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Request to hold auto.

Finally got my pile of work done. I'll be posting in 3 hours or so.

Jeez, how it seems people are so impatient these days. It's been less than a week since the last post, and it's not like I've done some massive posting in the meantime.

Also, to continue the RP, please do a roll on this previous use of a nuclear weapon: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=102852&view=findpost&p=2740951

The part in question is

[quote]Another nuclear weapon was launched, this time at the UFE forces attempting to land in Nampo. The human observer at the island of Yongsan, in front of Nampo, had seen the forces incoming, and gave the data for the launch. This time, it was a simple 10 kiloton weapon, enough to kill off the landing forces. For the possibility that the missile might be shot down, twenty-five 55 ton-blast FOABs were launched around the sea west of Nampo. There would be no way the landing forces would set foot on the enterance to Pyongyang. Meanwhile, The weapon that was launched at the Canadian paratroopers would explode with ease, killing off the threat to Busan.[/quote]

Basically, a sea-based detonation against soldiers without particular coverage, but for the sake of Rping, do the roll please. What happens has a great effect on both Triyun's post above and my answering post.

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Can we all agree 10, 000 casualties from 400 megatons of explosives is stupid. And no I'm not going to argue, everyone know the fall out alone would kill far far more.

TBH, I don't think this is worth even responding to anymore. She surrendered her nation already, and wants a new one. This one should be wiped after repeatedly underplaying damages of massive nuclear scale. Its clear she's not taking this seriously and is only playing spoiler and trying to drag things out through OOC means in clear violation of the spirit of the rules.

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Fallout killing within one day? Radiation sickness usually takes at least a week to start killing, and since I'm RPing a daily scene, we still have at least 3~4 posts to go before the mass deaths starts. Why is it that I have to follow your accelerated timeline when it's been clearly stated this will be an intensive RPing? If Sarah was able to slow down her invasion of Germany to almost 12 hours per post, I would say that I can slow things down to around 1~2 days per post.

Next, I'll go with the initial kills from the nukes..

First up, iamthey:

[quote]*Target and deploy 13 19.99 MT Ground Penetrating Nuclear warheads to Chagang.
*Target and deploy 12 19.99 MT Ground Penetrating Nuclear warheads to Ryangang.

Priority targets are strategic bunkers, core industries, and administrative centers.[/quote]

He targeted a region with a population of 2 million. Among these, I shot down 17 nukes, with the effect that the population centers were saved, and only 8 nukes hit a specifc area with only 500,000 people, in an extremely mountainous place. Given that iamthey used GPWs, the inital death rate would be well below 10%, leading to 50,000 deaths at the most. Of course, once we reach about a week after the nuking we'll be having around 150,000 dying, withb further deaths along the way.

Next, Axolotlia's nukings:

[quote]4 (500kt) Pyongyang, 3 (425kt) in Wonsan and 18 (6 350kt, 12 500kt) in between the two cities in a line.[/quote]

I knocked out 13 of the nukes, meaning similarly that the population centers of the Pyongyang, Wonsan, and Pyongan regions were saved. All the nukes have concentrated on a high space with only 200,000 people, and as similar to above, around 10% would have been killed in the initial blast, equaling 20,000.

So total initial deaths would equal around 70,000, and if I throw in an additional 29,000, it would still be 99,000, meaning less than a hundred thousand. Therefore, my post is entirely possible, since it's only been around 24 hours after the bombing and the radiation still hasn't completely affected the people. We'll be reaching up to 500,000 once we let the fallout bring to bear its full deadliness.

I have to take offense at Triyun's accusation about my being a spoiler. It was he that approached me to get this over with ASAP, given how I was willing to continue dragging him into a Vietnam, which was entirely possible given his inability to land forces and also non-willignless to actually start a land invasion (and no, my using nukes isn't really an excuse for not doing landings). After his asking three days straight did I agree to this "first reroll, later RP" route, with my having full power to continue RPing the conflict out since I do not like to leave things hanging. This playing victim for what he first suggested seems to be in bad taste.

I am willing to give up Grand Papua to continue RPing out the war if Triyun is willing to go through the trouble. He first suggested the reroll, and thus he has no right to complain about my knowing more about geography and population density of Korea, which I am using to my full advantage. If this is in reality being a spoiler, then I'm willing to be one, to show that people should stop taking their IG stats/OOC connections for granted in starting wars. You want to war someone, be prepared to face the most tenacious person, who is willing to fight to the very end if needed so.

I've been nice by not launching nukes at those willing to RP this out, and I'll continue this policy, but only when the person who had been the first to tire out and suggest a negotiated RP ending is willing to keep his side of the bargain.

PS: I forgot to mention that I haven't added in Sargun's nukings yet, given the continuing dispute. If we count those nukes, we would have around 400,000 instant deaths.

