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A simple goodbye

Duke Nukem

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Today it pains me with a heavy heart to send my formal resignation to the CN Community. My alliance (Cult of Justitia) Has taken it upon themselves to demask me without warning and I feel as if that is enough reason that I should leave. In my tenure here (2 1/2 years) i've learned quite a lot and grown up quite some bit. Many people have come and go and as the faces change the politics stay the same. The cowards stay in power while the true warriors do the fighting. To those who hate me you may kindly go burn in a fire. To those who befriended me in my tenure (Shout outs to follow) thank you for your kindness and I hope we've shared some good memories. To all my comrades who i've fought with in the past years its been great. CN has a lot of work to do to improve but I know that their is still hope.

Shout outs!

Peggy Sue- You were one of my great friends in this game I hope you can continue to enjoy yourself and you know how to reach me.

Liz- You're awesome too ;)

Cody_K- I know you wanted my help with the alliance but sadly CN is not a feasibly fun for me anymore. If you need me though i'll be on IRC hopefully.

Scutterbug- Get on PSN <_<

Ilyani- Lately we've become friends you have a good head on ya and you will lead RoK well.

Jd and jarvis- You're both great guys and I know you'll do well without me

Greene- You were and still are a great CN player. If you need to reach me you know how.

Alfred Von Tirpitz- One of the greatest from RoK back when I was there. Have fun in Polar!

Juanveldez- You were my best war partner ever dude.

Mankiller/Erixxx/Wifey- You guys know I still have much love for you and we were great friends back in the day.

King Death- Lead UED well my friend.

and finally and most shocking

VE- You guys were great back in the day and welcomed me with open arms. You taught me the game and mentored me. Go in peace my old friends.

Last but not least I leave you with a song that can sum up my CN experience.


Signing off,

We Are Not Alone of Diary of Jane

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You were given warning on multiple occasions over a period of months. You're a good guy, but CoJ was not the right fit for you, different demographic, different style. I hope you'll reconsider your decision to quit, and instead find an alliance more fitted to you where you can play the way you want to play.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1299876122' post='2660263']
And remember when you reroll, to use a proxy on alliance forums and to use a hostmask on IRC, and don't tell anyone--[i]anyone[/i]--who you were.

..this, but please don't join VE.

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WANA, you're a good person that just enjoys shaking things up a little too much sometimes. You've grown a ton since I first met you and you've definitely got guts (to give a shout-out to me, knowing you might take even more crap for doing so, heh).

Be well and think about reconsidering leaving. If you do take off and come back, take Schat.'s good advice and give yourself a chance to have a [i]tabula rasa[/i].

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So the real reason behind why I was kicked out of CoJ comes out. A former member of CoJ related to poison clan has been banned and he has accused me of reporting him and his friends. Very underhand schatt but I don't put it past you.

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[quote name='We Are Not Alone' timestamp='1299883130' post='2660447']
So the real reason behind why I was kicked out of CoJ comes out. A former member of CoJ related to poison clan has been banned and he has accused me of reporting him and his friends. Very underhand schatt but I don't put it past you.
Whatever Schatt's faults, or my disagreements with him, I can say with certainty that he would not kick out a member to appease Poison Clan.

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[quote name='We Are Not Alone' timestamp='1299883130' post='2660447']
So the real reason behind why I was kicked out of CoJ comes out. A former member of CoJ related to poison clan has been banned and he has accused me of reporting him and his friends. Very underhand schatt but I don't put it past you.
Are you seriously trying to claim to have a part of the PC incident? Get out...

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