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STA March Press Conference

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[font="Tahoma"]Am I a terrible poster? I'm led to believe such by various people on this forum, and considering my master Archon is not readily available to decipher these various comments into a cohesive thoughts into and further a party line...I, uh...I don't know what to think![/font]
[font="Tahoma"]Help me, an average Mushroom Stooge at finding a shred of truth in this dishonest, cruel, world that my hands helped create. I fear to, that due to this that I may soon be stricken with an affliction known as "lulz" or so I am led to believe by this mad world. Again, I dunno![/font]

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[quote name='Owned-You' timestamp='1299202494' post='2651764']Am I a terrible poster?


This is the STA pez conference, not a topic about posting quality or the lack thereof. Show us some basic courtesy yous guys. Thanks.

Edited by Ragashingo
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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1299172126' post='2651227']
That too was answered. Read on.

I also have no idea what the context of Tyga's post was, for the record. I can only speak for what I said and when.

Edit: Actually, I THINK I remember Tyga's quote happening in a conversation at the beginning of the war, in a discussion on how to prevent the war from spreading. I'm not 100% on it. I was on my [ooc]netbook during this time period, and pulling up the logs is not as easy as it normally is.[/ooc]

The rest of the quoted conversation sheds light on the context but it is no surprise that certain elements ignore it to focus on a soundbite.

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[quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1299195336' post='2651623']
Has Tyga found his agenda yet?[/quote]

Not yet. The "protect Pacifica" agenda ended up as a red herring.

[quote name='Vol Navy']
So I ask, did the STA ever consider a treaty cancellation with MK before the MK drop? It appeared your FA and general worldview were at 180 degree ends of the spectrum since Karma.

Yes, we did and spoke to MK leadership a month or two prior to their treaty dump.

[quote name='O-Dog']
What values do STA look for in a treaty partner?[/quote]

Someone who is loyal and committed to the treaty signed between our alliances. Getting harder to find those types of alliances due to the treaty web, however.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1299227782' post='2652305']
I honestly can't. You'd be best to ask WF or NV on that one.

Do you have any guesses? The only theory I can muster is that Nueva Vida has somehow become a failed state that is unable to sign a formal surrender to WF.

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[quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1299228639' post='2652310']
Do you have any guesses? The only theory I can muster is that Nueva Vida has somehow become a failed state that is unable to sign a formal surrender to WF.

Then all I can say is your theory is a long way off.

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[quote name='Owned-You' timestamp='1299202494' post='2651764']
[font="Tahoma"]Am I a terrible poster? I'm led to believe such by various people on this forum, and considering my master Archon is not readily available to decipher these various comments into a cohesive thoughts into and further a party line...I, uh...I don't know what to think![/font]
[font="Tahoma"]Help me, an average Mushroom Stooge at finding a shred of truth in this dishonest, cruel, world that my hands helped create. I fear to, that due to this that I may soon be stricken with an affliction known as "lulz" or so I am led to believe by this mad world. Again, I dunno![/font]

I don't recognise many posts from you but this is a perfect example of a terrible post. There are plenty of things to point out about it ranging from the "look at me! I use a different font!" prevailing throughout to the ridiculously hyperbolic portrayal of some of the anti-MK attitudes in the Cyberverse. It would be unfair to say you're a terrible poster, but that was a terrible post and you should be ashamed.

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What terms do you think will be given to NpO and allies ?? If you had to pay reps, what would you consider a reasonable amount ??

[quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1299227573' post='2652302']
Can STA officials shed light on the bizarre WF-NV situation for me?
Shouldn't you be asking this question to Nueva Vida. We do have an IRC channel, #nv on irc.coldfront.net. Feel free to hit up Centurius or Nelchael regarding this so called bizarre situation :D

[quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1299228639' post='2652310']
Do you have any guesses? The only theory I can muster is that Nueva Vida has somehow become a failed state that is unable to sign a formal surrender to WF.
Failed state we are, disbandment here we come.

