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\m/ >_< \m/

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Let me start this by saying that I still consider much of \m/ friends. Though its sad that such a great friendship has ended. I worked hard in my time to develop the PC- \m/, Bel Air, Pink relationship and it really does sadden me that its no more. Saying that I love my friends in PC!

I ask that \m/ gov read this quote and really think about where you are and where you are going.

[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1295677536' post='2591361']
\m/ gets more likable every day.

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[quote name='extraduty' timestamp='1295727431' post='2592257']
I ask that \m/ gov read this quote and really think about where you are and where you are going.
It's someone trying to buddy up to us for 5 seconds because we're on the same side of a war as them. Nothing new to CN.

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1295727639' post='2592261']
It's someone trying to buddy up to us for 5 seconds because we're on the same side of a war as them. Nothing new to CN.

You see it as that. I see it as \m/ and SOS Brigade becoming closer in ideals.

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[quote name='extraduty' timestamp='1295727755' post='2592264']
You see it as that. I see it as \m/ and SOS Brigade becoming closer in ideals.
If SOS wants to defend RoK, they're free to as a sovereign alliance. Other than that, I don't think we have too many similar "ideals" except maybe they want to see SLCB burn.

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There is an extraordinary amount of built up intimate frustration between PC and \m/. I see it all the time with old married couples. \M/ and PC need to @$%^ and make up. And by (*&^ I REALLY mean @#$%; as is get after it-- no holds barred @$%@-fest.

You'd be surprised how easy it will be to talk with each other afterward.

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[quote name='extraduty' timestamp='1295727755' post='2592264']
You see it as that. I see it as \m/ and SOS Brigade becoming closer in ideals.

SOS Brigade will go back to wanting us to die once the war is over I'm sure.

And the only ideal that factored into our decision to go to war is that if an ally calls for our help then we'll answer that call. That's not a new ideal for \m/ as far as I know. All the back and forth about morals and spying and what have you in relation to this war means absolutely nothing to us. RoK needed our help and we're helping them. That's it.

Edited by LegendoftheSkies
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[quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1295728582' post='2592274']
RoK needed our help and we're helping them. That's it.

Without any hostility, i just find it ironic that way back when PC helped \m/ in bipolar,(when nobody else would) with RoK disregarding the treaty. Now you're theoretically helping NpO & RoK indirectly against those that did come to your aid.

I've already stated that i don't care for \m/ or it's insignificant existance, yet the whole argument taking place reeks of hypocrisy.

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[quote name='d3filed' timestamp='1295729542' post='2592291']
Without any hostility, i just find it ironic that way back when PC helped \m/ in bipolar,(when nobody else would) with RoK disregarding the treaty. Now you're theoretically helping NpO & RoK indirectly against those that did come to your aid.[/quote]
Except PC was the only one coming to [b]our[/b] aid.

[quote]I've already stated that i don't care for \m/ or it's insignificant existance, yet the whole argument taking place reeks of hypocrisy.
You're just mad you weren't welcome anymore.

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[quote name='d3filed' timestamp='1295729542' post='2592291']
Without any hostility, i just find it ironic that way back when PC helped \m/ in bipolar,(when nobody else would) with RoK disregarding the treaty. Now you're theoretically helping NpO & RoK indirectly against those that did come to your aid.

I've already stated that i don't care for \m/ or it's insignificant existance, yet the whole argument taking place reeks of hypocrisy.

Why does it reek of hypocrisy when they ride to their ally's defense just as you once rode to their's?

The party line PB is inserting against alliances who are honoring treaties made as supporting Polar is silly.

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[quote name='d3filed' timestamp='1295729542' post='2592291']
Without any hostility, i just find it ironic that way back when PC helped \m/ in bipolar,(when nobody else would) with RoK disregarding the treaty. Now you're theoretically helping NpO & RoK indirectly against those that did come to your aid.

I've already stated that i don't care for \m/ or it's insignificant existance, yet the whole argument taking place reeks of hypocrisy.
We don't have a treaty with PC. We have a mutual defense treaty with RoK. I'm not seeing what's so hard to understand here.

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1295730705' post='2592310']
Except PC was the only one coming to [b]our[/b] aid.

