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Five Years of Neutrality

dy Cazaril

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Congrats/Condolences on your achievement/failure. I really have no opinion of you guys/girls over there/here in neutral zone. Goodluck or Good riddance whichever is less/more along the lines/(circles?) of what should/shouldnt be said here/there. It's good/bad to see you guys still being the neutral menace/pansies.

[img]http://www.stanford.edu/~grg/images/orange_flower.jpg[/img] In celebration/commisseration I offer you a most neutral flower pron.

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[quote name='Hime Themis' timestamp='1297741444' post='2633916']Gentle GPA

I offer this a most unneutral expression of congratulations from the Order of the Black Rose. :wub: 5 Long years you have held your head high during good and hard times. That you have maintained this steadfast belief in Neutrality during some very trying times is a testament to the purity of belief of the founders and the remarkable resilience and character of your alliance. To my first home I offer my own personal thanks for fostering my early values and best wishes for your continued proud success.

Your friend(without neutrality)
Dame Hime Themis[/quote]
The GPA is politically and military neutral but that doesn't mean that she is indifferent. The friendly, honest and peaceful relationship between us and the OBR is a joy for us.
We are different but we are friendly to each other in our diversity, with that proving that rationality and civility [i]can[/i] shape the way alliances conduct their foreign affairs. To me personally it means [i]a lot[/i].

[quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1297754998' post='2634265'][IMG]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r160/qinqe/GPA/AS6gpaHappyBirthday.png[/IMG]

Way to go folks! However you are missing some ladies in your honors. April comes most quickly to mind.[/quote]
Great artwork as usual, dear Antonio!

April was a great person which spent a lot of her energy and love for the GPA: her example and speeches are still inspiring.
I am sad that she left our world, though I am also happy that she eventually decided to do what was best for her.

Anyway, Antonio, your name is the one I most regret didn't make it to the HoF in this first edition (I tried...) The ones enlisted are anyway that great that in all honesty I would find myself in embarrassment if I had to say which one could have been omitted, to make room for you, April, El Bruc etc...
I have high hopes for our sixth year's additions, anyway! :)

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Good to see you guys making an effort to let the kids out to play here once in a while. Kick that cabin fever! :awesome:

I would protest Fu's admittance on grounds of frequent desertion of his posts in government but that is neither here nor there anymore, as the last time he turned tail he never came back. Funny how one can choose to forget the important faults of some to highlight the small good, but demonize small, singular yet impacting mistakes. ;)

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[quote name='KahlanRahl' timestamp='1297777281' post='2634375']
I would protest Fu's admittance on grounds of frequent desertion of his posts in government but that is neither here nor there anymore, as the last time he turned tail he never came back. Funny how one can choose to forget the important faults of some to highlight the small good, but demonize small, singular yet impacting mistakes. ;)

Just to put your statement in contrast with the truth, during Fu's administration, GPA saw the greatest growth, strength and influence in the history of the Green Protection Agency. Yes, Fu made errors and RL impacted his [OOC]game play[/OOC] but he readily and humbly admitted the same and apologized. Unlike you, he never once tried to justify his shortcomings or to shift the blame to others. Nor did he make a nuisance of himself in such an egregious a manner that it would get him banned on multiple occasions. He did not try to disrupt GPA's forums or IRC channel, exacerbate and increase tensions and in general just be an annoying little she-dog-in-heat. Unlike me, he was too nice to point out the extensive faults of others, even if they are a royal pain in the derriere like you. Fu deserves the honor and accolades. With that said, KahlanRahl, have a great day!

[quote name='jerdge' timestamp='1297769976' post='2634350']
Anyway, Antonio, your name is the one I most regret didn't make it to the HoF in this first edition (I tried...) The ones enlisted are anyway that great that in all honesty I would find myself in embarrassment if I had to say which one could have been omitted, to make room for you, April, El Bruc etc...
I have high hopes for our sixth year's additions, anyway! :)

Thank you for that kindness but I am undeserving of such an honor. The ones GPA has chosen are not. As you so rightly point out, GPA has an embarrassment of riches when it comes to member nations. I think the selection process did well. Those chosen are all deserving.

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Some really cool guys up there. Congratulations, and here's to 5 more years. It is of utmost importance that Digiterra offer rulers of every tilt a place to call home, neutrality right along with every other.

[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1297665486' post='2632599']
No detlev, flak_attack or azaghul makes that hall of fame void.
Ah yes, an election MK couldn't rig :awesome:

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[quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1297788667' post='2634481']
Just to put your statement in contrast with the truth, during Fu's administration, GPA saw the greatest growth, strength and influence in the history of the Green Protection Agency. Yes, Fu made errors and RL impacted his [OOC]game play[/OOC] but he readily and humbly admitted the same and apologized. Unlike you, he never once tried to justify his shortcomings or to shift the blame to others. Nor did he make a nuisance of himself in such an egregious a manner that it would get him banned on multiple occasions. He did not try to disrupt GPA's forums or IRC channel, exacerbate and increase tensions and in general just be an annoying little she-dog-in-heat. Unlike me, he was too nice to point out the extensive faults of others, even if they are a royal pain in the derriere like you. Fu deserves the honor and accolades. With that said, KahlanRahl, have a great day!
I don't know about that. I would say Thomas did a pretty damn good job post-war, probably the most critical point in GPA's history. Thomas was definitely a more important president than Fu in the long run. And I was speaking of Fu's [i]last[/i] bout in government, when he was elected VP with Biff. Turned tail and fled days after elections. I would say it is blatantly irresponsible to run for government positions if you are known to have the problems that Fu had regarding... internal national issues. As he did it over and over again, he will not get any sympathy from me (in game).

