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Closing Our Doors

Mila Amo

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[quote name='KaitlinK' timestamp='1291946714' post='2535336']
Monos Archein was an amazing alliance with some of the finest members. We started off without a protectorate or a clue as to what we were doing and to be honest we didn't expect to survive long. Hell, I checked our alliance war page everyday when I woke up expecting to find us getting rolled ;)

Thankfully we had some great alliances that saw our potential and some friends that had the patience to stick by us and help guide us. Maroon as a whole was there for us in the beginning. CSN was our first MDP partner, and Xiphosis along with Big Z from GOD did their very best to keep us(me) from screwing up too badly early on.

Recruiting came easy to us in the beginning, we were bringing in more members than we knew what do to with. But think about it how do you go wrong using women, cookies and porn? By 3 months we had a massive amount of noobs and a ridiculously active forum.

Our first alliance war was with an alliance known as AGC the war lasted all of 15 minutes and was by far the worst written DOW ever. Trust me, I was the one that posted it so I should know. However something good did come from it, this arrogant leader with an overinflated ego tried his very best to intimidate us. Too bad for him it didn't work. Not because he wasn't scary, it was because we weren't experienced enough to know who he was or what Ragnarok was. After that the two alliances became inseparable and we eventually turned the warriors of RoK into adoptable bears with their very own pet names.

Thanks to some great treaty partners both current and past Ragnarok, GOD, TTK, RIA, CSN, RnR, Valhalla, Amazon Nation, Poison Clan, The Brain, FARK and the NPO we were able to have quite a lot of fun on Digiterra. One of the best moments in our history was getting into Superfriends and getting to play Wonder Woman, even though the process of getting accepted was freaking brutal!

Members made all the difference at MA and while they all belong to different alliances (or will soon) you made MA a great place to play. There were too many to mention individually but I would like to note Spades, Prophet, Rezlov, Ace, PSBL, and Ender it was because of you we were even able to start MA. El Hefe, CptZilla, Mamaduck, Lord Derfel, Ivan el Rojo, Adonis Adaro, Gibson, Gretchen, Alan, Welsh, The Icemark, Severius, Draco, Rudy, Ghostlin, Bomber and Mila its because of all of you MA lasted as long as she did.

I had no clue how to build an alliance much less run one. I made a lot of mistakes but I am very honored you all allowed me be your leader in the begining. Thank you!

For the last time

o/ Monos Archein
o/ Cookie Girls
o/ Wonder Woman

Monos Archein was my first alliance in Cybernations, back in my noob days. I can't think of any alliance I'd raather have chosen, in hindsight. I served almost every position available in that alliance, been with it at both high and low points. I remember back when I first started out as a deputy of trade and managed to screw up a matrix with NV, and the ensuing chaos that went with it, good times :). There was always a sense of activity in the glory days, everyone did their bit to help, even if it was a few recruiting messages. Though the best times for me were sitting up at 5am after a long night of creating and recreating war lists, sanctioning people to attack targets as the MoW, still having a laugh with the leadership and all the others on IRC. Also, being Kait's minion wasn't so bad, you got as many cookie girls as you liked, as long as you played nice she wouldn't yell at you. If you were really good you learned how to yell like her too.

MA will always have a place in my heart as one of the best alliances I have ever served under, with the best leaders and the best of people.
One last time then
Hail Monos Archein! o7
Peace folks.

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[quote name='KaitlinK' timestamp='1291946714' post='2535336']

I might of given you a hard time for it, but you built a good alliance.

As much as it can be sad to see alliances disband, as bob gets smaller, I think less alliances are needed, a consolidation was inevitable.

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[quote name='KaitlinK' timestamp='1291946714' post='2535336']
Monos Archein was an amazing alliance with some of the finest members. We started off without a protectorate or a clue as to what we were doing and to be honest we didn't expect to survive long. Hell, I checked our alliance war page everyday when I woke up expecting to find us getting rolled ;)

Thankfully we had some great alliances that saw our potential and some friends that had the patience to stick by us and help guide us. Maroon as a whole was there for us in the beginning. CSN was our first MDP partner, and Xiphosis along with Big Z from GOD did their very best to keep us(me) from screwing up too badly early on.

Recruiting came easy to us in the beginning, we were bringing in more members than we knew what do to with. But think about it how do you go wrong using women, cookies and porn? By 3 months we had a massive amount of noobs and a ridiculously active forum.

Our first alliance war was with an alliance known as AGC the war lasted all of 15 minutes and was by far the worst written DOW ever. Trust me, I was the one that posted it so I should know. However something good did come from it, this arrogant leader with an overinflated ego tried his very best to intimidate us. Too bad for him it didn't work. Not because he wasn't scary, it was because we weren't experienced enough to know who he was or what Ragnarok was. After that the two alliances became inseparable and we eventually turned the warriors of RoK into adoptable bears with their very own pet names.

Thanks to some great treaty partners both current and past Ragnarok, GOD, TTK, RIA, CSN, RnR, Valhalla, Amazon Nation, Poison Clan, The Brain, FARK and the NPO we were able to have quite a lot of fun on Digiterra. One of the best moments in our history was getting into Superfriends and getting to play Wonder Woman, even though the process of getting accepted was freaking brutal!

Members made all the difference at MA and while they all belong to different alliances (or will soon) you made MA a great place to play. There were too many to mention individually but I would like to note Spades, Prophet, Rezlov, Ace, PSBL, and Ender it was because of you we were even able to start MA. El Hefe, CptZilla, Mamaduck, Lord Derfel, Ivan el Rojo, Adonis Adaro, Gibson, Gretchen, Alan, Welsh, The Icemark, Severius, Draco, Rudy, Ghostlin, Bomber and Mila its because of all of you MA lasted as long as she did.

