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STA December Press Conference


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Welcome to the STA December Press Conference. This is the place to get answers to all of your questions about STA and our perspectives and viewpoints about goings on in the cyberverse. The only thing we won't answer are the stupid self-serving questions about what we think about your alliance. We're just going to ignore those.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1291250433' post='2527590']
Given the recent changes to raid policy and complete lack of incidents, has your opinion of GOONS improved/stayed the same/gotten worse?

As long as your mercy board remains the trash that it is, I think it's safe to say that STA isn't going to be a fan. The changes to your raid policy didn't address the key concern. The concern is that you guys tend to treat the people you raid like crap. That's never going to be ok in our eyes.

Edited by pezstar
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What is STA's goal (if any) to accomplish internally in the next 6 months?
What is STA's goal (if any) to accomplish in terms of Foreign Affairs in the next 6 months?
What is STA's general feeling towards...
- Pandora's Box
- C&G
- MK
- Superfriends
- Fark
- Mostly Harmless Alliance
Do you prefer Pie or Cake?
What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1291252340' post='2527620']
How is your activity these days?

It hasn't really gone down much. We've always had a pretty active forum, and we still do. We are losing members who are deleting, like everyone else, but activity wise, it's not down too much.

[quote name='potato' timestamp='1291252855' post='2527625']
- Who is the worst poster these days?
- Was/Is MT an MK spy in STA or an STA spy in MK?
- If you could roll one alliance (no PR backlash and stuff) right here right now, who would it be and why?
- Who's your favourite non-allied alliance?
- How's it going?

Fernando is pretty bad.
MT is a double agent.
Oh, I think we'd still pick Valhalla. We don't hate them with extreme vitriol anymore, but someday, that score needs to be settled.
You know, until recently, we'd have said NSO, but they're not particularly close to our hearts after slapping us in the face over the MK issue they had recently. I like Fark a lot. I like RIA a lot. I still like MK a lot.
We're bored. So, so bored.

[quote name='AvengingAngel256' timestamp='1291253676' post='2527637']
What is STA's goal (if any) to accomplish internally in the next 6 months?
What is STA's goal (if any) to accomplish in terms of Foreign Affairs in the next 6 months?
What is STA's general feeling towards...
- Pandora's Box
- C&G
- MK
- Superfriends
- Fark
- Mostly Harmless Alliance
Do you prefer Pie or Cake?
What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?

I think we'd like there to be a war, honestly. We don't really want to start one, but yeah. We'd like there to be one because we're bored. So it's not a GOAL, because I don't aspire to start a war. But someone should. Please? Or at least come mess with us so we can.

PB hasn't done anything for anyone to form an opinion of them as a bloc.
I gave the opinion of GOONS earlier in the thread.
C&G seems to have done zero things post MK. But we like ODN a lot.
Superfriends is a group of folks we've never really gotten to know. I'm actively working on that. T
We like Fark. We actually like them a lot. We had a QnA with them recently that didn't go so well, but we still like them a lot.
MHA has never done something independently, ever.

I prefer cake. Send me cake please.


[quote name='Skippy' timestamp='1291256757' post='2527677']
What was STA's thoughts when TIO joined Synergy?

We didn't have one.

Edited by pezstar
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[quote name='Sandler' timestamp='1291262094' post='2527734']
Please give your percentage chance of war over Christmas.

Which alliances will get the meat grinding started, if war happens?

10%. And I have no idea.

[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1291262617' post='2527737']
More entertaining outcome for December: a flash global war, or political realignment with no war for at least a couple months thereafter?

Global war!

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[quote name='O-Dog' timestamp='1291290623' post='2527959']
Will you be part of the curbstomp that is being planned against NPO?

I haven't heard anything about that conspiracy theory lately. We go where our treaties take us.

Edited by pezstar
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