Edited by Kankou
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So, then you have a choice: Roll back the annexation of Korea and continue on with the war, or just stick to original argument and just follow my lead, which will be beneficial to you in the long run. Your choice. Enough broken promises and acting the victim: Put up or shut up.

Edited by Kankou
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I do not recognize you RPing Korea anymore. You've consistently ignored damages over several large scale attacks. You simply aren't worth dealing with. You are a god modder who thinks they are above the normal rules. Thus I will no longer recognize any RPs you do with Korea. If you have a problem with that I don't particularly give a damn.

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Very well, then I shall consider this cause of our agreement as no longer applying:

[quote]Kankou is to leave East Asia at minimum for six months, during this time no evidence can be seen of her interfering directly ICly or OOCly in a manner clearly designed to circumvent IC and influence IC actions. Total de-Juchification is to occur across the Korean Penninsula carried out by coalition forces with the Sovereign Initiative leading this effort. [/quote]

Hope you don't complain about this. Thank you, and a final good bye to you.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1310274758' post='2753700']
I knocked out 13 of the nukes, meaning similarly that the population centers of the Pyongyang, Wonsan, and Pyongan regions were saved. All the nukes have concentrated on a high space with only 200,000 people, and as similar to above, around 10% would have been killed in the initial blast, equaling 20,000.

So total initial deaths would equal around 70,000, and if I throw in an additional 29,000, it would still be 99,000, meaning less than a hundred thousand. Therefore, my post is entirely possible, since it's only been around 24 hours after the bombing and the radiation still hasn't completely affected the people. We'll be reaching up to 500,000 once we let the fallout bring to bear its full deadliness.

For future reference, I would like to inquire on how this is dealt with. How is it determined which nukes are blocked? Can she just assume that the ones that were targeted for the cities are blocked, and get to pick and choose, or is there any other method?

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1310277879' post='2753733']
For future reference, I would like to inquire on how this is dealt with. How is it determined which nukes are blocked? Can she just assume that the ones that were targeted for the cities are blocked, and get to pick and choose, or is there any other method?
You should ask the rolls to be done separately within the GM thread. For example, you should have asked your nukes to be rolled like this:

Four nukes on Pyongyang
Three nukes on Wonsan
18 nukes in the line between the two cities.

Then, instead of a single 25 rolling sequence, the GMs would do 3 separate rolling sequences.

That's how I understood the rolling style back when Sargun done the rolls for Californian's lulz nuking on me.

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Personally, I think a better system would be when people are declaring nuclear attacks to do the following.

1. Seoul
2. Pyong Yang
3. ...

And so forth and so on. If targets are declared then when the DM rolls the dice it is known precisely which number lines up with which targets and which ones SDI were able to counter and which ones they were not so disputes about which targets are hit or not or who have governance over which targets are hit is no longer in dispute.

It would be even nicer if the exact GPS co-ordinates of the strike were provided like in an actual strike package. Would perhaps add to the military nature and feel of the RP.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1310275769' post='2753712']I do not recognize you RPing Korea anymore. You've consistently ignored damages over several large scale attacks. You simply aren't worth dealing with. You are a god modder who thinks they are above the normal rules. Thus I will no longer recognize any RPs you do with Korea. If you have a problem with that I don't particularly give a damn.[/quote]Triyun might have given Kankou somewhat of a Korean regime post-war, sort of?

Could she Technically fight Triyun again, even as the current conflict plays out?

How does one fight a war that takes place after the current war?

This would be totally insane concerning continuity!

My head's hurting just thinking about it.

Edited by Generalissimo
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[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1310533161' post='2755350']
Triyun might have given Kankou somewhat of a Korean regime post-war, sort of?

Could she Technically fight Triyun again, even as the current conflict plays out?

How does one fight a war that takes place after the current war?

This would be totally insane concerning continuity!

My head's hurting just thinking about it.
[/quote]Thinking I was wrong about Kankou and Korea. . . but still curious about my question.

How does one fight a war, in continuity, that takes place after a war currently being fought?

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[quote name='Lavo_2' timestamp='1310272862' post='2753676']
I support the above. I fail to see any logic in how 400MT worth of detonations only cause tens of thousands of casualties.
I fail to see any logic in launching 400MT of nuclear bombs.

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[quote name='Lavo_2' timestamp='1310272862' post='2753676']
I support the above. I fail to see any logic in how 400MT worth of detonations only cause tens of thousands of casualties.
I fail to see any logic in assuming that having 160MT worth of [i]underground[/i] detonations and 240MT worth of ground detonations in underpopulated, mountainous regions would have anything over a hundred thousand initial [i]deaths[/i]. Do I see reading comprehension problems in telling the difference between [b]deaths and casualties[/b], or perhaps just blind posting without actual reading?

