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Joint Justitia - GOONS Announcement

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1296415372' post='2611345']
It's being proved right now, live, and in color. Schat declared war, and isn't participating -- for fear of having his alliance flattened by the likes of MK, Umbrella, and allies. It's also why he made sure to be the last of the alliances to declare. If he actually was fighting the coward comment wouldn't apply. But he's not, so it does.
You don't know our alliance, and you think you know Schat. What you think you know is wrong and we will prove it. Don't talk like you know our alliance, what we do or how we operate.

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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1296415795' post='2611354']
However, if you are so upset over unfilled defensive slots, you can mail a list of such bored members to the 10 alliances. I'm sure they will appreciate it.
Believe me when I say I already know numerous goons who ran through alliance channels, sent PMs, or even asked for more wars on the forums. So far, nothin' doin'.

But for your sake, I'll compile a list. Here are all the goons that need more wars:

* All of them

Sincerely, GOONS

Edited by Beefspari
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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1296416013' post='2611362']
Believe me when I say I already know numerous goons who ran through alliance channels, sent PMs, or even asked for more wars on the forums. So far, nothin' doin'.
Screenshots of them running to your opponents' forums or it didn't happen.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1296415372' post='2611345']
It's being proved right now, live, and in color. Schat declared war, and isn't participating -- for fear of having his alliance flattened by the likes of MK, Umbrella, and allies. It's also why he made sure to be the last of the alliances to declare. If he actually was fighting the coward comment wouldn't apply. But he's not, so it does.

Wow, you're great You might actually be worse than Penkala. Congratulations, bro.

Edited by Believland
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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1296416084' post='2611364']
Screenshots of them running to your opponents' forums or it didn't happen.
[i]These[/i] forums -- you can look back a whole page to see Mandolus complaining that nobody's declared on him for proof of that.

I also sent PMs to several Legion people in 0-1 wars. But they didn't seem very eager to fight someone already engaged in 4 wars.

And I was hoping Schat would declare on me since he's in my range. That way I could come out of this war having nuked both HeroofTime -and- Schattenmann. But if he waits too long I'll be below his range. :(

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[quote name='Lord Gobb' timestamp='1296386311' post='2611010']
Yyyeah.. it was 9 alliances, and you were probably getting your slots filled perfectly well! One of yours was filled by a handsome gentleman going by the name of Gobb if I remember correctly. [img]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa38/Jack_Rivers/smileys/brothink.gif[/img]

Yep... Best looking Shroom for sure ;)

But seriously.. I know it was at least 17 AA declarations.. but in all honesty.. I doubt we had enough open slots for everyone to play Lob the Nuke. :smug:

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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1296415795' post='2611354']

However, if you are so upset over unfilled defensive slots, you can mail a list of such bored members to the 10 alliances. I'm sure they will appreciate it.
Patience. They will come to serve your alliance glow sticks on silver platters when most of your folks aren't expecting the surprise.
[url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=407272]I'd really appreciate it[/url]

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Hey, I am a little concerned over all this. I mean, looking at my wars, it doesn't look like I will be ZI before they expire this week. [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=293629"]Help?[/url]

Edited by Kibblesnbits
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[quote name='Hyperbad' timestamp='1296418880' post='2611405']
ITT GOONies froth at the mouth over the thought of killing some monks. Goading us or negative PR attempts won't make it happen any sooner so relax and be patient. The time will come when you get that chance.

Try the veal, child.

3 slots if there's a warrior among you.


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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1296360253' post='2610333']
GOONS is already depending on "endless" cash from Umbrella. Once the top tier comes out to play the bank is closed and then the serious crying will begin.
Schatt, you're far to smart to think you can beat the MK+Umb upper tier, especially after you've already let us blow up the only alliance on your side with a near respectable upper tier unopposed, though if you want to try, feel free. I can't wait to sink my teeth into that inexperienced upper tier of yours.

[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1296401942' post='2611132']
Your NS chart tells me otherwise
1) -4,213,693 Strength Change - New Pacific Order
2) -2,069,441 Strength Change - New Polar Order
3) -1,814,235 Strength Change - Sparta
[b]4) -1,584,341 Strength Change - Multicolored Cross-X Alliance [/b]
5) -1,546,934 Strength Change - Global Alliance And Treaty Organization

People who live in glass houses...

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1296415372' post='2611345']
It's being proved right now, live, and in color. Schat declared war, and isn't participating -- for fear of having his alliance flattened by the likes of MK, Umbrella, and allies. It's also why he made sure to be the last of the alliances to declare. If he actually was fighting the coward comment wouldn't apply. But he's not, so it does.

Ok....you all keep repeating the exact same lines after being told the reasons for our actions numerous times. So, I am going to idiot-proof what has been told to you thus far.

1. We declared war.

2. We declared on Goons because of our treaty with 64 digits.

3. We were the last to declare because we waited to activate our treaty.

4. Peace mode is part of war strategy; which your goonies should have took part in.

5. Shatt is not scared of having his alliance flattened by anyone. (seeing as no one will flatten us)

6. There are 31 other nations on the CoJ roster other than Shattenman's.

If you have any other statements to post that has something to do with one of these answers you have been told countless times; write it down, put it in an envelope, and mail it to our filing center.

