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Opinión con Vijay Malik: Target Dark Templar?


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[i](Screen shows Vijay Malik, Editor-in-chief of "Noticias Republica," the national news network of Republica Himynamistan. Dramatic music plays as the title flashes onscreen: "Opinión con Vijay Malik." The music fades and the veteran newsman begins...)[/i]

Good evening, friends.

As the war continues to embroil the nations of Planeta Roberto, our attention turns to where peace is threatening to break out between the nations of Dark Templar, DT, and those of the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations, or CSN. DT wanted to exit the war when CSN granted peace to DT's allies, the League of Small Superpowers, also known as LoSS. DT came to aid LoSS because of a treaty between the two alliances. That the treaty was an optional defense treaty did not change the fact that it existed as a treaty so that those that went to war with LoSS would know that they would possibly also be at war with DT. While one might want to second-guess the strength and level of commitment in that treaty, only a fool would be surprised to see that DT might choose to honor it and enter the war to support their ally, LoSS.

DT has made public conversations with CSN - which CSN has not refuted - that indicate CSN's attitude that DT's entry was opportunistic and, therefore, warranting a punitive measure in the form of severe reparations. It is clear to any observer that DT did not make an opportunistic entry and that, given the weight of nations called in to deal with them, they are clearly a target CSN and CSN's faction does not want to see disengaged from the current conflict.

DT is being kept in the conflict, that much is obvious. The flimsy pretext behind the reasons for demanding reparations is transparent to any observer with the slightest sophistication. I repeat, there is no reason to demand reparations from Dark Templar other than to hold them in war, because Dark Templar will not offer reparations. So why is DT being held in the war?

Look at DT's allies. One stands out as having a history of conflict with one of CSN's allies, Global Order of Darkness - GOD. That ally is Nordreich. GOD has made no secret of its hatred of Nordreich, or if it has, it is among the worst-kept secrets in the world. Keeping DT in the war seems to be a play at drawing Nordreich into the conflict - and one supposes with the intent of not letting Nordreich emerge intact.

Is there any other reason? None that makes sense. DT had a solid basis for entering the conflict when other alliances had shakier grounds for war. Other alliances joined a particular front late in the day, but still were granted white peace with other combatants. DT's case is nothing special, warrants no special treatment... unless one notices their treaty with Nordreich. Then, their special nature becomes evident.

So why doesn't GOD simply go all out and declare war on Nordreich, and be done with them? After all, wasn't this war supposed to be one where supposedly outdated notions like treaties and causes for war were to be done away with? Or was that simply propaganda from a revisionist side that wants to avoid paying the butcher's bill when it comes due? If treaties are yesterday's hero and of little meaning, why not just go in and smash your ancient enemy, as Doomhouse did to New Pacific Order?

Or does the Global Order of Darkness know full well that if it were to declare war on Nordreich, Nordreich's allies would rise to its defense and overwhelm GOD and its supporters? GOD is hoping Nordreich makes an attack, thereby limiting the ability of Nordreich's allies to ride to its aid, depending on those outmoded sensibilities to play in its favor.

If this isn't the case at all, then CSN would not hold a demand for reparations to DT's face. It's that simple. I imagine that persons from CSN and GOD will say that this isn't the case at all, but I expect that. In fact, I try not to believe any rumor until I hear the official denial.

I can't demand that CSN take the reparations off the table and offer DT the same peace other alliances have been getting. That decision is up to CSN and its allies. While it's obvious that the honorable thing to do is to grant DT a white peace, it is equally obvious that CSN is part of a faction that wishes to make a new world in which honor means nothing - and that, if I'm right, they will not do the honorable thing.

The question then comes down to the rest of the world: do we want to live on a planet where honor has no meaning and every man prospers according to his ability to extort his neighbor? Or do we want the old ways to have proper meaning... for honor to hold a value superior to other commodities... for there to be a just structure to the world, to fend off the chaos?

