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[quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1290815431' post='2524179']
I hate to use clichéd terms but for want of better words congratulations on wondering into the darkness and falling off the cliff at the end of accuracy.

Congrats on gaining that member who lost all faith in their alliance, then left instead of leading it.

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1290816135' post='2524184']
Congrats on gaining that member who lost all faith in their alliance, then left instead of leading it.

Aren't you clever, take off that blind fold it makes you look ignorant....

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1290816135' post='2524184']
Congrats on gaining that member who lost all faith in their alliance, then left instead of leading it.

Thanks for doing what I said. :) You can take shots at me if you wish but a leader who has lost faith is no leader at all and that is just logical sense. Try to argue with that all you want but that is the bottom line. In order to strive, people must do amazing work and have faith, without faith, you've lost the potential to change things because people will notice that. The Dakotans has that faith and I know TOOL has a fighting chance with him.

I don't care about what you say because if I did, I wouldn't have stepped down would have I? I knew I will receive flak for this decision but it is not to you I am responsible to but to the group of people I led and to continue to lead them would not have been fair to them. They deserve a leader and that leader is Daks.

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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1290702574' post='2523063']
This isn't just old TPF hate here. It's a simple fact that I have a history with both TPF and TOOL and know just how little TPF really ever cared about TOOL. It was only after TOOL surpassed them in strength and relevance that TPF started to actually show some sort of friendship, only out of necessity though.

I'm sure this post will get tons of posts from TPF members saying "NOT TRUE," but they'll have that right to post that. You on the other hand don't know anything regarding what I'm talking about.

Z3, fairly safe to say you are out of touch with the TPF of today, you are hanging on to misconceptions from three regimes ago.

Son, release the dark passenger.

[quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1290715260' post='2523207']
It was snide, sir.

But not at TOOL.
Crypticism: The art of referring to events or feelings cryptically.

Often practised here, where posters attempt to use crypticism to avoid starting drama. Unfortunately, when people try to interpret the crypticism, drama often ensues anyway.

The best crypticism is incomprehensible to anyone not already in the know, but makes things quite clear to its intended audience.

[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1290756125' post='2523702']
Christ, he's said it once before so I'll save him the repeat; He doesn't dislike you because he's PC. He dislikes you because he used to be allied to you, and you're worthless.
Thanks for clearing that up...and for the unnecessary cheap shot as well.

I was going to say [i]you are better than that[/i], but we both know you're not.

....anyway TOOL will be just fine and Mia is a wonderful addition to IRON, rainbows and butterflies all around.

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[quote name='Salmia' timestamp='1290822015' post='2524251']
Thanks for doing what I said. :) You can take shots at me if you wish but a leader who has lost faith is no leader at all and that is just logical sense. Try to argue with that all you want but that is the bottom line. In order to strive, people must do amazing work and have faith, without faith, you've lost the potential to change things because people will notice that. The Dakotans has that faith and I know TOOL has a fighting chance with him.

I don't care about what you say because if I did, I wouldn't have stepped down would have I? I knew I will receive flak for this decision but it is not to you I am responsible to but to the group of people I led and to continue to lead them would not have been fair to them. They deserve a leader and that leader is Daks.

How noble of you to pass on your duties to another when you yourself lost faith in the people you have spent years with.

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1290852444' post='2524527']
How noble of you to pass on your duties to another when you yourself lost faith in the people you have spent years with.

If another has faith then there is nothing wrong. I am not the entirety of TOOL, never was. As long as there is a person who believes, TOOL will go on.

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I am extremely saddened to see this happen, I am gone a few months and my home falls apart? :huh:

Well, Mia best of luck in IRON and all those who moved over there as well.

I know Daks has the faith/power/spark to keep TOOL going and I hope to be around long enough to see that all happen.

Congratulations Daks, buddy. :awesome:

Curious, who are you going to pass it to when you no longer have "faith"?

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[quote name='Salmia' timestamp='1290879312' post='2524660']
If another has faith then there is nothing wrong. I am not the entirety of TOOL, never was. As long as there is a person who believes, TOOL will go on.

Incorrect. There is something wrong when a leader abandons her people. You didn't step down from TOOL. You [b]left[/b] them.

Did you believe in TOOL before or after you put up the vote to disband the alliance?

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1290889404' post='2524747']
Incorrect. There is something wrong when a leader abandons her people. You didn't step down from TOOL. You [b]left[/b] them.

Did you believe in TOOL before or after you put up the vote to disband the alliance?

I always will and always will have hope for TOOL as a community but my place is not as a leader with them. TOOL will rise again, just not with me there. I didn't abandon them as much as you wish to make it out to be. That implies that TOOL has no hope or no one left behind to lead and that is not the case here. I hate to break it to people but I am not the entirety of TOOL, TOOL will not die simply because I left. That does a disservice to those who remained behind and their capabilities. TOOL can pull it together with the skills of those who are there.

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Wish the vote would have passed, it'd be a shame to drag on well past it's prime. Hope you can right the ship, Daks.

[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1290577443' post='2521885']
Daks if you have any hope of saving the sinking ship you need to shake things up with CN. Show some ambition, shake up your FA, shave down your membership and recruit new ones, do something. That has been the primary issue with TOOL for years.

It's a shame to see this happen, especially because some that have placed TOOL into this state are now sitting in other AAs no longer helping and exacerbating the situation.

Best of luck Daks

Was I one of those people?

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[quote name='shaneprice' timestamp='1290951052' post='2525276']
It saddens me to see these types of announcements. One by one all of the old and prestigious leaders of Bob are falling. While new blood does tend to make things interesting, I fear that we are losing way to much of the old.

I think we still have far too much old blood representing the total population. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but the constant debates about events that happened years ago gets stale, and I imagine it's much more annoying for the folks that never experienced such events.

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[quote name='Mixoux' timestamp='1291066899' post='2526018']
I think we still have far too much old blood representing the total population. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but the constant debates about events that happened years ago gets stale, and I imagine it's much more annoying for the folks that never experienced such events.

Thank You! I've been waiting for one of you old timers to realise this and say it for years. :P

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[quote name='Mixoux' timestamp='1291066899' post='2526018']
I think we still have far too much old blood representing the total population. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but the constant debates about events that happened years ago gets stale, and I imagine it's much more annoying for the folks that never experienced such events.

Yes, but with such little "new blood" these days those of us who have been here longest are likely the ones to be here in the future too.

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