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Something shady is going on

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Between the claims that our government is rigging elections, and then said government disappearing in a poofy cloud of goneness, I'm not sure what is going on in Farkistan. One thing I do know is that we lost a great Farker today: Rontastic was just removed from our ranks without explanation. When I got home from work, I found this in my e-mail: http://www.soundcloud.com/allthingsron/fark-scandal-edit

I'm posting this in here because I don't know who to trust anymore. I do know that Farkistan forums are under the control of the Farkistani government. At least in here they can't silence me. I hope. Tell my fiancee I love her. Make sure my daughter doesn't grow up to be a stripper. Please.

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[quote name='ParanoiaFark' timestamp='1294032960' post='2561613']*more important stuff*
Make sure my daughter doesn't grow up to be a stripper. Please.
I can't make any promises... :P

We need more creative alliance announcements and news reports like this.

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I, for one, would like to say that it's going to take YEARS of rehabilitation until I'm allowed to go outside in public again. The upside, however, is that the lacerations and contusions to my facial region are quite unique and I will be painting a variety of... er... paintings for charity.

(I'm also available for kids birthday parties and bar mitzvahs. The girl ones. Where's a jew when I need 'em?)

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