We are all free to choose which world we want. I'm just glad I live in Himynamistan, which has chosen to be on the side of honor. Were DT to be at war with Nueva Vida, it would know that Nueva Vida would ask no reparations of an ally that entered a conflict through a recognized treaty. That is the Vidian Way, and I am glad to be in a nation that lives by the credo of Nueva Vida: "Honor above all else."

What, then, is the credo of CSN?

One hopes they can realize the error of a world without rules. One hopes.

For "Noticias Republica," I'm Vijay Malik.

Good night.

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[quote name='Stealthkill' timestamp='1297741008' post='2633899']
I lol'd.
Congratulations on your inability to post a single substantive argument on this topic to date. Your abilities inspire rodents around the world that they, too, can post and be heard just like you.

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In the past year, many alliances have put compulsory treaties--MDPs and higher--to the bookshelf with the rest of history. Compulsory treaties bind fates where sometimes fate should not be bound. In doing so, they have embraced optional treaties, and even "friendship" based undeclared policies of mutual defense.

Just as PB is attempting to force a return to historical bloc-based politics, CSN seeks to turn time back to another era. Let stand, this policy of reps for honoring optional treaties leaves many alliances in many political situations out in the cold. This is puppetry of the most transparent nature by GOD, and a move to exert stifling control over the foreign policies of alliances by CSN through a bloody example.

CSN, as I have said, had batter dig two graves.

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1297743774' post='2633963']
Great read, z, you'll likey bear the front of GOD's finest posters for this thread but then again when someone makes as much sense as your OP does theres really nothing you can reply with
Flip a coin, if heads, GOD uses peacemode jokes attack. If tails, GOD betrays Rok.

Edited by Schattenmann
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An ODP is just another treaty, and equally valid as any other treaty. That is all there is to it.

While an alliance is free to put forth a demand for reparations to anyone it damned well pleases, <insert stuff about free will here>, it may nor may not be the best thing to do depending on the situation. Like for example, Schantamantan can demand 250 tech from me for having a whiskered avatar, but it would not be a wise thing to do.

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Let's not all forget that there's currently a domestic insurrection over CSN's absurd demands as we speak:


It is the voice of the people which always must remind governments of what is right and what is wrong. If CSN's own members find their government's position reprehensible, what are we to think of them?

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1297752009' post='2634222']
Let's not all forget that there's currently a domestic insurrection over CSN's absurd demands as we speak:


It is the voice of the people which always must remind governments of what is right and what is wrong. If CSN's own members find their government's position reprehensible, what are we to think of them?
You mistake an open and frank discussion for insurrection. There are a few vocal members that are against the reparations. The majority of the membership stands behind our decision to hold DT accountable for OPTIONALLY attacking our ally. It has nothing to do with NoR, as they've got surrender terms keeping them uninvolved anyway. Perhaps, since they are bound to remain uninvolved, they can just go ahead and declare on NPO as has been hinted at, and has been offered as consolation for us letting DT off the hook without reparations.

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[quote name='MaGneT' timestamp='1297741544' post='2633919']
Congratulations on your inability to post a single substantive argument on this topic to date. Your abilities inspire rodents around the world that they, too, can post and be heard just like you.
Thanks for the ad hominem attacks! They make me feel so good inside! Have a cookie!

And I mean really, it's just hilarious that there's somebody out there who thinks that this is all a big conspiracy so that Xiph could get a shot as NoR. If he wanted to do that he would've done so already, he's had the chance. Get over it people.

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[quote name='Goose' timestamp='1297754349' post='2634257']
You mistake an open and frank discussion for insurrection. There are a few vocal members that are against the reparations. The majority of the membership stands behind our decision to hold DT accountable for OPTIONALLY attacking our ally. It has nothing to do with NoR, as they've got surrender terms keeping them uninvolved anyway. Perhaps, since they are bound to remain uninvolved, they can just go ahead and declare on NPO as has been hinted at, and has been offered as consolation for us letting DT off the hook without reparations.

