at war for over 2 months and lost millions of NS. Its already been established that this was was based on a false assumption that NPO would enter the war. They didnt bring this war on themselves, you and your allies were paranoid and scared so you attacked them for no reason. If you want to do what is just and right shut your pie hole and go sit in the naughty corner.


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[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1301896068' post='2683840']
We just want them to fight in a war that they brought upon themselves. We are only doing what is just and right.

Shame on you NPO.. How dare you get rolled in Karma and pay the largest amount of reps in history and still grow to be larger than any DH alliance :((

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1301896456' post='2683849']
NPO have been at war for over 2 months and lost millions of NS. Its already been established that this was was based on a false assumption that NPO would enter the war. They didnt bring this war on themselves, you and your allies were paranoid and scared so you attacked them for no reason. If you want to do what is just and right shut your pie hole and go sit in the naughty corner.

DH has been at war for over 2 months and lost blah blah NS. It's already been established that this war was based on a correct assumption that NPO would enter the war. They brought this war on themselves; we and our allies were clever and pre-empted them and attacked for a variety of well-discussed reasons. Presenting controversial statements as fact sure is easy!

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301896757' post='2683852']
DH has been at war for over 2 months and lost blah blah NS. It's already been established that this war was based on a correct assumption that NPO would enter the war. They brought this war on themselves; we and our allies were clever and pre-empted them and attacked for a variety of well-discussed reasons. Presenting controversial statements as fact sure is easy!

I believe you are GOONS gov? Correct me if I am wrong.

So I, again, ask even if NPO was attacked for planning to enter a war they had no say in due to chaining treaty obligations, why are they still at war when the front they would've entered on is over?

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[quote name='JustIncredible' timestamp='1301896982' post='2683854']
I believe you are GOONS gov? Correct me if I am wrong.

So I, again, ask even if NPO was attacked for planning to enter a war they had no say in due to chaining treaty obligations, why are they still at war when the front they would've entered on is over?
You are wrong. I am retired. And the answer you seek was given several pages ago (tl;dr: it would've been over had they not hidden in peace mode; it's not a tactic we can condone or allow to be used going forward).

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301897110' post='2683855']
You are wrong. I am retired. And the answer you seek was given several pages ago (tl;dr: it would've been over had they not hidden in peace mode; it's not a tactic we can condone or allow to be used going forward).

So you're telling me that now since DH is in power they get to decide what tactics and/or strategies alliances can use in war?

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[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1301896068' post='2683840']
We just want them to fight in a war that they brought upon themselves. We are only doing what is just and right.


[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301896757' post='2683852']
DH has been at war for over 2 months and lost blah blah NS. It's already been established that this war was based on a correct assumption that NPO would enter the war. They brought this war on themselves; we and our allies were clever and pre-empted them and attacked for a variety of well-discussed reasons. Presenting controversial statements as fact sure is easy!

so your saying lying is easy.

Where was it ever proven they were going to enter. Everything I have seen says they didn't even have a treaty chain into the conflict.


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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301896346' post='2683847']
I'm pretty sure one person isn't a "tier."
But when you put together the whole line ("our upper tier") it starts to make sense. I know it might be difficult for you to put together a coherent idea from the words floating around, but work with me here.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301896757' post='2683852']
DH has been at war for over 2 months and lost blah blah NS. It's already been established that this war was based on a correct assumption that NPO would enter the war. They brought this war on themselves; we and our allies were clever and pre-empted them and attacked for a variety of well-discussed reasons. Presenting controversial statements as fact sure is easy!
His point was he wanted to fight NPO, parroting what I said is pathetic even for someone in GOONs. I told him he has been fighting them for over 2 months. You didnt pre empt because they werent going to enter the war. If you have intel to prove they were plese disclose it. The war is over and they are not a threat to world peace, if you have intel to prove otherwise please present that too. If you have no intel to back up your assumptions then you're basing everything on a general vibe you and your cronies had or fear and paranoia overcame what little logic you had.


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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1301897224' post='2683858']
But when you put together the whole line ("our upper tier") it starts to make sense. I know it might be difficult for you to put together a coherent idea from the words floating around, but work with me here.

You are not part of NPO or NPO's upper tier.

No one has said anything about including you in NPO's requirements.

You are not part of the "our" you keep referring to yourself as.

Work with me here.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301896757' post='2683852']
DH has been at war for over 2 months and lost blah blah NS. It's already been established that this war was based on a correct assumption that NPO would enter the war. [b]They brought this war on themselves[b]; we and our allies were clever and pre-empted them and attacked for a variety of well-discussed reasons. Presenting controversial statements as fact sure is easy!

