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Declaration of War From the Viridian Entente

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1295359379' post='2581235']
The funny part here is that it isn't a defensive war. Whoops.
Funny, I didn't see a Polar declaration of war before VE jumped in... guess my eyesight must be [b]really[/b] bad. <_<

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[quote name='abdur' timestamp='1295356058' post='2581197']
So much for this:

When I made it, the signature made sense and I hope it stills make. I'd be really sad if RoK swallow this flimsy CB.

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1295359523' post='2581237']
Funny, I didn't see a Polar declaration of war before VE jumped in... guess my eyesight must be [b]really[/b] bad. <_<
Spying isn't a aggressive action anymore? Who keeps changing these rules? :(

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1295359691' post='2581240']When I made it, the signature made sense and I hope it stills make. I'd be really sad if RoK swallow this flimsy CB.[/quote]
Don't get your hopes up, D34th.
Hoo leaving the alliance he led for Haruhi-knows how long out of disgust at their stance towards Polar (and then joining Polar) speaks volumes.

[quote name='neneko' timestamp='1295359756' post='2581242']Spying isn't a aggressive action anymore? Who keeps changing these rules? :([/quote]
Why, it was VE, iFOK and PC of course. :awesome: The savvy out there will know what I mean.

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Now hold on there young fella's. Wouoldn't it be better to sit down and work this out in a civilised manner and spare us all any unplesantnes and grief.


Ok then some ground rules as we're civilised people. The use of knuckle busters, barbed wire wraps, wood spiked with nails, knives, baseball bats or any other hand held and vicious weapon is allowed. Hitting below the waist, kicking, biteing or gulging of the eyes is allowed, kicking an opponent or stomping on his head when he is down is allowed and indeed encouraged.

Now, gentlemen: are your seconds in attendance, VE i see you brought Poison clan and iFOK with you. Npo? no one to act as your second and attend you. Hmmmm!! that doesn't seem fare and equal.

Point of order I think, ganging up on ones opponent - is allowed - now go to it and lets have a clean fight.

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1295359523' post='2581237']
Funny, I didn't see a Polar declaration of war before VE jumped in... guess my eyesight must be [b]really[/b] bad. <_<
Polaris effectively declared war when their second in command actively encouraged and gsve advice to a spy on VE. Please try to keep up.

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1295359817' post='2581245']
Don't get your hopes up, D34th.
Hoo leaving the alliance he led for Haruhi-knows how long out of disgust at their stance towards Polar (and then joining Polar) speaks volumes.

Yeah I know, but a man can hopes.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1295359937' post='2581250']Polaris effectively declared war when their second in command actively encouraged and gsve advice to a spy on VE. Please try to keep up.[/quote]
I'm sure this logical deduction is news to VE, iFOK and PC, since it didn't seem to apply in the weeks leading up to this war breaking out. :awesome:

Short answer: It's only applicable when convenient. Welcome to Planet Bob. Leave your expectations of consistency at the door. :smug:

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1295359523' post='2581237']
Funny, I didn't see a Polar declaration of war before VE jumped in... guess my eyesight must be [b]really[/b] bad. <_<

Spying is considered an act of aggression, which would make this war an offensive war for polar and defensive for VE.

PS. I am not saying that the CB is solid or not. just saying that once you assume the spying true then it is an act of war.

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[quote name='neneko' timestamp='1295359756' post='2581242']
Spying isn't a aggressive action anymore? Who keeps changing these rules? :(
At this point you know what we are going to say in response to this and why we think VE attacked us, and why this is an aggressive war on VE's part. I think it's pretty obvious MK and Polar don't have the same opinion on the situation :P.

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[quote name='King Louis the II' timestamp='1295360477' post='2581258']Spying is considered an act of aggression, which would make this war an offensive war for polar and defensive for VE.[/quote]
Wouldn't have if you'd asked VE/PC/iFOK that question a week or so ago and changed some of the names. :rolleyes: Like I said, applicable when convenient, as usual.

Edit: In any case, those that have sown seeds of their own destruction here shall reap them in due time. Such is the way of the world.

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[quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1295360566' post='2581259']
At this point you know what we are going to say in response to this and why we think VE attacked us, and why this is an aggressive war on VE's part. I think it's pretty obvious MK and Polar don't have the same opinion on the situation :P.
I thought the argument was over whether this makes VE hypocrites or not. I haven't seen anyone dispute the claim that what NpO did was spying.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1295342393' post='2580995']
Like I said, I was there. Were you?

<Random_Gone> [b]I am not going to waste my life speaking to you[/b] when it's clear you are not capable of understanding what a simple issue this is
<Impero[VE]> ah, theres that tone your so famous for
<Random_Gone> Only when dealing with people like you
<Impero[VE]> your right, it is simple, hence this being where we are
<Impero[VE]> now, if theres nothing else?
<Random_Gone> Enjoy your war. Congratulations on a successful setup, and I'll see you on the other side
<Impero[VE]> im sorry you feel that way
<Impero[VE]> have a great night

There you go; Random saying "Screw diplomacy, I'm not going to discuss anything with you."

efb by impero!!@
[color="#0000FF"]Random did try diplomacy, however, he has a point. Why bother when you know it's not going to accomplish anything? Sure, it's all part of the act. They talk, nothing happens, then war, and then VE gets to say that at least it tried. Why bother with the charade? There are times when there just is no reasoning with people.[/color]

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[quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1295360566' post='2581259']At this point you know what we are going to say in response to this and why we think VE attacked us, and why this is an aggressive war on VE's part. I think it's pretty obvious MK and Polar don't have the same opinion on the situation :P.[/quote]
Yes well unfortunately for you Ragnarok happens to share our opinion on this particular matter.

[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1295360600' post='2581260']
Wouldn't have if you'd asked VE/PC/iFOK that question a week or so ago and changed some of the names. :rolleyes: Like I said, applicable when convenient, as usual.
You're still trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole. I applaud your doggedness, I suppose.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1295360782' post='2581267']You're still trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole. I applaud your doggedness, I suppose.[/quote]
Do you even know what I'm talking about? It sure doesn't sound like it.

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[quote name='neneko' timestamp='1295360736' post='2581264']
I thought the argument was over whether this makes VE hypocrites or not. I haven't seen anyone dispute the claim that what NpO did was spying.



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[quote name='neneko' timestamp='1295360736' post='2581264']
I thought the argument was over whether this makes VE hypocrites or not. I haven't seen anyone dispute the claim that what NpO did was spying.
Actually there has been a lot of discussion on it, or it could be just me and bothering to read all 40 pages.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1295360782' post='2581267']
Yes well unfortunately for you Ragnarok happens to share our opinion on this particular matter.
So? I don't really care what RoK thinks. It's their opinion. I still believe Polaris is in the right and VE is wrong. If I get stomped I get stomped, but at least we helped start another global war and finally end the stagnation. 5/8 isn't bad for one alliance :P

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1295361040' post='2581277']
Due time, goodsir. In due time, all comes.
What if time... runs out?
[quote name='Arcturus Jefferson' timestamp='1295361151' post='2581281']
How much does it take to hire you as a contractor, Voytek? VE et all don't even have to lift a finger anymore. Or is this pro bono work?
et al*

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[quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1295331837' post='2580442']
Ragnarok has decided that Polar is in the wrong and that they will not be coming to their defense.[/quote]
Although it would've been much easier while you were still a member of Ragnarok, I still recommend you talk with me if you want to know what's been decided. You know that's the way it's always worked in RoK.

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