I had no clue how to build an alliance much less run one. I made a lot of mistakes but I am very honored you all allowed me be your leader in the begining. Thank you!

For the last time

o/ Monos Archein
o/ Cookie Girls
o/ Wonder Woman
Kait your too hard on yourself you did a great job starting MA and built a solid foundation and passed it on. I am sad to see it go as I have spent the majority of my time in this game allied to MA. While it was cancelled a while back we still always had a soft spot for MA. I am glad to see MAers go to a solid friend and wish all of them the best. I will always remember MA with fondness and may she rest in peace.

[quote]However something good did come from it, this arrogant leader with an overinflated ego tried his very best to intimidate us. Too bad for him it didn't work. Not because he wasn't scary, it was because we weren't experienced enough to know who he was or what Ragnarok was. After that the two alliances became inseparable and we eventually turned the warriors of RoK into adoptable bears with their very own pet names.

ok this made me LOL as well. Kait can turn any enemy in to a great friend :P

Much love to MA and her memory may she rest in peace

o/ MA
o/ Kait
o/ Milla Zilla and mamma

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MA haven't really done anything for a long time, and it sounds like this proposal has been on the table for a while too. So I'd say this goes in 'sad but [s]nec-[/s]inevitable'. Moving over to a different Maroon SF alliance is as small a change as a merge ever can be.

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[quote name='welshgazza1992' timestamp='1291904236' post='2534854']
Well, if you think MA was a boring alliance, you obviously weren't active enough... MA was anything but boring. I Don't really appreciate that comment.[img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif[/img]

Why would being more active have made MA less boring? That's stupid. When you go to a boring party, you don't stick around and try to liven it up, you leave and find a better party. I've had more fun and excitement at funerals than I did during my time in MA. There is a reason MA is dead now and it's not because it was so fun and popular that they couldn't handle all the membership applications.

You can get as butthurt as you want but MA doesn't compare to NSO or Rok, and my time there left me wanting to quit the game from sheer boredom.

Perhaps you are just the boor at the party who can't figure out why no one stays at his parties?

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[quote name='lanceman1972' timestamp='1292088622' post='2536483']
Why would being more active have made MA less boring? That's stupid. When you go to a boring party, you don't stick around and try to liven it up, you leave and find a better party. I've had more fun and excitement at funerals than I did during my time in MA. There is a reason MA is dead now and it's not because it was so fun and popular that they couldn't handle all the membership applications.

You can get as butthurt as you want but MA doesn't compare to NSO or Rok, and my time there left me wanting to quit the game from sheer boredom.

Perhaps you are just the boor at the party who can't figure out why no one stays at his parties?

We'll stick with your metaphor if you want...

If you go to a party and stand all alone in the corner and refuse to talk to anybody and don't want to drink and refuse a lap dance off a cookie girl, then yes, you will find that party particularly boring. ;)

Trust me Monos Archein was anything but boring! Ever tried couping Kait? that's always a good laugh!

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[quote name='welshgazza1992' timestamp='1292090863' post='2536541']

Trust me Monos Archein was anything but boring! Ever tried couping Kait? that's always a good laugh!

Granted it did end up with In Spades, Mila and I getting drunk on IRC and writing the official MA charter in LOL Cat. :D

[quote name='lanceman1972' timestamp='1292088622' post='2536483']

Lets all look at Lanceman now, he is just soooo cool strolling in here bashing an alliance in their disbandment thread on a Saturday night... Kids if you try really hard someday you can be just as cool as he is! [/endsarcasm]

MA was one of those places that you got as good as you gave which I believe is Welsh's point. If you didnt enjoy your time there well then I have to wonder why you didnt leave sooner. It certainly was not the place for everyone and I sincerely hope you have found yourself an alliance that provides you with what you were looking for.
With that said thank you for providing me the opportunity to post hails one more time for an amazing alliance and its members (past & present)
o/ MA

Edited by KaitlinK
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[quote name='KaitlinK' timestamp='1292128406' post='2537049']
Granted it did end up with In Spades, Mila and I getting drunk on IRC and writing the official MA charter in LOL Cat. :D

Lets all look at Lanceman now, he is just soooo cool strolling in here bashing an alliance in their disbandment thread on a Saturday night... Kids if you try really hard someday you can be just as cool as he is! [/endsarcasm]

MA was one of those places that you got as good as you gave which I believe is Welsh's point. If you didnt enjoy your time there well then I have to wonder why you didnt leave sooner. It certainly was not the place for everyone and I sincerely hope you have found yourself an alliance that provides you with what you were looking for.
With that said thank you for providing me the opportunity to post hails one more time for an amazing alliance and its members (past & present)
o/ MA

Don't worry about Lanceman Kait, he just wishes he were as cool as you :awesome:

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It's been a while, but I remember why I loved these forums so much. I love trolls so much! :D
Anyway, insignificant asshattery aside, MA was an epic place to be for many people who actually made the effort.
o/ once again.

PS. Kait I have missed the sight of that GRRR :P

Edited by Lord Derfel
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[center][size="5"]One last hoorah...
[color=green]From the infamous Cookie Girls![/color][/size]




Edited by Mila Amo
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Just to be clear for everyone... cough... NEW... cough... The Monos Archein alliance affiliation is under the protection of The Commonwealth. Unprovoked wars against anyone wearing that alliance affiliation will not be tolerated. This is an official Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations dispatch and such.

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[quote name='Goose' timestamp='1292739781' post='2544004']
Just to be clear for everyone... cough... NEW... cough... The Monos Archein alliance affiliation is under the protection of The Commonwealth. Unprovoked wars against anyone wearing that alliance affiliation will not be tolerated. This is an official Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations dispatch and such.

Needs more flag.

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