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An open letter to the SOS Brigade regarding spy operations


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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1294700074' post='2571401']
[url=http://www.cybernations.net/search_spies.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=SOS%20Brigade&anyallexact=exact]you might want to look at this[/url].

That link doesn't appear to be working, however this one does:


Shame on you SLCB.

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1294700074' post='2571401']
I'm afraid there'll be no DoW in this thread.

Yeah, you usually make a new thread for DoWs, right?
I mean, apart from the fact that it's Bernkastel, I don't see how you could do much else, except ask for reps, and I sort of doubt SCLB would offer those :awesome:

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[quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1294670816' post='2571052']
This does not look like an apology. Actually, the people that posted in the topic were led to think that SOS was the one to blame and SLCB was acting cool about it. If I was SOS, I'd be further insulted. Pity, I used to think that SLCB was better than this.
Well, it's not like being insulted by SLCB is news to us.

[quote name='porksaber' timestamp='1294674143' post='2571076']
I can't believe this. You guys are the most disorganized and indirect alliance i've ever had the displeasure of working with. Your FA person asks us to make a post. We do. He's OK with it. Then look! Here comes your MoD in here blowing a gasket and says he doesn't agree with the resolution! Then, further hilarity ensues when you enter the stage and start making incendiary comments about petulance and instigate logic games, and bust out your trite "dustbin of history" remarks, this time directed at our friends in Tetris who have absolutely nothing to do with this situation.

It's clear that you're disgruntled and are lashing out. It's a shame you can't just be satisfied that you're part of the thick, warm, delicious soup. You should try yoga.
Did you [i]really[/i] think anyone besides me would be okay with that? It doesn't take a genius to understand the song and dance you pulled. That I accepted it merely shows that I am diplomatic and patient, and that I really can't expect any more from you. But surely you knew that your topic was engineered in a somewhat different slant than would be appreciated.

Just be thankful that there are people like me here, you'd probably have seen retaliation before now otherwise.

[quote name='Faust Betreur' timestamp='1294675801' post='2571087']
Anyone who can decipher a simple metaphor would see that we did exactly that.
Yes, you did. You also did a lot more. But again, the fact that you indeed did as asked, no matter the method, was enough to satisfy me, at least.

[quote name='Faust Betreur' timestamp='1294679198' post='2571124']
I'm gonna go ahead and call "fake" based on the fact I don't think Porksaber is even in range to spy Arrnea.
Well, you have Pachi's warchest...a rather nice one at that. :v:

[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1294680088' post='2571137']
Oh, yeah, Arrnea hired Ephriam to fake-up a screenshot in 5 minutes.
Oh, that is a good one. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Fq9u6.gif[/IMG]

[quote name='Raffaello' timestamp='1294683157' post='2571170']
So SOS has a great CB on SLCB and just asks for a "We're sorry" thread (inb4BPjokes) then pork being the [i]wonderful[/i] person he is, spies again to try to provoke a war? SOS it seems the ball is in your court.
It would only be a CB on the alliance if the alliance said "yes, we told him to do that." They said they didn't, and we accepted that out of goodwill, though a third attack seems to be pushing that goodwill a bit far.

[quote name='Petrovich4' timestamp='1294688996' post='2571239']
1. When I first read the OP, I interpreted it to mean that SOS was the guilty party.
2. SOS (the wronged) has no balls - rather it is SLCB that have the meatballs in their soup.


3. My alliance would have rolled yours for the spying. :nuke:
Well, that was kind of his intent, but over my dead body.
We war when we want to war, not when SLCB, you, or anyone else tells us to. We have answered every call to war by our allies, as we expect of them. I didn't think that their previous actions warranted retaliation and was ordered to, to put it frankly, make the problem go away, so I did. I didn't want the possibility ot dragging our allies in to a fight that really isn't their fight, and stems from more than year-old grudges. This wasn't something worth making a deal of if we could help it.

To those of you who complain at SOS団's handling of this situation, it's all my fault, please feel free to direct your complaints to my inbox (or my nation if roguery is your thing). I'm sorry that I'm just not war hungry enough over a silly issue that should have died a long time ago. If you think you could handle it better, show me when such an opportunity falls in your lap, but I happen to work by my standards of diplomatic decorum, and being a diplomat is my job and creed. (OOC: Contrary to popular belief, war really isn't all that it's cracked up to be and there's plenty of fun to be made if you know how.) However, I'm sure you'll all be happy to know that a third attack will try even my patience though, so we'll see where this takes us.

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1294700074' post='2571401']
Well, considering that SLCB has decided to go for the third spy-op, I'd say any goodwill they might have had has just evaporated.


Also, before porksaber decides to call fake on this one too, [url=http://www.cybernations.net/search_spies.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=SOS%20Brigade&anyallexact=exact]you might want to look at this[/url].

I'm afraid there'll be no DoW in this thread.

