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Henry Rollins

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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1290554163' post='2521538']
This one was also really amusing:

Ivanelterrible DoWed Chris Kaos


Then where did Chris go?


Chris was GATO royalty then so him being busted for cheating was lolworthy.
Oh my God I was pissed when he did that, the !@#$%^&. ivanelterrible was brilliant though.

The worst part of going through the old forums is the amount of !@#$ I've straight forgotten. The other part is know I have been here for that long. I'm quite partial to the GARO post of Grenval's, though, despite the fact that I can't find it there anymore.

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1290912166' post='2525036']
Fair enough. Another part of CN history I missed, though probably a good one in that case. That being said, my point still stands: people make bigger fusses today than they did before, even though the stuff we talk about now is much less interesting.

Well, that particular thread was posted during GW3 so the anti-Initiative rhetoric was pretty common. And actually, my response on reading that thread was that I'm glad that that League v Initiative crap was over. A lot of people and alliances, including me, were sick of the polarization and went neutral after that. For an idea of what it was like to read, imagine the number of Vox posters multiplied by 4 and the actual talent and coherence of the posters divided by 3. It wasn't pretty. I personally would rather see MK and NPO argue about an embassy than see more GW3 era crap.

Don't feel too bad about missing early 2007. In 2007 the boards were repeatedly attacked by porno spammers. One attack was so bad that the boards were down for a week in April. In late 2007, we moved here. I would also rather see MK and NPO argue about embassies than log in and see pages of poop porn.

Edited by Duncan King
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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1290943252' post='2525259']
Well, that particular thread was posted during GW3 so the anti-Initiative rhetoric was pretty common. And actually, my response on reading that thread was that I'm glad that that League v Initiative crap was over. A lot of people and alliances, including me, were sick of the polarization and went neutral after that. For an idea of what it was like to read, imagine the number of Vox posters multiplied by 4 and the actual talent and coherence of the posters divided by 3. It wasn't pretty. I personally would rather see MK and NPO argue about an embassy than see more GW3 era crap.

Don't feel too bad about missing early 2007. In 2007 the boards were repeatedly attacked by porno spammers. One attack was so bad that the boards were down for a week in April. In late 2007, we moved here. I would also rather see MK and NPO argue about embassies than log in and see pages of poop porn.

We had more huge wars during the first 2 years of this game than in the following 3+ years because of the polarization. Personally that was the best part for me, 2 decently equal sides barking at each other in public until it was time to fight, then reload, and go at it again.

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[quote name='Boyle' timestamp='1290915359' post='2525083']
Oh my God I was pissed when he did that, the !@#$%^&. ivanelterrible was brilliant though.

The worst part of going through the old forums is the amount of !@#$ I've straight forgotten. The other part is know I have been here for that long. I'm quite partial to the GARO post of Grenval's, though, despite the fact that I can't find it there anymore.

All posts before... August 6 2006 (or so) were deleted by Invision because of admin hitting their invisible ceiling.

So no NPO-LUE ASCII treaty D:

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1290966437' post='2525336']
We had more huge wars during the first 2 years of this game than in the following 3+ years because of the polarization. Personally that was the best part for me, 2 decently equal sides barking at each other in public until it was time to fight, then reload, and go at it again.

I agree and miss those days. There was uncertainty of who would win before the wars started. Hell, I remember GWIII when many in the Legion still thought we were winning and the Baghdad Bob pics that ensued. That was hilarious!

Edited by Chalaskan
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GW3 was never in doubt, and is why I don't personally consider it a GW. The good alliances of The League were beaten in GW2, and LUE never really got peace from it, so we never had a chance to rebuild. LUE, NAAC, ICP were the good alliances, and us not being in fighting shape pretty much doomed our side in "GW3". Legion and ODN joining in GW2 might have helped us pull it out, but they were never going to be the backbone of an effective coalition.

Some might include GATO in the good alliances category for GW2, but they were pretty !@#$ by that time IIRC. Making fun of NpO for being Diet NPO and then GATO being our Brown Colony was pretty funny.

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[quote name='Rafael Nadal' timestamp='1290972473' post='2525379']
GW3 was never in doubt, and is why I don't personally consider it a GW. The good alliances of The League were beaten in GW2, and LUE never really got peace from it, so we never had a chance to rebuild. LUE, NAAC, ICP were the good alliances, and us not being in fighting shape pretty much doomed our side in "GW3". Legion and ODN joining in GW2 might have helped us pull it out, but they were never going to be the backbone of an effective coalition.

Some might include GATO in the good alliances category for GW2, but they were pretty !@#$ by that time IIRC. Making fun of NpO for being Diet NPO and then GATO being our Brown Colony was pretty funny.

GATO was pretty out of it for gw2. We didn't end up taking a huge amount of damage because the war was so short, but we had no real coordination or planning. A lot of people declared willy-nilly, while 5-10 of our newer military people tried to get people to work together.
Some of our military leaders (Walford primarily) actually suggested NOT to have a warchest because you could steal funding from your attackers! This worked ok on the ground without nukes, but aircraft had just introduced, so some people got absoltuely flattened by TOP nations who were much more prepared.

Funny enough, if we had gone nuclear GATO may have fared better, because so many people declared 3 offensive wars. Overall lack of warchests makes that a tricky subject though, because most people wouldn't have lasted very long.. The timing was unfortunate though, a few of our MOD members (myself included) had just enrolled in the NAAC OTS courses, and given a little time to implement what we learned, may have had a dramatic effect on our performance.

ODN and Legion joining may have helped also. That would have caused more parties to enter on both the League and Initiative war fronts, and could have made that war truely gigantic.

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[quote name='Henry Rollins' timestamp='1290280664' post='2518295']
Ins't nostalgia wonderful? Here's the concept; go to the Old World and find a thread about what you think was the funniest, most entertaining event that you witnessed. Than discuss.