Seriously still pushing the fact that we brought this war on ourselves eh? I don't even know what to say to this. Is it the fact that you've brainwashed yourself, or do you thin kif you say it enoguh times everyone will believe you?

We are the [u]DEFENSIVE COMBATANTS[/u] in this war. If you don't like the fact you guys are the [u]AGGRESSORS[/u], then don't go declaring wars.

I'll reiterate it again for you. You guys declared war on us. There is no other way to spin this, so deal with it.


edit: image :D

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[quote name='JustIncredible' timestamp='1301897166' post='2683856']
So you're telling me that now since DH is in power they get to decide what tactics and/or strategies alliances can use in war?
What I'm telling you is I'm not gov so what I say isn't really indicative of anything official one way or another. And you'll find that peace terms are actually quite common in war (of which this is one). If NPO isn't interested in meeting peace terms, then I guess we don't get to tell them what to do. Do you do this when reps are involved too? "Oh so now GOD tells people who to pay money to huh?" I'm hoping this doesn't spiral back into "everyone deserves white peace at all times in all situations."

[quote name='Charles the Great' timestamp='1301897209' post='2683857']
so your saying lying is easy.
Correct, which is exactly what Alterego was doing on multiple points.

[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1301897224' post='2683858']
But when you put together the whole line ("our upper tier") it starts to make sense. I know it might be difficult for you to put together a coherent idea from the words floating around, but work with me here.
His point was that [i][b]you[/b][/i] have no upper tier, and you misuse the word "we" to represent your side, of which you are a miniscule and insignificant part of. You frequently speak for nobody but yourself while using the word "we." You trying to take credit for contributing to "your side's" upper tier is like the guy who pointed at aisle 4 saying he helped build the house. Especially since your "upper tier" is in peace mode.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301898058' post='2683867']
Correct, which is exactly what Alterego was doing on multiple points.
Its all there in your DoW and AR has said repeatedly it was an assumption that NPO were going to enter the war. Still waiting for that intel that NPO are (A)a threat to the world and (B)planned to enter the war.


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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301898058' post='2683867']
His point was that [i][b]you[/b][/i] have no upper tier, and you misuse the word "we" to represent your side, of which you are a miniscule and insignificant part of. You frequently speak for nobody but yourself while using the word "we." You trying to take credit for contributing to "your side's" upper tier is like the guy who pointed at aisle 4 saying he helped build the house. Especially since your "upper tier" is in peace mode.
I use "we" because I, at a minimum, always speak for my alliance, which is a collective of individuals, believe it or not. In that particular case, I speak as a member of a unified coalition.

I know your side was, at one point, trying desperately to split us up (with varying degrees of success), but most of them have now come to terms with the fact that the rest of us are a package deal. Minus a handful who of course are forced to be part of the coalition because MK never offered them white peace and then told them they have crazy tech enslavement terms because they didn't accept white peace when it was on the table.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301898058' post='2683867']
What I'm telling you is I'm not gov so what I say isn't really indicative of anything official one way or another. And you'll find that peace terms are actually quite common in war (of which this is one). If NPO isn't interested in meeting peace terms, then I guess we don't get to tell them what to do. Do you do this when reps are involved too? "Oh so now GOD tells people who to pay money to huh?" I'm hoping this doesn't spiral back into "everyone deserves white peace at all times in all situations."

Can you please get someone who actually has a say in official matters to answer my question then and either relay back here or just have them drop by and answer?

I would love to hear why DH has the right to infringe on another alliances sovereignty and decide what tactics can be used in war or face eternal war.

While you're there, go ahead and get an answer for my next question..

Will this policy just be for NPO? or can we expect the same "NO FAIR! You're not doing what we wanted" policy in all future conflicts involving DH?

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[quote name='JustIncredible' timestamp='1301898667' post='2683871']
Can you please get someone who actually has a say in official matters to answer my question then and either relay back here or just have them drop by and answer?
I'm sure the people who cared gave up 169 pages ago, and I doubt you're important enough for them to come trip over themselves to answer your (previously answered) questions amidst this sea of stupidity.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1301898888' post='2683873']
I'm sure the people who cared gave up 169 pages ago, and I doubt you're important enough for them to come trip over themselves to answer your (previously answered) questions amidst this sea of stupidity.

I would say I'm important enough to receive an answer. I'm a member of an alliance that actually listens to what their members want. So, my opinion of you [b]might[/b] make a big difference in my alliances actions in the future, you never know. We're also democratic, so I could end up leading this alliance, sooner or later.

So, with less trying to belittle me and beating around the bush, I will assume "Because you can't stop us" and "Yes, because again, you can't stop us" are the answers.

edit; missed a word

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[quote name='JustIncredible' timestamp='1301899669' post='2683879']
I would say I'm important enough to receive an answer.
Let's find out if you're right.

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