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The Sun sets over the German Reich, One Last Time

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[quote name='Farnsworth' timestamp='1297768499' post='2634342']
Best of luck to all Citizens of TGE as you embark on new paths!

It's unfortunate to see the recent disbandment trend hit such an old alliance.
No intended disrespect towards TGE, but 3/4 of the alliances around here should disband.

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[quote name='blueski' timestamp='1297771194' post='2634353']
No intended disrespect towards TGE, but 3/4 of the alliances around here should disband.

This is the opinion of some, I'm aware. Thanks for sharing. :)

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[quote name='blueski' timestamp='1297771194' post='2634353']
No intended disrespect towards TGE, but 3/4 of the alliances around here should disband.
I can agree with you on that. However i am sure we would be unable to come to an agreement as to which quarter of the whole should be allowed to stay. :)

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[quote name='commander thrawn' timestamp='1297753146' post='2634241']
Yay, but really you should have at least gone out on a bang and hit NoR.

I can honestly say of the members that remained until the end, there was no hate twords Nordreich, they were always careful of Nordreich because of the long history but never any hate.

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[quote name='erikz' timestamp='1297797675' post='2634583']
Oh yes!

The first time TGE gives me something to celebrate.

Thanks for the heaps of fail you brought us over the last 30 months or so.

Know your history Erikz, TGE has been a very loyal ally to FOK, I think they deserve some more respect.

I have some good memories of TGE, as an ex-member and long time ally. Goodbye o7

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[quote name='erikz' timestamp='1297797675' post='2634583']
Oh yes!

The first time TGE gives me something to celebrate.

Thanks for the heaps of fail you brought us over the last 30 months or so.


this is really not the best place to tell them that.

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o/ TGE

And for all you haters. What do you have to prove? They are disbanding for heavens sake. Even if you have been enemies for the past 4 years of their existence, don't you think you could muster up some civility now in their last announcement. Poor losers are one thing, but there is truly nothing worse then a poor winner.

So hail The German Empire.

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[quote name='boscher' timestamp='1297799267' post='2634599']
Know your history Erikz, TGE has been a very loyal ally to FOK, I think they deserve some more respect.

I have some good memories of TGE, as an ex-member and long time ally. Goodbye o7

I know, that was before the 30 months... They used to be a respectable and good alliance, but that was ages ago.

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I can't say I've ever heard anything good or had any reasonable dealings with TGE myself, but every community has some good people in it, so it's most unfortunate that yours has come to an end.

All the best to your former members.

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TGE was probably the first alliance I've felt at home in, ever since I stepped foot on Planet Bob in April '06. Back in the Golden Era, when we weren't the poster boys for failure and corruption, we were very nearly a family of sorts. But that time has waxed and waned, and those times are gone. In the end, we failed to return to those same ideals that the alliance was founded upon: brotherhood, loyalty, and trust. Troll all you want, but at the end of the day, you'll find that thin air is not worth trolling.

Being the oldest member of TGE (from being there from the beginning to this end), I feel that several honorable mentions are necessary.

(Empress) Shurukian - By far, you were perhaps the most progressive leader that the alliance has ever had. It is sad that many of the conservatives in the government resented your powerful reign and the loyalty of your supporters. But having said that, you came out of it all intact, and perhaps even better than you started. You were a gem in the Empire, and it was a great experience working with you.

Kaiser Frederick II (Franz Joseph I) - K-Fred, you meant well for the alliance, but you were ridiculously inactive. But we tried to hold onto your vision until the very end. May you rest in peace, good Kaiser.

Lord Cyvole - You demanded an annotation, and you got one. The only brave Frenchie in the German Empire. Your skills with The Sims are unparalleled; may we share a laugh or two while I kick your ass in CC.

Emperor Marx - We may not have seen eye to eye, but you did your part in TGE. Good luck.

James Maximus - What could be said, has been said. You were a great member in TGE, even though your politics and temper never agreed with Vlad. But look at the bright side: you get an honorable mention, and he doesn't.

Valdemar - You sir are a man of class. I remember your efforts in trying to restore TGE to an equilibrium after the Shurukian Affair, and you are a man true to his word. I do hope that we will talk more in the future, but be glad of what you have accomplished thus far.

Gerrard Turrill (Tokugawa Mitsukuni/Hermann Hoth) - Brilliant MoW in your time. You were ahead of the game, and were on your feet whenever you needed to be. You were a true friend, and a great fighter. March on, wherever you are.

Frederick III (Sheogorath) - You took the reigns when no one else would. You honor me, sir, and I regret I had not made your acquaintance earlier. Godspeed.

Prince Albert - A capable man and a capable leader. You have the guts that I lacked, and you took a job in the worst of circumstances, turning it around as best you could. You have my respect for that, and I wish you well in your future endeavours.

Franz Ferdinand - You scheming, Pikachu-stealing !@#$%^&. You were always one for drama, and I do not regret joining you on several escapades. Perhaps we will see each other again real soon.

Nemhauser - While little changed between us and NoR, in terms of bettering relations (it progressively got worse, unfortunately), you have earned my respect as an amazing leader, and a brilliant diplomat (not that you didn't have it before). I salute you for this (though your comment in the thread doesn't go unnoticed).

K-Fred always had a nack for making videos for TGE. While I cannot even approach his capabilities, I figure that we give TGE the sending off that it requires. Enjoy; if you need to troll, you can troll me on #TGE.

LINK: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsDtc7B9xaM"]TGE Farewell Video[/url]

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[quote name='Adam Suttler' timestamp='1297861041' post='2635573'](though your comment in the thread doesn't go unnoticed).[/quote]
I've always had an open mind, but when someone tries to mess with our affairs three times in a row, my patience ends. I have gone from a neutral vision to a disliking perspective in regards to TGE. Blame your leaders for that.

That said, I thank you for your kind words. See you around, Adam.

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