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Monos Archein Anniversary


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[center]Three years ago today, four inspired individuals forged together to form what we all know today as Monos Archein. Those individuals, our founders Ace072199, KaitlinK, Revan IV, and Hickersonia had a vision of an alliance and decided to take a stab at it like so many other who have failed in the past. In times of crisis the alliance has shown an incredible resilience, often banding together to defend the community from within and without, in passing this could be referred to as the Spirit of Monos Archein. It is driven by our Archein and many prominent government figures that spend long hours ensuring the stability and protection of the alliance is always assured. While greater alliances have fallen, the community, collective drive and loyalty of Monos Archein members is one of the constants that allows the alliance to drive forth to greater prominence. Monos Archein has went through some tough times, as well as extremely prosperous times... but through it all the membership did what it had to do to move on and make Monos Archein an even great alliance to be a part of. Among our accomplishments are being allowed into the highly esteemed bloc Superfriends as well as being a part of the very close and proud Maroon color sphere. We are proud of our past, and excited about what the future has in store for us... we hope to continue with what we have always been and surge forward into the great unknown of the future. "Monos Archein once again sits upon the river banks of Planet Bob relaxing with the other SuperFriends waiting for the day in which it will be called to defend those most in need of defending, until then, they forge on with their endearing values of community and fraternity."(From the history of MA by Adonis Adaro) Thank you for celebrating this very important day with us! Please feel free to stop by #archein (coldfront) or stop by our forums http://monosarchein.net/index.php and celebrate with us by spamming up our boards! Again thank you and enjoy the festivities![/center]


[b][color="#8B0000"]- Archein -
Mila Amo

- Regent -
Allied Threat

- Minister of Internal Affairs -
The Icemark

- Minister of Foreign Affairs -

- Minister of Finance -
The Schu

- Minister of Military Affairs -


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