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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='Dan2680' timestamp='1300430597' post='2668854']
You tell me? You are the ones who hit NPO with absolutely no CB what so ever.

Good try though.

Also, we came in on a mutual defence agreement. Im not sure how you would do things over there in lolhouse, but when my ally gets attacked in such a cowardly manner, I defend him.

Winners decide reps not losers like NPO.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300430446' post='2668852']
Funny that getting another 3m from TPF in order to continue remaining out of bill lock as I have thus far, classifies as being "unsupported by allies."

Look, I know they got their hands full. But it took all of 5 seconds after my asking to get that aid.

Good effort, but you can't break us, especially with commentary as weak as that.

Well it's good to know you overcame the first obstacle in not sucking.

You're still at ZI with -300 citizens though. There's a saying about not counting chickens you might want to familiarize yourself with.

I'm not even sure bragging about not being in bill lock anymore is a good stance to take.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300430655' post='2668855']
But you aren't asking for reps. Reps are a figure designed to repair the damage you suffered. Sardonic has admitted you are charging based on ability to pay, not damage caused. Therefore, it is by definition extortion and not reps.

I really don't care, either way the numbers are just outrageous, but I believe that's what he was getting at.

Quoted for truth. As I agree with what this poster has said. :awesome:

Edited by Dan2680
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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1300398735' post='2668220']
How were they deceived? Now you are just playing obtuse as there have been numerous topics, discussions and posts from those parties regarding said subject and how Archon played woody and moo off against each other.

Moo showed his intention of pulling out before consulting with bw who was also involved, majority of TORN thought they were being abandoned. You can't possibly think archon single-handedly convinced a big chunk of TORN that NPO was going to betray them, it was NPO's previous actions that proved as enough of a precedent about how they can !@#$ on an ally when it's in their interest (see: NpO). You thinking Archon was a mastermind there is just ridiculous.

[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1300424654' post='2668764']
CB or not the hopeless collation is at war. A war they don't want in fact. the kind a generous benevolent lords of DH wish to give the Hopeless collation Hope. They are refusing it. Spout about morals and ideals all you want it wont change the fact that this is a war not some political argument that can be won with words.Take the offer or burn. pretty simple I think.

This man gets it.

Edited by uaciaut
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Wow.....GOONs expect us to pay them for the completely unprovoked aggressive war they launched upon our MADP partner?

You are really acting like you are defending against our attack in this war?

That will be an exceptionally costly 400 million if it ever actually flows into your coffers.

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[quote name='Dan2680' timestamp='1300430597' post='2668854']
You tell me? You are the ones who hit NPO with absolutely no CB what so ever.

Good try though.

Also, we came in on a mutual defence agreement. Im not sure how you would do things over there in lolhouse, but when my ally gets attacked in such a cowardly manner, I defend him.
Fortunately we won't be asking NPO for reps. I like the guts you show in continuing to insist there was no CB (as I told HoT, just because you don't agree with the CB doesn't mean there wasn't one).

You're of course free to defend people you're obligated to defend, just be aware that sometimes there are consequences for actions. Pretty sure everyone knows that attacking GOONS results in reps, so you shouldn't be surprised when we bring it up after you attack us (regardless of your reason). It's pretty simple, really. If you don't want to pay GOONS reps, don't attack GOONS.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300430699' post='2668857']
Well it's good to know you overcame the first obstacle in not sucking.

You're still at ZI with -300 citizens though. There's a saying about not counting chickens you might want to familiarize yourself with.

I'm not even sure bragging about not being in bill lock anymore is a good stance to take.
I never was in bill lock at any point during this war.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300430930' post='2668862']
Fortunately we won't be asking NPO for reps. I like the guts you show in continuing to insist there was no CB (as I told HoT, just because you don't agree with the CB doesn't mean there wasn't one).

You're of course free to defend people you're obligated to defend, just be aware that sometimes there are consequences for actions. Pretty sure everyone knows that attacking GOONS results in reps, so you shouldn't be surprised when we bring it up after you attack us (regardless of your reason). It's pretty simple, really. If you don't want to pay GOONS reps, don't attack GOONS.

Haha im sorry, I must appologize... there was a CB. The CB is that big bad NPO might hurt you. [/childy sucky voice]

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[quote name='Dan2680' timestamp='1300430780' post='2668859']
Quoted for truth.
Reps are what you get to pay for and rebuild from damages you sustained. If an alliance is too small to pay for the damages they did, it's either because they're just tiny to begin with, or they took enough damage that trying to get anything else from them wouldn't be worthwhile. In which case I'd personally say, just let that one go, they suffered enough.

