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Imperial Announcement from the New Polar Order


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[quote name='FAdmApoc' timestamp='1287667600' post='2489757']
I was going to leave this thread but the amount of incorrect information being posted by Polaris amazes me, it truly does.

Yes we talked about creating a new alliance while actively serving Polaris, we did our jobs and apparently that means nothing at all. Take a look at our alliance right now, theres not much to it so its pretty obvious we didn't do much more than talk about it. The only people that knew about this all felt the same way about the direction Polaris was heading, of those people one is still actively serving in Council. I know Llanowar Elf has told you otherwise but he was actively part of this, leaving Polaris to create a new alliance, even willing to drop out half way through his term to start it. Grumpdogg gave notice that he intended on leaving, and before anyone else had a chance to give notice Dajobo lost the plot. Grumpdogg gets demasked without warning, another person gets demasked without warning, several others including myself get masked down to member and are given the option, stay & don't leave or leave right now. We were forced out by Dajobo, there was no way he was going to let us serve out our terms in council or let us fill anyone properly on whats happening.

Secretly recruiting? We are all close friends who come from a close knit gaming community, there is life outside of Polaris. We haven't secretly invited anyone. If anyone wants to join AA then that is [b]their choice[/b], we know better than recruiting from an alliance.

So Fallen and the rest of old group of Polaris gov, please stop putting such a huge spin on things. We left for multiple reason, if anyone wants to talk about said reasons (especially Polars) you can find us #crimsonfists & #polaris. Hopefully we can mend the damage done at least to a better level from having only 1 side of the story being passed around.

I think I speak for many who liked and considered you a friend that what you, grump and others did are really disappointing, treason of the highest order, the fact that you are trying to make Llanowar Elf look bad is even worse, no matter if he was part of it or no but at least he stayed and gave explanations what is much more than you guys did. Enjoy the Random's mercy and may be someday you'll realize what you did.


Edited by D34th
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I have no love lost for either party, but I agree fully with Fallen. An alliance's government needs to be looking for the long term goals of the alliance. If you only plan to be in the alliance short-term, pretty much simply by serving as government you're violating the trust of your fellow government members and of the alliance itself. Gov is about improving the alliance, once you stop trying to improve the alliance by planning to create an unaffiliated one, you start hurting the alliance, and should no longer be serving as gov.

Tack on to that the special case of Grump doing further disservices lately to Polar with his ridiculous representation of them during the #stragego affair, and I'll say yea, this is probably something Polar would be very justified in going after them for, although it seems like they're taking the high road and not doing so which is respectable in and of itself.

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[quote name='lebubu' timestamp='1287663787' post='2489729']
What are the current circumstances?
Let's just say that when asked for an alliance that would be described as loyal and honest and trustworthy, Polaris is about the last name I would come up with.

Random's got a chance to fix that, and he just might do it.

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[quote]As an act of mercy Emperor Random has decided we will not be pursuing these nations. We do however ask all alliances to review the list of members and demask any who are registered on your boards as NpO Diplomats.

o/ Polaris

Well what would be even more troubling to me is that they are being protected by your MDoAP parter, who posted their Protection treaty up 3 days ago according to wikia.

Just the same glory and Goodspeed to the new Emperor!

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[quote name='Toshiro Hitsugaya' timestamp='1287691345' post='2489966']
Well what would be even more troubling to me is that they are being protected by your MDoAP parter, who posted their Protection treaty up 3 days ago according to wikia.

Just the same glory and Goodspeed to the new Emperor!

Who is protecting them?

Edit. Ahh. I see.

That's pretty rude. Grumpp and Lennox came to STA and asked us to protect the new alliance. We've spent the last few days discussing it amongst ourselves and with Polar. We've put quite a lot of time into discussing it and finding a way to make it work, with the last discussion with CF concluding with them agreeing to show us a sample charter and that we would be discussing it. It's unspeakably rude to allow folks to waste a pretty large amount of time trying to get you protected while you've already got something worked out somewhere else. And that we had to learn about it on the OWF.

Edited by pezstar
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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1287692293' post='2489980']
That's pretty rude. Grumpp and Lennox came to STA and asked us to protect the new alliance. We've spent the last few days discussing it amongst ourselves and with Polar. We've put quite a lot of time into discussing it and finding a way to make it work, with the last discussion with CF concluding with them agreeing to show us a sample charter and that we would be discussing it. It's unspeakably rude to allow folks to waste a pretty large amount of time trying to get you protected while you've already got something worked out somewhere else. And that we had to learn about it on the OWF.[/quote]
Can you believe that someone could be that rude.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1287692293' post='2489980']
Who is protecting them?

Edit. Ahh. I see.

That's pretty rude. Grumpp and Lennox came to STA and asked us to protect the new alliance. We've spent the last few days discussing it amongst ourselves and with Polar. We've put quite a lot of time into discussing it and finding a way to make it work, with the last discussion with CF concluding with them agreeing to show us a sample charter and that we would be discussing it. It's unspeakably rude to allow folks to waste a pretty large amount of time trying to get you protected while you've already got something worked out somewhere else. And that we had to learn about it on the OWF.
That's pretty bad manners :/

Also for the record, Genesis has updated masks of Polaris diplomats. All the beer and liquor is safely locked away :)

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Best of luck with your otherworldly stuff Penguin, and thank you again for selling me Polaris for a fish.

Congratulations on your promotion Random, I am sure you will be a suitable replacement for my puppet on the throne. Try not blowing up half the world, at least for a couple of weeks. :P

o/ Polaris

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[quote name='Zombie Glaucon' timestamp='1287682285' post='2489858']
I thought D43th was our defacto mouth-piece these days?
[color="#FF0000"]He may very well be, though he is/was not the only one.

It is surprising that Grumpdogg and Polonious, but not at all insane. It is to nobodies surprise that Polaris functions at the highest levels as more or less of an Oligarchy based on seniority, and not purely a meritocracy as it would like to beleive.(It is similar in most alliances) This of course lends itself to the logical conclusion that the only ones that will maintain power are those that have been involved in the alliance over long periods of time, regardless of the quality of their work.

Ultimately the process of recycling senior government offials serves to stymie the development of new visionary leaders in the cyberverse, and instead keeps older alliances, especially those with a strong tradition of political conformity, in a permanent state of limbo with their past that keeps them from participating in the new order.[/color]

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1287699484' post='2490103']
Oligarchy based on seniority? Random where is my gov position!?!?!?!? :ehm:
[color="#FF0000"]Have you looked at your alliance lately? Do you have any clue what the average alliance seniority for the Minister in all 4 ministries is?

1155.25 days


3.165 years

And you still beleive Polaris is purely a meritocracy? You have got to be kidding me.[/color]

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