[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1310610251' post='2755788']
I fail to see any logic in launching 400MT of nuclear bombs.
I fail to see any logic in how you, the epitome in everything that is wrong about CNRP in the realm of lulznuking/stat-rushing, have anything to say on this matter.

Leaving aside the petty and childish arguments that Triyun and friends seems to always bring up, I have a question for clarification on something. The following is what Centurius had written in my thread:

[quote]Kankou, based on the original ruling a few years ago recently confirmed by the current GM staff in the case where Timmy nuked. You have to rp severe damages to your current nation for a period of 3 months. This basically means that because you were nuked and [b]fired nuked yourselves[/b] for the aforementioned period the damages that would have happened in Korea need to be rp'd in your new nation. [/quote]

I'm not getting the bold part. Does it mean that [b]since I fired nukes[/b], I would have to RP the nuke damages? Because depending on how people interpret that, the statement could mean that people who are nuked but have not nuked themselves don't have to RP out the problems in rerolls.

Oh, and in case the usual paranoia of Triyun and Lavo comes up, Grand Papua is a S**thole from the incompetence of previous regimes. It's going to take some time, along with mass migrations, for there to be anything resembling an advanced nation.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1310614890' post='2755854']
Oh, and in case the usual paranoia of Triyun and Lavo comes up, Grand Papua is a S**thole from the incompetence of previous regimes. It's going to take some time, along with mass migrations, for there to be anything resembling an advanced nation.

This. You won't need to Rp literal nuclear damages in New Guinea, but as long as you aren't right up in tip top shape you should be fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i would like a GM to explain to me what nationalities these borders would include.

]02 28 18[ <%Bluestrike> Thailand, Indonesia, Burma
]02 28 25[ <%Bluestrike> China
]02 28 27[ <%Bluestrike> Taiwan
]02 28 42[ <%Bluestrike> Possibly parts of Nepal
]02 28 51[ <%Bluestrike> Possibly Bangaladesh
]02 29 22[ <%Bluestrike> Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam
]02 29 39[ <%Bluestrike> Malyasia
]02 29 43[ <%Bluestrike> I don't think anything else

]02 28 52[ <+Spock> ASIAN

]02 28 49[ <Deuterium_Dawn[Polaris]> looks like
]02 28 50[ <NemaK> Malay
]02 28 52[ <Deuterium_Dawn[Polaris]> thailand
]02 28 57[ <Deuterium_Dawn[Polaris]> laos
]02 29 07[ <Deuterium_Dawn[Polaris]> cambodia and vietnam?
]02 29 16[ <Deuterium_Dawn[Polaris]> maybe parts of china

]02 29 18[ <&CaoPai[TIO]> Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laosian, some chinese, looks like indonesian

]02 28 15[ <+Mogar> MoG[Question] http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w82/M0gar/CN%20stuff/mogatopiasnewborders.png what nationalities would fall under these borders?
]02 28 56[ <@El_Barto|Exodus|> martians
]02 29 28[ <@TheLordPrice|X> Chinese, Vietnamese, Laotian, Cambodian and Maylasian.
]02 29 52[ <@TheLordPrice|X> plus one or two that I am probably missing.
]02 30 25[ <@TheLordPrice|X> Taiwanese...
]02 30 30[ <@TheLordPrice|X> Singapore..
]02 30 48[ <@TheLordPrice|X> Bengladeshi.
]02 31 13[ <@TheLordPrice|X> That enough Mogar?

]02 29 24[ <~bart416> all of south east asia
]02 29 27[ <~bart416> china as well
]02 29 45[ <~bart416> Don't feel like going into detail on the China thing though
]02 29 48[ <~bart416> Way too much population groups

]02 29 20[ <&Jache[Away]> Vitneese or however you spell it Mogar from Vietnam, Loas, and Thailand I know for sure
]02 29 35[ <&Jache[Away]> I don't know what they call themselves though Mogar

]02 30 01[ <&Tohru> Chinese, Taiwanese, Phillipino, Malaysian, Brunei, Singaporean, Burmese, Thai, Vietnamese, Laosian, Cambodian, Indian, Bengali?

]02 30 42[ <%Jgoods[TLR]> Malaysia, Vietname and Thailand
]02 30 56[ <%Jgoods[TLR]> or something
]02 32 38[ <%Jgoods[TLR]> china taiwan
]02 32 53[ <%Jgoods[TLR]> bangladash

I have more logs, but hey, let's get an actual GM's opinion, the popular opinion doesn't matter after all, only the GMs does.

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1311488854' post='2762610']
i would like a GM to explain to me what nationalities these borders would include.

The Western ends include half of Bangladesh and India's North Eastern states going southwards onto Myanmar while northwards it would include China's Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Anhui and Zhejiang. It would also include Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia.

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