The only one of our rep terms that's even that high is the Legion one. And I don't know about you, but I don't really intend to reward an alliance for not fighting. Especially one that declares war and then hides. Not only do I not like the idea of it being used in this war, but I don't want to promote it or see it being used again in any war, by any alliance, on any side. If people think they can simply hide all their nations and avoid paying, they're sorely mistaken. The number is a punishment for hiding, and a deterrent to anyone thinking to employ this tactic again. You can call that whatever you want. Maybe not reps, but certainly not extortion. Punishment would be a better term. Extortion would imply they did nothing to deserve it.

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And all this CB talk still. CN Radio needs more pub, it's actually very informative. Stormsend pretty much let the cat out of the bag a couple weeks ago when he said something along the lines of "I might get in trouble for saying this, but the real reason for the war was our general membership was eating our own. We were very bored and figured hey, NPO are old rivals, lets war them!".

And I have no doubt he was telling the truth.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1300431349' post='2668868']
And all this CB talk still. CN Radio needs more pub, it's actually very informative. Stormsend pretty much let the cat out of the bag a couple weeks ago when he said something along the lines of "I might get in trouble for saying this, but the real reason for the war was our general membership was eating our own. We were very bored and figured hey, NPO are old rivals, lets war them!".

And I have no doubt he was telling the truth.
Five different alliances attacked NPO. To continue to claim that not one of them had any reason to do so is simply ludicrous.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300431263' post='2668867']
Reps are what you get to pay for and rebuild from damages you sustained. If an alliance is too small to pay for the damages they did, it's either because they're just tiny to begin with, or they took enough damage that trying to get anything else from them wouldn't be worthwhile. In which case I'd personally say, just let that one go, they suffered enough.

The only one of our rep terms that's even that high is the Legion one. And I don't know about you, but I don't really intend to reward an alliance for not fighting. Especially one that declares war and then hides. Not only do I not like the idea of it being used in this war, but I don't want to promote it or see it being used again in any war, by any alliance, on any side. If people think they can simply hide all their nations and avoid paying, they're sorely mistaken. The number is a punishment for hiding, and a deterrent to anyone thinking to employ this tactic again. You can call that whatever you want. Maybe not reps, but certainly not extortion. Punishment would be a better term. Extortion would imply they did nothing to deserve it.

Would it not be more reasonable to request their members drop out of peace mode for a proper war then? Also, how is it your place to decide whether an alliance deserves to be punished? If they never did that much damage to you, you should be grateful.

Im going to write up a short play for you right now. Its all about two alliances...

Alliance 1: Oh ho ho, you declared war on us but just hid in peace mode.

Alliance 2: Yeah sorry, oh well... we cool?

Alliance 1: Cool? No you pay us a gazillionbillion dollars!

Alliance 2 + rest of world: How does that make sense?

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[color="#0000FF"]Also, was anyone forced to defend NPO? No. We chose to honor our obligations to our ally, or those who entered on chains, such as 64D, ASU, NAC, and CoJ, among others, it was done so by the choice to fight for either beliefs or to help other friends. No one was forced to enter into this war. And plus, if you didn't know what to expect that is your own fault. I knew what to expect going into this.[/color]

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300431720' post='2668870']
Five different alliances attacked NPO. To continue to claim that not one of them had any reason to do so is simply ludicrous.

There is one chief in that crowd though. Mushroom Kingdom. Not a single one of you would have attacked without their stamp of approval.

Not UMB, not FAN, not NoR, certainly not GOONs.

I have no doubt the cause of this war was exactly what Stormsend stated. MK was bored and their general membership was getting out of control. So they served up a little NPO war to calm the masses. FAN used this opportunity, I would figure they were most likely approached by DH and invited to tag along for the ride to try and give DH a little cover for declaring a completely CBless war. NoR is here because FAN asked for assistance.

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[quote name='Waterana' timestamp='1300430399' post='2668850']
Again, that is our business not yours. Who fights the war and who doesn't in the NPO is up to our leadership to decide, not our enemies. We didn't hand our banks over for a bashing in karma, and I very much doubt we're going to hand our upper tier over now. Get used to it.