I won't comment on your pathetically masked attacks on me, because you don't know a word of what you're talking about, and quite frankly I find it amusing that you all still are so sensitive to my playful jabs. Again a testament to the days of my membership where so long as no one was personally attacked, we took pokes and prods with a laugh in return. It's sad. But as a member of VE, what more can I expect from you? ;)

Edited by KahlanRahl
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[quote name='KahlanRahl' timestamp='1297789312' post='2634488']
I don't know about that. I would say Thomas did a pretty damn good job post-war, probably the most critical point in GPA's history. Thomas was definitely a more important president than Fu in the long run. And I was speaking of Fu's [i]last[/i] bout in government, when he was elected VP with Biff. Turned tail and fled days after elections. I would say it is blatantly irresponsible to run for government positions if you are known to have the problems that Fu had regarding... internal national issues. As he did it over and over again, he will not get any sympathy from me (in game).

I won't comment on your pathetically masked attacks on me, because you don't know a word of what you're talking about, and quite frankly I find it amusing that you all still are so sensitive to my playful jabs. Again a testament to the days of my membership where so long as no one was personally attacked, we took pokes and prods with a laugh in return. It's sad. But as a member of VE, what more can I expect from you? ;)

You wouldn't have won that election anyway. Your man and your doggie both left that term too. I think it is time to put it behind you and move on. It might slow down the AA hopping.

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[quote name='Nelchael' timestamp='1297752788' post='2634235']
PA beat me to it, now I'm not posting any flower porn.

Congrats on 5 years, but I'm disappointed. I really thought you'd be announcing your exit from neutrality and joining the war :(

oh, but I wanna see more flower pron!!!!

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[quote name='KahlanRahl' timestamp='1297789312' post='2634488']<SNIP>
I won't comment on your pathetically masked attacks on me, because you don't know a word of what you're talking about, and quite frankly I find it amusing that you all still are so sensitive to my playful jabs. Again a testament to the days of my membership where so long as no one was personally attacked, we took pokes and prods with a laugh in return. It's sad. But as a member of VE, what more can I expect from you? ;)[/quote]
I think that discussing the merit of the names in the GPA HoF is fair game, and I am absolutely OK with you having all the chances you want to express your opinion on the subject: while I may strongly disagree with you I am also happy to know about your point of view. One can never know where and what can be learnt from another one's speeches (be it what the speaker intended, or not).
I'd anyway appreciate if you could leave other issues out of this thread: while your deductions about Antonio and the Viridian Entente might be interesting in themselves (or not) they have little to do with our HoF and I'd thus appreciate if you avoided bringing again that or other unrelated subjects into this place, as a sign of respect. It's OK if you want to reply to a perceived attack to your person, but please stick to just that.
it's not that you [i]have[/i] to, of course: I am asking you a [i]favour[/i].

[quote name='PrinceArutha' timestamp='1297838929' post='2635399']oh, but I wanna see more flower pron!!!![/quote]
Here you are:

Edited by jerdge
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[quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1297829989' post='2635176']
You wouldn't have won that election anyway. Your man and your doggie both left that term too. I think it is time to put it behind you and move on. It might slow down the AA hopping.
Ouch, that stings. Yes, I'm still so upset about that one little election (as if I was before). :rolleyes: I don't remember saying anything about whether I wanted to win or not. Got nothing to do with it, but continue reading between the lines and gleaning invisible statements. And what difference does it make that I've helped some friends out here and there? If you want an alliance "hopper" I'd get in touch with SWK. He's got a nice long list. :v:

Anyway, congrats people. I hope you guys do this again. I'd like to see Thomas make that list. And Prob.

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[quote name='KahlanRahl' timestamp='1297870896' post='2635672']Anyway, congrats people. I hope you guys do this again. I'd like to see Thomas make that list. And Prob.[/quote]
Hopefully we'll be able to do it again, and thanks for your congratulations. Prob was excluded as he was Cabinet, otherwise he would have had great chances to make it (probably in the top three). If "Thomas" is [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=66838"]Thomasj_tx[/url], he [i]did[/i] make it.

Edited by jerdge
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[quote name='jerdge' timestamp='1297899452' post='2636088']
Hopefully we'll be able to do it again, and thanks for your congratulations. Prob was excluded as he was Cabinet, otherwise he would have had great chances to make it (probably in the top three). If "Thomas" is [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=66838"]Thomasj_tx[/url], he [i]did[/i] make it.
Hahaha, I guess my short term memory is getting pretty bad; completely forgot about the whole current gov't thing. :)

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Congratulations, GPA!! A birthday wish well deserved... for I know it was and is not always easy to exist as a neutral in this world. :)

[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1297741926' post='2633932']
All it takes for Evil to prevail in this world is for enough good men to do nothing.

yeah, I said it. I can't wait till your Neutrality leaves you alone...
Pretty sure they already experienced that. See GPA-Continuum war and take pride(?) in the fact that your alliance participated.

[quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1297754998' post='2634265']
Nice image, AS6!

[quote name='KahlanRahl' timestamp='1297777281' post='2634375']I would protest Fu's admittance on grounds of frequent desertion of his posts in government...[/quote]
A number of GPA gov have abandoned them at one point or another. I can't remember how many gov abandoned during the GPA-tC war. The fact that they continue to thrive is a testament to the dedication of their core membership. (Edit: Fu was different because of the key roles he played at key moments... also his 'fro. :awesome: )

[quote name='SonOfHoward' timestamp='1297920264' post='2636387']
Congrats GPA, and epic alliance if there ever was one.

GPA was my first alliance; great memories.
Very well said. My sentiments exactly. :wub:

Edited by Astarle
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