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Everything. Must. Die.


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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1295975767' post='2600403']
I think you're probably right... at least on an alliance level. And ultimately, I guess that's ok. There's nothing anyone can do about that, if this is how this particular faction wants to end their time here. I wish that, rather than forcing consequences on the rest of the planet, they had not done so, but it is what it is.

Meh. It's not okay. These people want to uproot the systems and standards our world is based on. Worse they ate doing so after making a big show of coming to the world's defense against this very kind of attack.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1295975951' post='2600408']
Someone else has said this already, but that's what happens when you put a bunch of, shall we say, "socially challenged" people in charge.

And I'm resisting the urge to tell you and STA "I told you so."

Guess I couldn't resist. ;)

Ha. Quite a few folks told us so. We thought we knew them better than this. Seriously, for a period of time after the BiPolar War, we were closer to and trusted MK more than anyone else in the Cyberverse. We were quite comfortable with them having the keys to the kingdom, as it were. And we were never, and still aren't, completely comfortable with the idea of handing those keys back to you guys, because you were never actually in a situation where you had to prove you'd changed. So we ignored some of the signs, and chalked them up to MK being MK.

For the record, that makes us culpable here, too. Had we been willing to see what was right in front of us, we could have warned folks many months ago, and given you a chance. We weren't willing to see that because we didn't trust you.

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1295976275' post='2600422']
Meh. It's not okay. These people want to uproot the systems and standards our world is based on. Worse they ate doing so after making a big show of coming to the world's defense against this very kind of attack.

Ahh, but it's quite the twist, isn't it? Are people involved again? Look at the IRC channels. There are more people online and active in ALL of the involved alliances than there have been in months.

I don't approve of the situation at all, but it's SOMETHING, in a world where nothing had happened in a year.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1295975433' post='2600389']
Here's the thing, though... after the dust settles, do you really believe someone's not going to come for you? You've just proven to the entire Cyberverse that you are more than willing to attack someone out of the blue. You have to be willing to acknowledge that, not only might someone get the same idea about you someday, but that they absolutely will do it to you.

See, the difference is interpretation. We just don't feel the need to conjure up some ridiculous reason for a CB in a vain attempt at hiding our intentions. I hope someone comes for us... I hope people realize that morality is but a pitiful shield for the weak and that the message of Karma is long forgotten so that we can finally get back to what made this world [ooc]game[/ooc] great: politicking and war.

These are the final moves, the endgame. May they demolish this house of morality down to its foundation.

Edited by tamerlane
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[quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' timestamp='1295976160' post='2600419']
I was referring to your constant !@#$%*ing about my past bloc/side. You haven't had enough time to really build credentials for crying about Doomhouse.

All present political alignments aside.... Stumpy is, was, and will always be... CnG.

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[quote name='Viking' timestamp='1295976214' post='2600421']
You're kidding, right.
No. You claim there was some recent time that we had to give it to NPO or something to that effect. Unless you are trying to make claims from Karma, please enlighten me.

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[quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1295975850' post='2600406']
Except that NPO already paid for those crimes.

I come from an alliance who suffered more than most under NPO. The fact that I, and many GATOans, think this is wrong should show you something.

Indeed. Half a year (or more?) of reparations apparently meant nothing to some of those receiving them.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1295976336' post='2600423']
Ha. Quite a few folks told us so. We thought we knew them better than this. Seriously, for a period of time after the BiPolar War, we were closer to and trusted MK more than anyone else in the Cyberverse. We were quite comfortable with them having the keys to the kingdom, as it were. And we were never, and still aren't, completely comfortable with the idea of handing those keys back to [b]you guys[/b], because you were never actually in a situation where you had to prove you'd changed. So we ignored some of the signs, and chalked them up to MK being MK.

For the record, that makes us culpable here, too. Had we been willing to see what was right in front of us, we could have warned folks many months ago, and given you a chance. We weren't willing to see that because we didn't trust [b]you[/b].

NSO never had the keys to anything, pez. Unless you're associating me personally with NPO and the old hegemony, which is an association I'd be proud to accept. It sure beat the hell out of this world we live in now. I mean damn, at least we had the decency to conceal our evil intentions with the veil of diplomacy and political intrigue. This is sheer laziness.

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[quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1295976517' post='2600431']
These are the final moves, the endgame. May they demolish this house of morality down to its foundation.

No one pay attention to who built the house of morality they are knocking down. It's inconvenient.

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1295944492' post='2599623']
We don't really have anything against any of Duckroll so the "you're next" rhetoric is funny.

I guess Archon publicly admitting to wanting to see BAPS burnt is thrown out the window.

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[quote name='Viking' timestamp='1295976698' post='2600441']
No one pay attention to who built the house of morality they are knocking down. It's inconvenient.

Upon inspection, we found the house to be structurally unsound. No worries, it shall be replaced with a DOOMHOUSE of superior construction.

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[quote name='Viking' timestamp='1295976023' post='2600411']
I don't care if they roll you or you roll them. Just pointing out that you had the chance to do this when GOD said you should, instead of being complete cowards about it. You were scared then and hedged your bets, now you're just opportunists.
[/quote]"You failed to take the opportunity when we wanted you to, so you are opportunists and that is bad."