You're just mad you weren't welcome anymore.

By 'weren't welcome' you mean ejected due to your tyranic leader's disregard of his own character. Tell me, what was \m/'s total strength before that whole affair, and what was it after?

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[quote name='d3filed' timestamp='1295729542' post='2592291']
I've already stated that i don't care for \m/ or it's insignificant existance...[/quote]

Well then don't be surprised when they're not on your side TODAY, regardless of what happened LAST YEAR.

Seriously, what the hell do you expect? You're like that jealous boyfriend who gets dumped and then calls his ex a slut in front of all her friends, only reassuring her that she made the right choice.

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[quote name='d3filed' timestamp='1295731067' post='2592316']
By 'weren't welcome' you mean ejected due to your tyranic leader's disregard of his own character. Tell me, what was \m/'s total strength before that whole affair, and what was it after?
Because infra > doing what's right, correct?

Man, you're reminding me of noCB here.

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[quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1295731240' post='2592322']
Well then don't be surprised when they're not on your side TODAY, regardless of what happened LAST YEAR.

Seriously, what the hell do you expect? You're like that jealous boyfriend who gets dumped and then calls his ex a slut in front of all her friends, only reassuring her that she made the right choice.

that was a excellent similie thankyou for your input

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[quote name='d3filed' timestamp='1295731067' post='2592316']
By 'weren't welcome' you mean ejected due to your tyranic leader's disregard of his own character. Tell me, what was \m/'s total strength before that whole affair, and what was it after?

We are now who we were then: brothers who would fight to our very limit for each other and our allies.

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[quote name='d3filed' timestamp='1295732183' post='2592347']
the very existance of your 'alliance' should be amusing enough
Since you helped make the alliance what it is, I'm guessing you just don't like certain qualities of yourself!

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1295723786' post='2592207']
D3ath, you really do ALWAYS seem to, at every point, think that Polar is ALWAYS the sad victim of everyone else's whims. While I had zero fun getting rolled in the noCB war, its REALLY REALLY difficult to argue that Polaris didnt deserve it. There is a line that exists, between being a loyal soldier, and being blindly ignorant and defiant to literally everything Polaris has done that is wrong in its life. I, am , as loyal to Athens as can be, but I OWN our mistakes, and I try to see that they dont happen. I dont ignore them and hope they go away. You should try it sometime, and stop playing the unwitting victim.

I agree Polar's had it coming to them multiple times now and this war was completely deserved on their front (despite the CB being shaky I honestly would have accepted a DoW of your alliance is a menace and a threat to our long term security due to your unstable nature.) and the only shame is they had to bring down all these other alliances.

[quote name='d3filed' timestamp='1295731067' post='2592316']
By 'weren't welcome' you mean ejected due to your tyranic leader's disregard of his own character. Tell me, what was \m/'s total strength before that whole affair, and what was it after?

Seriously? NS isn't a measure of a good alliance can you honestly tell me that seeing bloated alliances like TDO, GPA, UPN, TOOL, and Legion in existence. You can't honestly tell me that they wouldn't be better after shedding a few million NS in ghosts? The measure of a good alliance is the dedication of the members to the community and I think after all the crap that \m/ has had pulled on them their commitment is stronger than ever so to me that makes \m/ a good alliance right now.

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[quote name='The Corrupt Teacher' timestamp='1295732686' post='2592363']
Seriously? NS isn't a measure of a good alliance can you honestly tell me that seeing bloated alliances like TDO, GPA, UPN, TOOL, and Legion in existence. You can't honestly tell me that they wouldn't be better after shedding a few million NS in ghosts? The measure of a good alliance is the dedication of the members to the community and I think after all the crap that \m/ has had pulled on them their commitment is stronger than ever so to me that makes \m/ a good alliance right now.

If you consider three government members and many other contributing members to be ghosts, then be my guest.

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[quote name='Faust Betreur' timestamp='1295732719' post='2592366']
Why would anyone be butthurt, you guys launched like 8 wars. I hardly think \m/ is going to have a big impact on the outcome of this war.
OOC: Sorry we couldn't manage to get everyone to rush to their computers and ignore prior engagements on short notice.

IC: We might not have a huge impact, but we'll definitely be standing by our allies.

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