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The Unholy Alliance


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Why would the world tremble? The alliance that thought a preemptive attack was a good idea treaties the alliance that needed twenty people to help them out from said preemptive attack.

But congrats on your treaty you two :blush:

[quote name='TrotskysRevenge' timestamp='1292727865' post='2543565']

What a surprise. TOP, looking out for their infra since 1996. :frantic::psyduck:

Honestly, you have no room to talk.

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[quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1292727997' post='2543571']
wow...guess Archon taking over makes all the grudges that were going on pre/post BiPolar go away?

congrats on the treaty?

I ran MK pre/post that war :psyduck:

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[quote name='Max Cristof' timestamp='1292727138' post='2543525']
Thanks for letting ODN know?
Disregard ODN Acquire TOP?

[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1292727420' post='2543545']
disregard umbrella acquire top
Dammit. :(

[quote name='RePePe' timestamp='1292727289' post='2543538']
This treaty was leaked awhile ago. Nonetheless, it is still going to cause some ripples.

One thing people cannot say is that this won't make things interesting.
Pfft, leaks; it really didn't take much brainpower to imagine this happening a year ago. I know that it sounds silly to use Bipolar as an example here, but I seem to recall MK saying that, before TOP et al. came in on C&G, they generally held them in high regard. And then there were those little platypus/mushroom sigs they wore for a while too, which was included in the OP. Anyone who paid attention to these two alliances at all would have seen signs plastered all over the place; I'm sure I could come up with more reasons if I spent more than a few seconds digging around. :v:

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1292727990' post='2543570']
I'm shocked :o

How ODN feels being indirect linked with IRON?

IRON is an ally of an ally of one of ODN's allies. There are quite a lot of alliances who are allies-of-allies-of-allies, and ODN and IRON's relationship isn't that bad that it should matter to either party.

Edited by King Puffington
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[quote name='Janosik' timestamp='1292728052' post='2543573']
You know when people are arguing over who knew about it first, it's a big deal.

Thanks for the support infowarriors!
Especially when they claim to have known about it before a MDoAP was even on the table!

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[quote name='TrotskysRevenge' timestamp='1292727865' post='2543565']

What a surprise. TOP, looking out for their infra since 1996. :frantic::psyduck:

As someone who was part of the the group that laid the foundation for this relationship a while back. AKA: Even though TOP and MK were at each others throats they always kept an intelligent and open discussion going on the MK forums. This isn't a surprise.

This also makes a crap load of sense because TOP and MK are probably 2 of the only alliances that are built to maintain war for 6 months and be able to kick the crap out of the people they are fighting the whole time without having to resort to turtling or picking off newbs.

As I said in other places, this is a brilliant move IMO. And this comes from a butthurt former ally.

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Another good treaty.

Also, some fun IRC logs!

[22:30:41] <WANA> Effective immediatly I resign from CN'
[22:30:57] <@SunWuKong> Um....
[22:31:04] <Kahn> Hey WANA, that's too bad but I understand. I've been a "collect and logout" person for quite a while now
[22:31:11] <WANA> No
[22:31:12] <WANA> Kahn:
[22:31:14] <WANA> MK has done it
[22:31:17] <WANA> the CN holocaust
[22:31:20] <Kahn> Oh what did they do now
[22:31:21] <Kahn> Link
[22:31:48] <Locke[Away]> They treatied TOP, nothing special.
[22:32:02] <Kahn> Ah thanks Locke
[22:32:07] <WANA> Locke[Away]:
[22:32:08] <WANA> Game over
[22:32:10] <WANA> MK has won

Edited by Penkala
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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1292727990' post='2543570']
I'm shocked :o

How ODN feels being indirect linked with IRON?

How does it feel knowing you let an opportunity to salvage any hope in the last war to only throw it away for a temporary move that will now leave you more crippled and others who were once allied to you more wiser? You will die alone now. Well, you'll die with Legion and UPN but hey that's the path you chose.

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[quote name='RePePe' timestamp='1292728272' post='2543590']
If that's what you want to believe, fine by me. No sense arguing over something so trivial. :)

Well considering it was only written two days ago :psyduck:

Really, I feel like I'm going to be abusing that emote over the next few days...

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1292728111' post='2543578']
Disregard ODN Acquire TOP?


It would probably be more appropriate to say "Disregard Rsox, Acquire Crymson."

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