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1295976497' post='2600427']
Ahh, but it's quite the twist, isn't it? Are people involved again? Look at the IRC channels. There are more people online and active in ALL of the involved alliances than there have been in months.

I don't approve of the situation at all, but it's SOMETHING, in a world where nothing had happened in a year.

Sure, there's that. And don't think I'm not glad to see the activity. But I've also made it a point not to compromise. Trading activity for hypocrisy is something I will not do.

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[quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1295928088' post='2597854']
The New Polar Order and her myriad allies have gone to great lengths to protect a single alliance from damage in this latest global calamity. Rather than putting forth a maximal effort in what was perceived to be a losing effort from the onset, these alliances have conspired to take the beating so that their flagship alliance can remain strong and resolute. Of particular note is the valorious Legion, whose mutual defense pact with the New Polar Order remains untapped. Perhaps it is a hope for a return to past 'glory.' Subservience suited them well throughout much of their existence, so this is not a particularly surprising strategy.[/quote]

As a former member of the Legion, I take offense. Although, I am pretty much always offended by you and your ilk.

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[quote name='Viking' timestamp='1295967918' post='2600125']
They had the chance to finish this years ago and wanted to whiteknight for every moralist in the game. In doing so, they all had choice words for people like me who wanted to end it there, only to now take advantage of the situation and roll tanks after NPO did nothing wrong. It's the height of spineless and if you don't think it is I have a wonderful bridge you might be willing to purchase.

Don't give me that tired explanation of "herp we're at war look at our backbone." I don't buy it, and most others don't as well.
[color="#0000FF"]I don't like GOD, but at least you're consistent. I do recall GOD being one of the few (if not the only) alliances on the Karma side that was spouting any rhetoric, and was actually honest about why it was fighting.

MK, seems they're bringing back the rhetoric. NPO going to come back and dominant, and do their old tricks. Rubbish I say. They've had the ability to be a major political actor for at least a year now due to their large side, but they've done nothing. They learned their lesson. The old atrocities they committed in the form of PZI, etc. would not be coming back. The most they might do is large reps, but I can't even say that with certainty. Even if, however, MK appears to take no issue with that. Again, rubbish rhetoric, trying to justify what they're doing.[/color]

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[quote name='greatmagnus' timestamp='1295972436' post='2600273']
Considering most everyone condemning the DoW in this thread hailed the TOP DoW last time like nothing else, I think the cries of hypocrisy in this thread are well... Hypocritical.
[color="#0000FF"]I didn't. I believed TOP's DoW to be have been just as stupid as this one.[/color]

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Yep. And they say that they're the "saviors" of the game, because it was getting boring. Something tells me that if they come out of this victorious, those that they defeated will be making tech and cash payments. Because, you know, that's what this is [i]really[/i] about. Once their enemies are defeated, I guarantee you that they won't be fighting each other to spare themselves boredom....

I think the whole age of "might makes right" or "because we can" is going to go extinct in this cyberverse - they're not challenging political practice. They're challenging morality itself. That has never ended well. Neither has forcing your own beliefs upon others. The negativity that they have brought upon themselves as a consequence of this war will result in their demise - regardless of who the victors turn out to be. The only ones that might have any kind of a positive future left are those that will call off their attacks, "because they can", or for perhaps the radical purpose, "it's wrong".

This game needed a powerful villain. Pacifica, now you are [i]truly[/i] free. In an effort to destroy you, they've done nothing more than empower you and rid you of that role, and in turn, placed themselves into it. And we all know how [i]that[/i] chapter reads.

Congratulations, guys. You certainly have made the cyberverse more interesting. But you've sacrificed yourselves in the process. And with time, you're going to pay dearly for it - you have demonstrated political instability - you are a walking, talking liability, armed with nukes. Nobody likes that in the world of politics. You speak negatively about those that don't want to "play the game", as in, "going to war". What you have failed to realize is that the best part of the game has little to do with nation pixels, and everything to do with politics within a world community. If you find yourselves amongst a large group of responsible people, who enjoy actually "[i]playing[/i] the game" as opposed to just launching nukes for the hell of it, then you're going to be the outcasts.

There is nothing that you can do to change that. This is Planet Bob. Not Planet of the Apes.

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[quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1295975282' post='2600383']
For those claiming there are no politics involved in this DoW, you are gravely mistaken. Read the OP and you will see that this war is being fought for what could objectively be the best rationale for war in this game, maintaining power. Some may see this as evil but it is no more evil or wrong than any other CB (fabricated or not) since the beginning of this game. MK, FAN, GOONS, Umb have no assurances that NPO won't go back to their former ways and have no desire to give them that chance.

The fault here lies solely with NPO's unwillingness to join a conflict that had direct implications on their ability to ensure their own safety. Welcome to the world of realpolitik.

The long and short of what I am saying is, shut up and fight.
Realpolitik? read to me like fear and revenge part 2. NPO might be bad in the future, sure we have no proof they will be bad but we dont have any proof that they will not be bad. If not getting involved in a war is now an act of war the neutral alliances of the world need to attack Doomhouse right now because preemptive attacks are good amirite?

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