So you're saying there's a minority that opposes that decision because "it would be an abomination." When one enjoys a position of high power, it is important to consider the minority views, as they can serve as a tonic to prevent a terrible decision from being made.

While you deny the connection to get NoR to move to defend DT, you admit to a NoR connection all the same: to use them as mercenary muscle against the New Pacific Order. If you can't beat them down, use them as blood and muscle to do your side's heavy lifting?

[quote name='Stealthkill' timestamp='1297769566' post='2634348']
Thanks for the ad hominem attacks! They make me feel so good inside! Have a cookie!

And I mean really, it's just hilarious that there's somebody out there who thinks that this is all a big conspiracy so that Xiph could get a shot as NoR. If he wanted to do that he would've done so already, he's had the chance. Get over it people.

So is this the official denial? Or is that yet forthcoming, making this a pre-emptive hail of said official denial?

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1297752009' post='2634222']
Let's not all forget that there's currently a domestic insurrection over CSN's absurd demands as we speak:


It is the voice of the people which always must remind governments of what is right and what is wrong. If CSN's own members find their government's position reprehensible, what are we to think of them?

[quote name='Baldr' timestamp='1297753305' post='2634243']
The unreasonable demands CSN is making reminds me of Gramlins, who thought they had an easily won war against IRON and DAWN.

And here I thought that GOD was the one who was making all the unreasonable demands. That would mean that CSN's own members find GOD's position reprehensible.

Edited by CptGodzilla
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[quote name='Goose' timestamp='1297754349' post='2634257']
You mistake an open and frank discussion for insurrection. There are a few vocal members that are against the reparations. The majority of the membership stands behind our decision to hold DT accountable for OPTIONALLY attacking our ally.

Considering the fact that almost every alliance I can think of either has now or has had in the past optional treaties of some sort, and some have been used in this conflict already without issue, basing any hard core stance regarding peace on the fact that an optional treaty was used is (at best) a large political mistake. Unless your motivation is actually to create sympathy for DT.

Normally, I'd be thinking "here go those crazy leaders fighting over how much booty has to be paid for peace again..." and think little of it because it doesn't involve me or anyone I know. But now that the use of "optional" treaties are being called into question, many many more alliances have an arguable stake in the outcome - aka: does this mean someone might try to pull this on us if we enter a war on an optional treaty??? Personally, as applied to anyone I know, that possibility angers me - so here's at least one person who has moved from neutral to pro DT - and I know I'm not alone in my views.

CSN should lower the amount in their demands, and drop the "but this was an optional treaty" justification entirely!

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So.. now the argument is that GOD just wants a shot at NoR instead of GOD just wanting to rule the world and be cruel and unjust? Is there any way we can do both?

Didn't NoR surrender to some alliance 2/3 their size with a term of not reentering any part of this conflict? Seems like it would be hard for even the Master of Puppets (Some are privileged enough to address him as Xiph, the Mighty(t)) to create that match-up.

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[quote name='MaGneT' timestamp='1297741544' post='2633919']
Congratulations on your inability to post a single substantive argument on this topic to date. Your abilities inspire rodents around the world that they, too, can post and be heard just like you.

It's not his fault he finds a pile of bull !@#$ funny. Hell I lol'd too. If GOD really wanted to go at NoR we would. The reason DT is getting terms is because they came in on an ODP when LoSS was already discussing peace.
- Do I think LoSS should take some of the blame? Yea I do. They should have told DT they were talking about getting peace with CSN.
- Do I think DT should have to pay reps? No I think reps are annoying unless it was for a stupid reason like an alliance hitting another without warning or a valid CB.
- Do I think DT should be punished? Yes, yes in fact I think we should disband them. Their earlier behavior was stupid enough to warrant reps, though not at the amount CSN was asking, but with them bringing this to the OWF like they were specifically attacked just to get reps they deserve to be disbanded. That's a major difference between GOD and CSN. CSN who is just was asking for reps, though a high amount that could have been reasonably bought down, and GOD who would have disbanded them for all of this !@#$.