[url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_2gNvNScP81Y/SQCF9zWj-UI/AAAAAAAADDo/9Uar1jHesjg/s400/$%&@-you-baby.jpg]Filing center[/url]

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[quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1296419449' post='2611419']
Try the veal, child.[/quote]
I like veal. Unfortunately last time I ordered there was far too much for me to eat (I seldom cook) and it sat in the freezer for nearly an entire year. My girlfriend always gets sad over it though. Something bad about eating babies. I don't know. She just rambles and I tune her out.

[quote]3 slots if there's a warrior among you.[/quote]
Orders are orders. This isn't one of those rare times where I feel compelled to go against them. Some of us actually had showed a real interest in blitzing with the initial DoW, others were more patient. Either way nukes will fly; just a matter of when the quantity will pick up.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1296415372' post='2611345']
I said we didn't [i]ask[/i] for help. Umbrella wanted to send aid to keep their slot efficiency up, since we're no longer selling them tech. They bug us constantly to find people to send money to. The two I have I didn't even need, I just couldn't find anyone else.

You still recieved [b]help[/b] whether you [i]asked[/i] for it or not, im liking your spin in trying to deny previously that you have no help :rolleyes: also no mention to the 40% of war aid slots recieved from MK, but i guess thats all just out of the goodness of their hearts and that you GOONS dont need the aid? prehaps you should tell them to stop sending if you dont need it :smug:

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1296422334' post='2611481']
You still recieved [b]help[/b] whether you [i]asked[/i] for it or not, im liking your spin in trying to deny previously that you have no help :rolleyes: also no mention to the 40% of war aid slots recieved from MK, but i guess thats all just out of the goodness of their hearts and that you GOONS dont need the aid? prehaps you should tell them to stop sending if you dont need it :smug:
I said we didn't [i]ask[/i] for help, not that we never [i]got[/i] help. As Yawoo would say, "HNNNNNGGGGHHHHH don't put words in mah mouth!!"

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[quote name='Hyperbad' timestamp='1296418880' post='2611405']
ITT GOONies froth at the mouth over the thought of killing some monks. Goading us or negative PR attempts won't make it happen any sooner so relax and be patient. The time will come when you get that chance.

I think "declaring war" and then hiding in peace mode is a far worse PR move than anything we can do against CoJ.

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[quote name='Xaranthius' timestamp='1296424253' post='2611539']
I've heard we can request wars here. I'm a little lonely and only have one defensive war. Anyone care to help put me back in raiding range so I can have some fun nuking noobs?

This man needs help. He likes long walks on the beach and he listens to Mannie Fresh.

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[quote name='Choson' timestamp='1296423242' post='2611509']
I think "declaring war" and then hiding in peace mode is a far worse PR move than anything we can do against CoJ.
I find it hard to believe you think our mid to upper tier is going to stay in peace mode for the entire duration of this conflict as you seem to suggest by use of the word "hiding". Further still it appears you're all trying awfully hard in putting forth that assertion as if you're trying to convince others and it's not as damaging as you would like to believe. All one needs to do is look at those who have taken part in the discussion (used loosely) on either side. It's the usual suspects with very little in the way of others leading one to believe most have no strong opinion either way.

So I'll briefly comment on what this whole back and forth is about. Is it possible the strategy chosen is a mistake? It certainly is and only time will show what kind of impact it will have but comparing it to others isn't at all a possibility. Once chosen we can't go back to a save and replay it for a different outcome. Is it possible other strategies would ultimately have a less favorable outcome? It is particularly when you consider how the declarations of involvement have trickled in as it would have led to each alliance going in getting pounded on more or less one at a time. None of the assertions made here about one strategy being better than another is provable making the whole debate pointless.

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[quote name='Hyperbad' timestamp='1296424653' post='2611547']
I find it hard to believe you think our mid to upper tier is going to stay in peace mode for the entire duration of this conflict as you seem to suggest by use of the word "hiding".

Our friends and us are waiting with baited breath.

Edited by Hidraca
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Oh, GOONS, your collective stupidity undermines some individual diamonds in the trough. If you guys were in alliances where intelligence were taken seriously, I'm sure some of you could make it to the top. As it is now, the only thing you're showcasing here is your inability to do anything but yell at us, because that's all that GOONS as a collective can do. It's saddening to see.

Edited by Sargun
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[quote name='Hidraca' timestamp='1296424732' post='2611549']
Our friends and us are waiting with baited breath.
I'm pleased to hear I'll have a welcoming party. I hope you don't mind me building a rocket like Dr. Evil's, stuffing it with fireworks and confetti then launching it over your capital. The show should be [i]specatacular[/i] and I've always wanted to do something like that. Above and beyond the celebration others have held. Those usual ones are just so [b]dull[/b]. They rival for my WoT for sleep remedies.

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[quote name='Hyperbad' timestamp='1296424653' post='2611547']
I find it hard to believe you think our mid to upper tier is going to stay in peace mode for the entire duration of this conflict as you seem to suggest by use of the word "hiding".

Come out of peace mode then. We're waiting on pins and needles for you to come and play.

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[quote name='Choson' timestamp='1296423242' post='2611509']
I think "declaring war" and then hiding in peace mode is a far worse PR move than anything we can do against CoJ.
Not really. I mean, everybody who dislikes us are going to go "omg u suck" already and anybody who doesn't are going to go "welcome to the fight."

Even back in the day when peace mode jokes actually had relevance, this is how it went.

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