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An Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom


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[quote name='bros2' timestamp='1289944573' post='2515105']Then why are seerow and tamerlane restricted from viewing your forums? They are repentant.[/quote]
They are not banned. They just do not have the diplo access any longer.
[quote name='bros2' timestamp='1289944573' post='2515105']It is not as if Seerow and Tamerlane are flaunting it in the face of the Order.[/quote]
Thats quite the assumption you are going with there.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1289944302' post='2515102']
How so?

NPO slapped MK in the face and MK publicly condemned it. It's up to NPO at this point then to either do nothing or to do something about it.

Edited by SirWilliam
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[quote name='Lord Curzon' timestamp='1289944257' post='2515101']
You see Ardus, sometimes we find it necessary to interact with the hoi polloi, but truly we like to insulate ourselves from the riffraff. If you ever find the urge to distance yourselves from these proletarians and discus the finer points of Proust or the impact of Warhol on contemporary art over a chilled glass of Courvoisier coupled with a relaxing Louixs cigar, you know what side of the web to go to. :smug:

I have no interest in the decadence of fallen empires, ruled by kings bounded by nutshells who think themselves rulers of infinite space.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1289944817' post='2515109']
They are not banned. They just do not have the diplo access any longer.

Thats quite the assumption you are going with there.

Do explain Branimir

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1289944820' post='2515110']
NPO slapped MK in the face and MK publicly condemned it. It's up to NPO at this point then to either do nothing or to do something about it.
We were merely preventing a sethb-type situation from escalating on our forums, there was no slap in the face besides MK's decision to close the Pacifican embassy in Castle Hall and create this dramatically overblown PR thread. Kingdom diplomats remain more than welcome in Francograd.

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1289944820' post='2515110']NPO slapped MK in the face and MK publicly condemned it. It's up to NPO at this point then to either do nothing or to do something about it.[/quote]
Oh, so thats what you meant. I misunderstood.

The guy to whom you responded obviously didn't read the OP, as he was asking if a war will come out of this and the OP clearly said that MK doesn't consider such action. If there is to be a war over this, this would be a DoW not a public complaint. Obviously the war ball is not in play as it was not chosen to be put in play in the first place. I took your comment as if now its up to NPO to somehow break this one way or the other--in sense to avoid a war or start one. Didn't made much sense to me since that option is not even a part of the context from the beginning.

I am sure that NPO and MK both will do something abut it, in sense that communication between respected governments will take place.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1289944869' post='2515111']
I have no interest in the decadence of fallen empires, ruled by kings bounded by nutshells who think themselves rulers of infinite space.

Truly, and I hold ambition of so airy and light a quality that it is but a shadow's shadow.

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[quote name='Straylight' timestamp='1289945555' post='2515128']
We were merely preventing a sethb-type situation from escalating on our forums, there was no slap in the face besides MK's decision to close the Pacifican embassy in Castle Hall and create this dramatically overblown PR thread. Kingdom diplomats remain more than welcome in Francograd.

I'm not welcome :(

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[quote name='Straylight' timestamp='1289945555' post='2515128']
We were merely preventing a sethb-type situation from escalating on our forums, there was no slap in the face besides MK's decision to close the Pacifican embassy in Castle Hall and create this dramatically overblown PR thread. Kingdom diplomats remain more than welcome in Francograd.

So modifying the posts of MK leadership and diplomats was all part of a strategy to prevent another diplomatic incident? Now it all makes sense! :wacko:

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[quote name='Straylight' timestamp='1289945555' post='2515128']
We were merely preventing a sethb-type situation from escalating on our forums, there was no slap in the face besides MK's decision to close the Pacifican embassy in Castle Hall and create this dramatically overblown PR thread. Kingdom diplomats remain more than welcome in Francograd.
The lesson to learn from the sethb incident was not "de-mask or refuse to mask diplomats we might not like." It was "don't fly off the handle if somebody you don't like shows up as an ambassador some time down the line."

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[quote name='Straylight' timestamp='1289945555' post='2515128']
We were merely preventing a sethb-type situation from escalating on our forums, there was no slap in the face besides MK's decision to close the Pacifican embassy in Castle Hall and create this dramatically overblown PR thread. Kingdom diplomats remain more than welcome in Francograd.
So you removed the diplomatic masks from two ex-NPO MK members without explanation or consulting anyone from MK [i]for their own protection[/i]. It's all so clear now!

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1289944820' post='2515110']
NPO slapped MK in the face and MK publicly called them out on it. It's up to NPO at this point then to either do nothing or to do something here.
They dont need to do anything. If your version of events is correct they slapped MK in the face and MK did nothing but complain to the world that NPO slapped them. That would be a NPO victory. However that’s not what happened and MK members repeatedly said it was a nothing incident.

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[quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1289945074' post='2515116']How ominous and mysterious![/quote]
I am badass, I know :smug:
[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1289945237' post='2515120']Do explain Branimir[/quote]
Nothing much to explain, my post is simple as that. Yet ominous and mysterious! :smug:

I clearly (obvious from my post), considering the interaction that took place, disagree with the opinion that bros expressed. That is how I took their tongue-in-cheek comments. That is my opinion of course.

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MK are silly.

[quote name='James IV' timestamp='1289889847' post='2514242']
Lol. I think MK wants NPO to be the bad guy again.

[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1289945967' post='2515138']
The lesson to learn from the sethb incident was not "[b]de-mask or refuse to mask diplomats we might not like[/b]." It was "don't fly off the handle if somebody you don't like shows up as an ambassador some time down the line."

Is this not an alliance's prerogative or something?

Edited by SpoiL
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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1289945967' post='2515138']
The lesson to learn from the sethb incident was not "de-mask or refuse to mask diplomats we might not like." It was "don't fly off the handle if somebody you don't like shows up as an ambassador some time down the line."

Hold on now, if the Kingdom wants to be able to exercise the right to recall and expel ambassadors based on the behavior of the Pacifican body politic then so be it, but that implies that you guys have some sort of standards for conduct ie no censorship of ambassadorial statements. Assuming "having standards" is a valid precedent, which as I stated earlier I believe it is, then it is certainly NPO's right to refuse admission to their cyberdomain. If the host nation is supposed to be held to certain standards of behavior, then so too is the ambassador and the alliance which he represents. Certainly one of those standards of diplomatic etiquette is not sending someone who has been declared persona non grata by the potential host alliance. You don't get to have it both ways my fungal friend.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1289946002' post='2515141']
They dont need to do anything. If your version of events is correct they slapped MK in the face and MK did nothing but complain to the world that NPO slapped them. That would be a NPO victory. However that’s not what happened and MK members repeatedly said it was a nothing incident.
So MK was victorious when NSO did nothing but complain to the world about what MK did? Oh wait, no its always a double standard with you. My bad.

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[quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' timestamp='1289946560' post='2515154']
So MK was victorious when NSO did nothing but complain to the world about what MK did? Oh wait, no its always a double standard with you. My bad.
Double standards required for you, one for each face.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1289945967' post='2515138']
The lesson to learn from the sethb incident was not "de-mask or refuse to mask diplomats we might not like." It was "don't fly off the handle if somebody you don't like shows up as an ambassador some time down the line."
It was a temporary measure so that our more outspoken and uncouth members didn't create an incident with the Kingdom. Yet, it is apparent an incident is exactly what the Kingdom desired, considering how quickly embassies were shut down and this announcement created. Though the demasking (not banning*) was initially temporary, I wouldn't be surprised if the Emperor made it permanent after this stunt.

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