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UPN: What is and what isn't going to happen


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[quote name='Dexomega' timestamp='1292806078' post='2545176']
See above.

Also: She's still in the alliance you twat.




do some research ;)

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[quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1292809469' post='2545237']


do some research ;)

See above about 5 replies or so.

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Oh no! Somebody started talking about UPN! Here comes Bones with his own brand of perspective that nobody asked for...

All joking aside I have to say it is nice to see the old man back in the big boy pants and taking charge. I stayed in UPN for as long as I did mostly because of Altheus (also, the wide wide world of Bob is kind of a scary place) and I'd say that if anyone has the ability (nay, right) to lead UPN, I'd say it would be that jolly purple fellow that founded the place all those years ago.

That being said...

I don't think this is a step in the direction the alliance needs to go. I know Peggy had her faults in the job but so did Altheus last time around. Unless there is a plan moving forward, I feel like this is going to end up being a whole lot of nothing. The old gang is gone. The people Altheus knew to rely on have gone to greener pastures (Magister and DP and Sareya over here in tLW; CN's best recruiter Abdur and company are over in DRAGON; KJ and company are over in Alchemy; Hans and Don have gone to Polaris and Pacifica respectively). He's there with a bunch of newbies that don't really know what they're doing at all (I think the last several months of fiascoes, fair and unfair, will speak to that). He can't do everything by himself, and his supporting cast has a lot of growing to do. It will take time to go to where they need to be, but this isn't a hail worthy announcement: This is a "Hey, good luck with righting that lost ship Altheus" announcement.

The problems that UPN had when Altheus was in charge last time are still going to be there, at least for a short while. I mean, hell, my main problem with sticking around was the lack of a voice people had in the alliance and that definitely hasn't changed at all. I'm sure my way has flaws that Altheus' way addresses, and I know Altheus' way has flaws that my way addresses, but come on. What happens to NakedTime (Alexander II)? I mean, he was the duly appointed interim leader, and even though I personally think he may actually be the worst choice for the job (I really can't stress that enough) that doesn't really matter. Altheus is again circumventing the Constitution of UPN by just saying "Hey, I guess I'm back, do what I say." This is the same problem that led to many great members leaving UPN in the past. It doesn't seem to have been fixed, but everyone in UPN is just too young to realize it. Wouldn't it have been better to just run for the Prime Minister job in the elections and add some legitimacy to your own regime? I'm pretty sure you would have won hands down (I don't think anyone would have actually run against you in fact) but it gives people the choice. That may not mean much to a guy who has historically gotten his way in his alliance come hell or high water, but it would mean a lot to the membership I'm sure. If you're taking suggestions (and I'm sure you're not) you might want to think about drafting a new constitution once you get settled back into the high chair. Maybe something that lets members know exactly what they should expect when they apply right in the first sentence. Something like: "Founded by Altheus on January 23, 2007, the United Purple Nations exists to provide an approachable purple alliance to its members and friends; to provide her members with safety, prosperity, and freedom through a liberal community as long as the members' definition of freedom complies with the goals and desires of Altheus, who founded the alliance on January 23, 2007." You might as well change the whole Constitution, it doesn't seem like you have much respect for it as is anyways.

But then again, I could be wrong. You could come in with the attitude that everyone in the alliance matters and that you're going to take that to heart. You could use your experience to fix all the problems from past regimes (yours included) make UPN an alliance that stands by its friends and its members, creating again one of the best communities around the world of Bob. I have faith, but history is not on faith's side. Address problems in the transition or they'll be harder to make go away later, and at the cost of many potentially awesome members.

I mean this in the most sincere sense imaginable: Good luck Altheus and UPN.

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The current status of the United Purple Nations is not reflective of it's decisions or it's leadership. When I came to Planet Bob, over 36,000 nations were in existence. Now we are experiencing a decline of our world and barely 20,000 nations exist today. A huge difference. Bob is dying and I fear that there is very little that we can do to stop it. Welcome back Altheus to the UPN, indeed. I don't know what it will be worth in another 1000 days. I wish you the best of luck.

