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To the Allies of the New Pacific Order


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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1296777026' post='2618356']
He and his alliance had no problem going along with the foolish strategy.

It wasn't all that foolish. The only better one would have been for TPF not to call in treaty partners in that situation. Fighting all out in a conventional manner wouldn't have made it any better.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1296779090' post='2618396']
It's a bit like choosing between Tweedledum and Tweedledee though isn't it?

Still as far as I know SCY has shown no interest in planning tactics for coalitions fighting global wars.

Yes, because respecting the wishes of your allies is so terrible.

You want to blame anyone for putting LM in charge, blame TPF. However I think they realize their mistake now.
That "mistake" did save your alliance's nations. It was the correct move to make in a war that was going to be either a costly stalemate or a tactical defeat for our side (I was in TOP). Opinions can differ here (the numbers) but that was the analysis as far as I can tell and I'd say it was a prudent and sound one.

TPF got butchered for a couple days to save everyone else from a costly war. Happens.

Edited by Yevgeni Luchenkov
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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1296870589' post='2619708']
That "mistake" did save your alliance's nations. It was the correct move to make in a war that was going to be either a costly stalemate or a tactical defeat for our side (I was in TOP). Opinions can differ here (the numbers) but that was the analysis as far as I can tell and I'd say it was a prudent and sound one.

TPF got butchered for a couple days to save everyone else from a costly war. Happens.

They saved themselves too, from what would otherwise have been a longer war. In the end we were all committed. The peace and the plan would not have gone ahead without TPF's nod. And they were pragmatic and understood the overall situation rather than blindly burning everything including themselves. Yes, TPF stood and took damage, in buying time, that ensured the situation changed initially from a certain and simple curb stomp to a long and costly war for everyone.

Besides, its funny how Haf holds negative views of the plan at the same time he and his allies seem to be following something very very similar in concept.

Edited by shahenshah
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[quote name='shahenshah' timestamp='1296904044' post='2620379']
Besides, its funny how Haf holds negative views of the plan at the same time he and his allies seem to be following something very very similar in concept.
Yes, our strategy is based entirely around the plan to get all of our lowbies into peace mode with about 24 hours notice during Christmastime. It's really similar to that, yes. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='iamthey' timestamp='1296731334' post='2617599']
Regardless, what do we have to do with Polaris and VE?

Well, we consider the wars to one and the same. Just as we considered the Bi-Polar affair to be one war. for the sake of argument however, I'll reply as if these were two separate incidents.

We find NPO to be arrogant ungrateful (illegitimate sons) who still see all their allies (and allies of those allies) as nothing more than pawns to be used. You have ZERO respect for anyone else. We had that nice Q&A right afterour bi-poar terms were up to discuss our differences, and your dear leader made it quite clear what he thinks of us. Why would we want to put our collar back on and be NPO's attack dog after that? Let the lap dogs come back to the fold, we like our freedom.

edit: wordfilter =(

Edited by Lord Levistus
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[quote name='Lord Levistus' timestamp='1296920724' post='2620521']Well, we consider the wars to one and the same. [/quote]
Well, that is a stupid position to take.

You were the butt hurt character in that QandA, that after Cortath's and Moo's posts in which they acknowledged our mistakes and apologized, still wanted something more in terms of initial contact, went crapping the party. Totally killed any chance of anything there, because you didn't went there with an open mind. Your delusions and bitterness are also showed by your characterizations of our relations with our current allies.

You always do make me laugh. The level of bitterness is over 9000! Actually, majority of MK could never compare and they view themselves (as stormsend put it) as Joker to our Batman,...or Batman to our Joker,...or Cat woman to,...wait,..no,...Anyway, they are mere babies when considering actual raw butt hurt towards NPO that you hold and sporadically spew.

Keep on truckin' man, never change! xD

Edited by Branimir
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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1296420439' post='2611437']

So let's look at the numbers. You attack the the weakest alliance in the Doom House coalition, GOONS, an alliance with a staggering 13k ANS and 900 nukes but you leave the two biggest alliances (Umbrella and MK) who have 90k ANS/2000 nukes and 50k ANS/3000 nukes respectively, the ones that will do the most damage to the NPO (the alliance you swore to protect), virtually untouched? Why?

You wonder why everyone considers your side to be a side composed of paper tigers. This is why. I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say, is this the best you guys can do?

Everyone wants to save their infra.

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1296925520' post='2620587']
Well, that is a stupid position to take.

You were the butt hurt character in that QandA, that after Cortath's and Moo's posts in which they acknowledged our mistakes and apologized, still wanted something more in terms of initial contact, went crapping the party. Totally killed any chance of anything there, because you didn't went there with an open mind. Your delusions and bitterness are also showed by your characterizations of our relations with our current allies.

You always do make me laugh. The level of bitterness is over 9000! Actually, majority of MK could never compare and they view themselves (as stormsend put it) as Joker to our Batman,...or Batman to our Joker,...or Cat woman to,...wait,..no,...Anyway, they are mere babies when considering actual raw butt hurt towards NPO that you hold and sporadically spew.

Keep on truckin' man, never change! xD
and why did your emperor and moo(and several others)(though to be fair moo's was concerning other things too) post apologies?

My guess is it had something to do with the first post in that q and a......remember it? I do.

It said bluntly 'What can you do for pacifica'......so after a yr of strained relations your first post is what we can do for you......not lets air things out....not whats the problems......no....its what will you give us.

And you say levi went in with a closed mind?


Edited by chefjoe
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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1296933663' post='2620772']
and why did your emperor and moo(and several others)(though to be fair moo's was concerning other things too) post apologies?

My guess is it had something to do with the first post in that q and a......remember it? I do.

It said bluntly 'What can you do for pacifica'......so after a yr of strained relations your first post is what we can do for you......not lets air things out....not whats the problems......no....its what will you give us.

And you say levi went in with a closed mind?

I remember. Fair point. Though you had one current and one former Emperor there and really trying to mend bridges. I say that as I took their posts in that way, they really tried. You also had other membership trying to be constructive. And exactly after them you had Levi flipping !@#$. If a word of an Emperor is not enough, majority of other posters in good spirit not enough, to get over one question to at least keep the ball rolling then we truly have nothing to discuss.

That question, though, was in very poor tact I agree. But I also feel that subsequent content was enough to keep going in a better tone. It is not as we could come out from that QnA as best of palls, but it could have ended better. More precisely though, I have answered the ridiculous implication by Levi how "our dear leader" made a negative appearance there. That question was not his, hence the implication does not stand.

But we went off on a tangent now,...

Edited by Branimir
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