If you lot playing kick the can with my nation for the next 6 months/year/two years/forever, protects our big nations, then kick away. I don't care and I'm one of those 'small nations burning'. We get it that you want our entire alliance smashed, and having all that strength protected in peace is driving you nuts, tough. We didn't start this mess, your side did. We've done nothing to deserve utter devastation except in the deluded minds of your leaders.
lol. your biggest nation has a $10b warchest. you're literally protecting people who are fully capable of defending themselves. the funny thing is, we have the funding capacity for an extended war, whereas you do not due to them hiding in PM. so any 'threat' of a two year long war is empty, and even if you could fund it, gOONs would love the opportunity. we're offering an exit, and you're 'protecting' nations who can look after themselves. hilarious.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1300432107' post='2668878']
lol. your biggest nation has a $10b warchest. you're literally protecting people who are fully capable of defending themselves. the funny thing is, we have the funding capacity for an extended war, whereas you do not due to them hiding in PM. so any 'threat' of a two year long war is empty, and even if you could fund it, gOONs would love the opportunity. we're offering an exit, and you're 'protecting' nations who can look after themselves. hilarious.

Quoted for truth

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1300431830' post='2668872']
[color="#0000FF"]Also, was anyone forced to defend NPO? No. We chose to honor our obligations to our ally, or those who entered on chains, such as 64D, ASU, NAC, and CoJ, among others, it was done so by the choice to fight for either beliefs or to help other friends. No one was forced to enter into this war. And plus, if you didn't know what to expect that is your own fault. I knew what to expect going into this.[/color]

You act like defending your ally is a pain... do you have no friends on CN? When my ally is dishonourably attacked by a multitude of alliances (who else was that complaining about being dog piled now?) I do not simply just choose to enter... I am honour bound to fullfil my treaty obligations. I want to defend my ally, because he is my ally... he is my friend...

I know what to expect going into war... apparently GOONS was a little shocked to be attacked though.

And I beg to differ, NPO had no choice what so ever. They were forced to enter this war.

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And since no one answered it very early today....One round of war vs the massive tech nations in UMB and MK will put every NPO member down into the middle tiers. DH is already outnumbered there and getting beaten up quite a bit. Will you call in even more allies to fight these NPO nations for the last two rounds or stick it out with what you have at the table already?

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[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1300430686' post='2668856']
Winners decide reps not losers like NPO.

On a completely unrelated note, I'd really like another warslot of yours in the future, déjà vu style ^_^

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1300431988' post='2668876']
There is one chief in that crowd though. Mushroom Kingdom. Not a single one of you would have attacked without their stamp of approval.

Not UMB, not FAN, not NoR, certainly not GOONs.

I have no doubt the cause of this war was exactly what Stormsend stated. MK was bored and their general membership was getting out of control. So they served up a little NPO war to calm the masses. FAN used this opportunity, I would figure they were most likely approached by DH and invited to tag along for the ride to try and give DH a little cover for declaring a completely CBless war. NoR is here because FAN asked for assistance.

Um, this doesn't really match up with what you've said regarding the war before.

In addition, not really, no. Why didn't MK just attack NPO before then?

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[quote name='Dan2680' timestamp='1300432281' post='2668880']
You act like defending your ally is a pain... do you have no friends on CN? When my ally is dishonourably attacked by a multitude of alliances (who else was that complaining about being dog piled now?) I do not simply just choose to enter... I am honour bound to fullfil my treaty obligations. I want to defend my ally, because he is my ally... he is my friend...

I know what to expect going into war... apparently GOONS was a little shocked to be attacked though.

And I beg to differ, NPO had no choice what so ever. They were forced to enter this war.

I don't even know what is going thru your head to come to this conclusion. NPO is not apart of RV's argument, it is the rest of them that jumped at the chance to hit goons. They should know what to expect from the alliance who demands reps from anyone who wrongs us. Why you keep bringing up NPO as part of your counter argument is beyond, do you just have the one note to chirp?

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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1300432367' post='2668882']
On a completely unrelated note, I'd really like another warslot of yours in the future, déjà vu style ^_^

You can have one, only person to do any sort of damage to me since the start of this war.

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1300432418' post='2668884']
Um, this doesn't really match up with what you've said regarding the war before.

In addition, not really, no. Why didn't MK just attack NPO before then?

I hadn't heard what Stormsend said before. Now that he "let the cat out of the bag" well, it was all for crowd control it would seem.

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