This is moronic. Get them to pay reps and get it over with, if a war breaks out over this is it will be followed by a global :facepalm:

Edited by Lord Fingolfin
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[quote name='Lord Fingolfin' timestamp='1294705846' post='2571494']
This is moronic. Get them to pay reps and get it over with, if a war breaks out over this is it will be followed by a global :facepalm:

More like a global [img]http://media.ign.com/games/image/article/738/738102/gaijin4koma2_peersblog_1200684608.jpg[/img]

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[quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1294706124' post='2571498']
More like a global [img]http://media.ign.com/games/image/article/738/738102/gaijin4koma2_peersblog_1200684608.jpg[/img]

Eh, I suppose but for some (including myself) this would lead to people I like fighting people I like as the treaties chained out, I don't really have any strong opinions about SOS/SLCB in and off themselves. Personally I'd rather have all the people I like team up and go kill all the people I don't like instead of having them fight each other -_-

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[quote name='porksaber' timestamp='1294681552' post='2571147']
yeah, but this new development of the SOS Brigade faking logs and screenshots is a pretty hostile act...
I suppose that's why SLCB instead decides to fake logs and screenshots of the people who can't attack them... like, say, their MDoAP partners. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif[/img]

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So if I understand things correctly:

SLCB: I spied all over your nations.
SOS Brigade: Well you better stop!
SLCB: Okay I'm sorry but not really you're sorry here's something to clam you down.
The International: Okay man it's okay with us just don't do it again!
(SLCB continues to spy on SOS Brigade)
SOS Brigade: I thought you said you'd stop!
SLCB: So what's your response?
SOS Brigade: Well.. uh.. what do we...
(Looks over at The Int.)
The International: ...

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1294706519' post='2571506']
I suppose that's why SLCB instead decides to fake logs and screenshots of the people who can't attack them... like, say, their MDoAP partners. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif[/img]

no we canceled on you ages before you faked those logs. Also, you're just mad because you got caught leaking government data and you're sore about it. Thats why you keep bringing it up.

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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1294704936' post='2571478']
Does this mean one of our unannounced treaties could be activated before being posted on the forum? [i]excellent[/i]

Possibly, but I have to wonder if it would be a case of [i]Déjà vu[/i] for iFOK and PC. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9197543/emot-hist101.gif[/img]

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[quote name='porksaber' timestamp='1294706831' post='2571511']
no we canceled on you ages before you faked those logs. Also, you're just mad because you got caught leaking government data and you're sore about it. Thats why you keep bringing it up.
Yeah, cause I'd defiantly leak data of a post declaring [u]my[/u] opposition to the SLCB treaty... you keep trying to play that card. Also, I brought it up because it's a serious case of irony that SLCB, of all people, consider spying on others as being "hostile"... might want to learn your own rules.

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[quote name='Faust Betreur' timestamp='1294707115' post='2571519']
What was our last incident relating to spies? (Genuine question)

Forget the time frame, but couldn't have been more than a few months ago regarding the members who left \m/ and committed spy acts.

Edited by lonewolfe2015
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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1294700074' post='2571401']
Well, considering that SLCB has decided to go for the third spy-op, I'd say any goodwill they might have had has just evaporated.


Also, before porksaber decides to call fake on this one too, [url=http://www.cybernations.net/search_spies.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=SOS%20Brigade&anyallexact=exact]you might want to look at this[/url].

I'm afraid there'll be no DoW in this thread.
SLCB screwed up badly and don't seem very apologetic in this thread at all, then they do a third spy attack. You guys should just roll them imo, they've taken advantage of your peaceful intentions long enough.

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1294706718' post='2571509']
So if I understand things correctly:

SLCB: I spied all over your nations.
SOS Brigade: Well you better stop!
SLCB: Okay I'm sorry but not really you're sorry here's something to clam you down.
The International: Okay man it's okay with us just don't do it again!
(SLCB continues to spy on SOS Brigade)
SOS Brigade: I thought you said you'd stop!
SLCB: So what's your response?
SOS Brigade: Well.. uh.. what do we...
(Looks over at The Int.)
The International: ...
You don't understand things correctly, which is...expected. :v: If you'd manage to read my recent post (you seem to like to go out of your way to attack me when possible, so I'm sure you did) or were anywhere near connected to the relevant alliances, you'd see more of the correct picture.
SLCB members: I spied all over your nations.
SOS団: Well you'd better stop!
SLCB: Okay we're sorry, they shouldn't have, despite how much we hate you.
SOS団: Okay man it's okay with us just don't do it again!
(SLCB members continue to spy on SOS Brigade)
SOS団: I thought you said you'd stop!
SLCB: Yeah, our bad.
To be continued...

But considering that you are completely unconnected to the alliances at hand and have no idea what's being said, your ignorance is to be expected.

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Good show by SOS Brigade remaining cool headed. I really do not know how you manage it. By the way SLCB are acting, clearly they are not sorry for their actions... They are exploiting your goodwill. I hope you decide to give them what is coming soon enough.

Props to SLCB for the laughs though.

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1294709992' post='2571568']
Continue to believe that SLCB isn't doing this on purpose and we'll all sit here and continue to laugh at you.
Again, you are not privy to my negotiations and are completely misinformed as to their content, but you've not let that stop you yet. Suffice it to say there are voices I trust and who trust me, even in alliances as opposed to us as SLCB.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1294715445' post='2571684']
[color="#0000FF"]I'm not sure exactly what to say here, but I like SLCB's style. I support them on this. Also, roll SOS.[/color]

You seem really educated! I like you. :rolleyes:

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