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The Imperial Order :wub: Siberian Tiger Alliance

Will you stop by our forums and maybe say hello again? Your embassy is a bit dusty and we miss you.

Also hai I'm KahlanRahl, AKA Rahl, KR, Kahlan, Rahlbert, etc etc. I'm the new Imperial Office of Foreign Affairs. :laugh:

Edited by KahlanRahl
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[quote name='Vladisvok Destino' timestamp='1299267125' post='2652629']
What does STA feel they get out of these press conferences? Is it just a bit of a laugh and a way to kill some time, or do you feel there is some specific benefit from having them every month?

Since the STA went away from a formal ambassador program, I think this is our attempt at giving the citizens of Planet Bob that aren't gov officials a way to get to know us.

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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1299227566' post='2652301']
I thought of an actual question!

Does STA regret its break from MK? You two were close (as I can recall) for some time. Would you do things differently, if you could go back?

We don't. We were very close, but honestly, it was a situation where our government was close to theirs. On a membership to membership level, we never built that with them, ever, and that's always going to doom a relationship. We were never on the same page with their membership, and that's ok. We know that now, and we're better off because we would not be able to support them in their current... situation and they wouldn't have wanted to support us in ours.

[quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1299227573' post='2652302']
Can STA officials shed light on the bizarre WF-NV situation for me?

I sure can! If you were asking if I will, no. Not in public, and definitely not while the war is ongoing.

[quote name='raasaa' timestamp='1299263001' post='2652573']
What terms do you think will be given to NpO and allies ?? If you had to pay reps, what would you consider a reasonable amount ??


There's an offer being worked on now. It's not a bad one at all. I really hope it gets worked out.

If we had to pay reps in this war? We entered 100% defensively and did nothing wrong. Why in the world would we pay reps? We wouldn't consider any reps reasonable, and just wouldn't pay them.

[quote name='Vladisvok Destino' timestamp='1299267125' post='2652629']
What does STA feel they get out of these press conferences? Is it just a bit of a laugh and a way to kill some time, or do you feel there is some specific benefit from having them every month?

Someone asks this every single month. We don't have an official diplomat corps to go out there and start banal Q&A sessions 200 times a month on misc. forums. Instead, we do one banal one a month here and go with it.

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[quote name='DictatatorDan' timestamp='1299279418' post='2652785']
[color="#FF0000"]Why does STA fail so badly at war? How does this reflect on the rest of the Polar coalition?[/color]

It's not that we're bad at war, it's that you're just so good.

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1299266154' post='2652620']
The consensus around us normal alliance members is that there's no way in hell we deserve reps for simply coming to the defense of an ally.

You must be crushed beneath weighty reps!

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1299279833' post='2652791']
Has STA been offered peace? General census is your entire 'front' was all offered peace but it hinges on one member of our 'side' wanting to disband one from yours
[color="#FF0000"]You have vastly overestimated my influence, if you think that is the reason that peace has not been reached.[/color]

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[quote name='DictatatorDan' timestamp='1299280806' post='2652809']
[color="#FF0000"]You have vastly overestimated my influence, if you think that is the reason that peace has not been reached.[/color]
Your not allowed to decide what socks to wear in morning. So I'm pretty sure he's not talking about you.

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1299279833' post='2652791']
Has STA been offered peace? General census is your entire 'front' was all offered peace but it hinges on one member of our 'side' wanting to disband one from yours


Without getting into specifics, you are partly right. There is one party on each side being difficult. There is an alliance on your "side" who outright denied peace to one on our side, and the terms offered were contingent on everyone getting a reasonable offer. From our perspective, this is the biggest obstacle... without an offer, NpO isn't going to peace out, and we're not going to leave them.

On our side, there is an alliance refusing to use the word "surrender", and that is the second hold up. Don't even get me started here.

Edited by pezstar
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