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[quote name='Bones Malone' timestamp='1292810008' post='2545252']
What happens to NakedTime (Alexander II)? I mean, he was the duly appointed interim leader, and even though I personally think he may actually be the worst choice for the job (I really can't stress that enough) that doesn't really matter. Altheus is again circumventing the Constitution of UPN by just saying "Hey, I guess I'm back, do what I say."
Personally, I'd rather have a working UPN than one that follows the charter. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/xonVD.gif[/IMG]

Though I'm sure there's more to it than Altheus taking point again, more than likely it was discussed and approved in a manner a little more official than a simple declaration.

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[quote name='Bones Malone' timestamp='1292810008' post='2545252']Altheus is again circumventing the Constitution of UPN by just saying "Hey, I guess I'm back, do what I say."

Oh hey! Last tribune of the alliance here and second remaining cabinet, yes that sucks doesn't it.

I back it. Constitution circumvention achieved, in fact, I'll just change the constitution! Look at that 4/5 majority I got!

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1292811425' post='2545297']
I don't really get the Peggy Sue hate train. While she did make a few mistakes, she had been leading the UPN alone for a good while.

Good luck to you Altheus.

I resent that. There was a lot going on with the few active people there, I'll have you know.

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[quote name='Dexomega' timestamp='1292811382' post='2545294']
Oh hey! Last tribune of the alliance here and second remaining cabinet, yes that sucks doesn't it.

I back it. Constitution circumvention achieved, in fact, I'll just change the constitution! Look at that 4/5 majority I got!

Laugh it up. If you don't value the set of rules that everyone agrees to live by, then how can you expect to hold the people subject to those rules accountable? If I were a UPN member and saw this I would take it as an invitation to do whatever I wanted because why should I be subject to the system when my leadership holds it in such low regard as to make jokes about it and quietly kick it aside whenever they feel it is convenient. I hope you weren't elected to your job as a tribune because you seem to be a very poor representative of the public.

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[quote name='Bones Malone' timestamp='1292810008' post='2545252']
The old gang is gone. The people Altheus knew to rely on have gone to greener pastures (Magister and DP and Sareya over here in tLW; CN's best recruiter Abdur and company are over in DRAGON; KJ and company are over in Alchemy; Hans and Don have gone to Polaris and Pacifica respectively). He's there with a bunch of newbies that don't really know what they're doing at all (I think the last several months of fiascoes, fair and unfair, will speak to that). [/quote]

I don't usually post on here but I have to say I agree with this completely. I hope it goes well for Altheus and President Dana (I think they are about the only 2 people I talked to that are still in UPN).

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[quote name='thedestro' timestamp='1292805201' post='2545153']
UPN crumbles some more and behold the man who redundantly names himself the founder UPN. I don't see why this is supposed to be a game changer

[quote name='camerontech' timestamp='1292805576' post='2545160']
Peggy Sue once asked me what UPN had to do to change it's horrible reputation on the OWF....I don't think this is it.

Let's be honest here folks, in your eyes nothing short of disbanding could redeem UPN.

Congratulations to Atheus, You've got a tough job ahead of you, but i look forward to working with you in the future.

Good luck to PS in her new alliance.

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So I guess all that was wrong with UPN was a state of mind? (Or was it a [b]State[/b] of Mind?)

Good luck UPN, you're definitely going to need it with Mr. Realpolitik Policy Of Not Entering Losing Wars at the helm again.

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[quote name='Bones Malone' timestamp='1292810008' post='2545252']
He's there with a bunch of newbies that don't really know what they're doing at all (I think the last several months of fiascoes, fair and unfair, will speak to that). He can't do everything by himself, and his supporting cast has a lot of growing to do. It will take time to go to where they need to be, but this isn't a hail worthy announcement: This is a "Hey, good luck with righting that lost ship Altheus" announcement.

There is a saving wind on the horizon.

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