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[quote name='Goose' timestamp='1297754349' post='2634257']
You mistake an open and frank discussion for insurrection. There are a few vocal members that are against the reparations. The majority of the membership stands behind our decision to hold DT accountable for OPTIONALLY attacking our ally. It has nothing to do with NoR, as they've got surrender terms keeping them uninvolved anyway. Perhaps, since they are bound to remain uninvolved, they can just go ahead and declare on NPO as has been hinted at, and has been offered as consolation for us letting DT off the hook without reparations.
Optionally attacking your ally? I believe we optionally counterattacked them in defense of LoSS. Or have we forgotten that? Does that justify reparations?
No. Such has been proven.

[quote name='Stealthkill' timestamp='1297769566' post='2634348']
Thanks for the ad hominem attacks! They make me feel so good inside! Have a cookie!

And I mean really, it's just hilarious that there's somebody out there who thinks that this is all a big conspiracy so that Xiph could get a shot as NoR. If he wanted to do that he would've done so already, he's had the chance. Get over it people.
Ah, someone who can point out the form of argument I used! Thank you!
Yet you are still to offer a counterargument. I have no problem with you disagreeing, just your inability to adequately do so.

[quote name='Falloutboy' timestamp='1297796983' post='2634575']
It's not his fault he finds a pile of bull !@#$ funny. Hell I lol'd too. If GOD really wanted to go at NoR we would. The reason DT is getting terms is because they came in on an ODP when LoSS was already discussing peace.
- Do I think LoSS should take some of the blame? Yea I do. They should have told DT they were talking about getting peace with CSN.
- Do I think DT should have to pay reps? No I think reps are annoying unless it was for a stupid reason like an alliance hitting another without warning or a valid CB.
- Do I think DT should be punished? Yes, yes in fact I think we should disband them. Their earlier behavior was stupid enough to warrant reps, though not at the amount CSN was asking, but with them bringing this to the OWF like they were specifically attacked just to get reps they deserve to be disbanded. That's a major difference between GOD and CSN. CSN who is just was asking for reps, though a high amount that could have been reasonably bought down, and GOD who would have disbanded them for all of this !@#$.
Well here we go. Some opinion here. No facts, but at least you have something to say. Apparently you think that alliances who discuss issues of alliance politics on the OWF should be disbanded. At least you're unapologetic about your deplorable taste for draconian punishments for non-crimes.

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Oh god this again? Look if we wanted to hit NoR that bad that we'd waste our time trying to set something up, we would of done it easy on the day you declared on a VE ally. Sure we don't like you and have been known to joke on you in other discussions, but your "side" is the only one who keeps sitting there going, "Theres a plot! They're coming for us!" Get over yourselves, if we wanted to hit you that bad, we would have already. As for GOD controlling CSN, that's laughable. CSN doesn't like DT, it's that simple. They won, they get to decide what to take, not nonstop bawfests in here. Our stance on reps internally has been since Karma that they're not worth the logistical headache or the chance to let the loosing alliance hold your slots hostage the way NPO did to us for months. We wouldn't wish large reps on anyone, they're a nightmare and generate enough pains in the butt to make them not worth it.

All the chest puffing in the OP is mind boggling. I do find it amusing however that the minute rumors started being discussed in back channels that we might need to go in to save WF from you all, that NoR surrendered to an alliance they were absolutely beating to death in their wars with hardly any effort, but yeah we're terrified of you all! If they hate us so bad, think we're trying to set them up so bad, and yet you still think they could ruin us, they'd of been better off sitting there taking a small bit of damage from WF and just waiting for us to come and lauching a strong counter offensive. Instead they ran away from what they and their allies keep saying would be a sure win fight, for what? That's beyond funny. We're not the ones making endless posts about you. You all need to move on, even if a few folks on our side haven't yet, the only thing your constant conspiracy theory threads do is make you look paranoid.

Edited by Midkn1ght
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