For the newtimers, its okay to find something in the New World too.

[center]Old World - http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations[/center]


There is a clear winner in my mind's eye. This post by Chief Savage Man captured, I'm sure, the feelings of everyone on Bob when it happened:


Following declarations of war on something called Norway by a few Bob alliances, as well as a call for unification to stand by NoR in Martin's defense, Nordreich became the first and only alliance to ever make it on the scrolling banner of CNN. I still wish we sent trade messages!

P.S. Does anyone still have a copy of Martin's letter to that other dimension?

Fun times indeed. I remember when we saw it on the internet news... epic fail for NoRway, epic lulz for us. And all it was about was our recruitment video with the American fleet from WWI with NoRway's music.

We will forever remember this.


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[quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1290974067' post='2525397']
GATO was pretty out of it for gw2. We didn't end up taking a huge amount of damage because the war was so short, but we had no real coordination or planning. A lot of people declared willy-nilly, while 5-10 of our newer military people tried to get people to work together.
Some of our military leaders (Walford primarily) actually suggested NOT to have a warchest because you could steal funding from your attackers! This worked ok on the ground without nukes, but aircraft had just introduced, so some people got absoltuely flattened by TOP nations who were much more prepared.

Funny enough, if we had gone nuclear GATO may have fared better, because so many people declared 3 offensive wars. Overall lack of warchests makes that a tricky subject though, because most people wouldn't have lasted very long.. The timing was unfortunate though, a few of our MOD members (myself included) had just enrolled in the NAAC OTS courses, and given a little time to implement what we learned, may have had a dramatic effect on our performance.

ODN and Legion joining may have helped also. That would have caused more parties to enter on both the League and Initiative war fronts, and could have made that war truely gigantic.

Airme should have gone nuclear :P

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[quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1290974067' post='2525397']
GATO was pretty out of it for gw2. We didn't end up taking a huge amount of damage because the war was so short, but we had no real coordination or planning. A lot of people declared willy-nilly, while 5-10 of our newer military people tried to get people to work together.
Some of our military leaders (Walford primarily) actually suggested NOT to have a warchest because you could steal funding from your attackers! This worked ok on the ground without nukes, but aircraft had just introduced, so some people got absoltuely flattened by TOP nations who were much more prepared.

Funny enough, if we had gone nuclear GATO may have fared better, because so many people declared 3 offensive wars. Overall lack of warchests makes that a tricky subject though, because most people wouldn't have lasted very long.. The timing was unfortunate though, a few of our MOD members (myself included) had just enrolled in the NAAC OTS courses, and given a little time to implement what we learned, may have had a dramatic effect on our performance.

ODN and Legion joining may have helped also. That would have caused more parties to enter on both the League and Initiative war fronts, and could have made that war truely gigantic.


And we didn't get to go nuclear because of AirMe, which is why the war ended so early.

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I joined March 26th, 2006. I remember CN, but does CN remember me?

Also, I left my account to my neighbor when I was deployed in late '06. From what I've heard, you guys noticed the difference between the two of us. Which is good, because I swear if you couldn't tell the difference, the words "Rapid Change" do not exist in your vocabulary.

Someone here has to remember the Original [color="#FF0000"][size="4"]Tauberg Convention[/size][/color]

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Any of the threads containing posts by Andaras which ended up becoming a string of sarcastic remarks by condescending Pacificans and the hoopla and subsequent political squirming as member alliances of the Independence Council tried to justify the exclusion of the NPO. Also, most of the topics Ivan posted ended up being quite amusing.

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These were awesome times. I remember that I was in another city taking a break when I was notified that apparently Norway believed us to be a serious threat to their stability. I felt flattered but laughed too hard for too long...

And, here is the video that sparked it all:

I kept getting hatemail and fanmail based off of that video from youtube where it originally was until it got deleted.


If that doesn't work: http://s260.photobucket.com/albums/ii29/voxpopuli_album/nordreichAII_0001.flv

The album which I still use is also a piece of history. It was the album that we used when founding Vox Populi, to host its stuff - while it was still a regular alliance, before everything happened.

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[quote name='Vladimir Nikanor' timestamp='1290994530' post='2525560']
I joined March 26th, 2006. I remember CN, but does CN remember me?

Also, I left my account to my neighbor when I was deployed in late '06. From what I've heard, you guys noticed the difference between the two of us. Which is good, because I swear if you couldn't tell the difference, the words "Rapid Change" do not exist in your vocabulary.

Someone here has to remember the Original [color="#FF0000"][size="4"]Tauberg Convention[/size][/color]
I remember the point where "you" went off the deep end. I assume that would have been the reason for that.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1290994772' post='2525565']
He had faith in Legion and ODN jumping in to help didn't he?

That and the NAAC didn't want to "set the precedent of nuking in a war"

[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1291005580' post='2525663']
This thread needs more YN5. Also,Who remembers The Scholar?

The Scholar was good

The Eye was better.

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[quote name='R3nowned' timestamp='1291012859' post='2525748']
http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=55175 - I believe this was the last TWiP

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=54884 - Epically hilarious mass cancellation on NPO

The point, you have missed it. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/uwcjB.gif[/IMG]

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1291013085' post='2525749']
The point, you have missed it. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/uwcjB.gif[/IMG]

quote from OP:
[quote]For the newtimers, its okay to find something in the New World too.[/quote]

I'm (relatively) a new-timer.

Unless that wasn't your point, then it probably is completely over my head. Wouldn't be the first time :)

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I can not say I remember much from the old boards, as I only went on them a few times, and never once posted. Only thing I really remembered was the static avatars. Although I do remember hearing about the NoRway incident quite a bit xD (bet you can't guess why)

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