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The =LOST= Friars' Club Roast


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[size="4"]Prae Omnia Fraternitas[/size][/center]

(Disclaimer: There are jokes in this post and in this thread. These jokes are meant to make people laugh at the expense of others; however, these "others" are our friends and we know that they can take a joke. If you can't take a joke, then please refrain from reading what is written here. The main purpose of this thread is to celebrate =LOST='s fourth birthday. If you are easily offended, read no further and be content knowing that somehow =LOST= has remained an active alliance for four years.)

Welcome to the first =LOST= Friar's Club Roast. I am your Roastmaster, Mandellav,


and I have the most enviable duty tonight of publicly humiliating one of the oldest, most crotchety, most sexually impotent leaders of our laughably embarrassing past. Without Hombre de Murcielago, El Emperador, Imperator Emeritus, and foreign affairs dunce, =LOST= surely could have been better than the joke of an alliance that it is today. For on this Valentine's day :wub: , =LOST= celebrates its fourth birthday and I can think of no better way to denigrate one of my heroes and the alliance I have called my "crappy little home" since I first arrived on this pathetic planet.

[b]I begrudgingly invite all in attendance of this charity dinner to benefit the La Caverna de Murcielago Institute for the Aging, Senile, and Stamina Impaired to loosen their tongues and join in on the harmful, heinous, shameless mocking of one of =LOST='s most [s]beloved[/s] loathed members as part of the =LOST= Friars' Club Panel. Feel free to aim your [s]sharp[/s] dull wit at the others gathered on this [s]esteemed[/s] despised panel and even at the Roastmaster himself. Be warned though, I will school you if you come after me with less than [s]genius'[/s] brain-dead monkey's level whimsicality.[/b]

Without any further ado, let us begin this joyous occasion with some opening remarks about my dear friend, Hombre de Murcielago.

Hombre is so old that he was here before =LOST= gained its "T." For those that don't know, Hombre de Murcielago when translated into English means "Batman." Hombre, therefore, is the only superhero too lazy to fight crime :smug: . Hombre recently served as Chief Justice for a short while in =LOST=. This proved that not only is he too lazy to fight crime, he's also too lazy to prosecute it.

Hombre was one of the Aqua leaders that worked toward the ill-fated Aqua ICE Treaty. I cannot confirm if this is true or not, but Hombre's been around so long and is so senile that there have been reports that he lurks on the Aqua ICE forums everyday moaning and groaning on and on about a Free Aqua Senate, Trade Circles, and pledging to refrain from tech raiding aqua nations. He's even still actively pushing for TDO to sign the optional defense clause and wanted =LOST= to go to war alongside MHA even though I privately told both alliances that =LOST= withdrew from the treaty months ago.

Hombre was the Minister of Foreign Affairs responsible for bringing =LOST= into CnG. The repercussions of that awful diplomatic move are still being dealt with by myself to this day. The tangled mess Hombre caused with this decision is so matted and nasty that even THL and Legion feel sorry for me.

Hombre developed an anti-Pacifican spray to use during the NoCB War. Unfortunately it backfired and the side effects included nausea, fatigue, and getting rolled hard. To his credit though, he reworked the spray during Karma to great success. Unfortunately though, not even the Batman can cure such...[i]pretentious skulduggery[/i] :P (Not the exact phrase I wished to use, but picture a few bags full of a certain feminine hygiene products.)

While I could go on and on about how old, foul-smelling, and lazy Hombre de Murcielago is, it would be a disservice not to allow others to join in on the fun.

Honestly Hombre, we love you and all you've done for =LOST= throughout its four years. We couldn't have made it without you.


Please join us for the next edition when we roast Imperator Emeritus Wargarden. Old Boba's gonna fret.

*Edit* (A contingent of =LOST= has asked me to invite you to join them in playing Mafia on Coldfront in the channel #odnmafia.)

Edited by Mandellav
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[quote name='Mandellav' timestamp='1297689242' post='2632891']
I cannot confirm if this is true or not, but Hombre's been around so long and is so senile that there have been reports that he lurks on the Aqua ICE forums everyday moaning and groaning on and on about a Free Aqua Senate, Trade Circles, and pledging to refrain from tech raiding aqua nations. He's even still actively pushing for TDO to sign the optional defense clause and wanted =LOST= to go to war alongside MHA even though I privately told both alliances that =LOST= withdrew from the treaty months ago.

This was my favorite part :P

Congrats to 4 years and I hope you don't have to deal with another 4 more :wub:

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1297725440' post='2633536']
I'm sad you haven't destroyed Athens yet.

Happy Birthday :wub:
we intend to make them drunk in the party, then terminate them.

Happy birthday =LOST=

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[quote name='lightswarrior' timestamp='1297732515' post='2633679']
we intend to make them drunk in the party, then terminate them.

Happy birthday =LOST=
Ahh, that makes sense. Sneaky !@#$%^&*, aren't you :)

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