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If you could only have 3...

Jay Z

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[quote name='PhysicsJunky' timestamp='1285528815' post='2465337']
It's been our choice to bind ourselves from signing any, and at the end of the day it feels a lot more more like liberation than limitation.

Well said. I have nothing against protectorates or blocs, I think many people are way over treatied and every time there is a major war, people have to break/drop them. So I think this is a valid thing to be concerned with.

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[quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1285540190' post='2465534']
Do you really expect people to come in here and say "I'll keep A, B, and C and drop X, Y, and Z? X, Y, and Z won't be to happy to be disrespected in public.

A) Were in an OOC forum

B) Just because its your personal opinion it shouldn't reflect on your alliance.

C) If you are in govt. of an alliance and you don't have the balls to say what you feel then you are leading to the stagnation of this game and I hate you. (To this logic, the only person I don't hate is Rebel_Virginia).

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[quote name='Reptyler' timestamp='1285555069' post='2465735']
I could see us dropping everything but GOD and GOONS just to see the forums baww at us till kingdom come.

Okay, maybe not, but a guy can dream, can't he?

I wouldn't be surprised, all you and your alliance are good enough for nowadays really. I'm sure Bob Janova can write up a couple long winded and useless posts to justify this position then go back and apologize for it all saying he should have taken more action.

You know, VE stuff.

[quote]*UMBRELLA - TOOL - LEGION MADP Bloc 2010*[/quote]

Whatever happened to 10 - 10 - 10 :3 ?

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[center][size="4"][b]In the news today:[/b][/size][/center]

The [i]Nation of [b]Kzoppistan[/b][/i] treaties with itself in three different oDoAP accords. Referring to the grouping of the treaties as the [i]Holy Trinity Pact[/i], this foreign affairs move has left many international analysts scratching their heads.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1285586631' post='2465944']
I wouldn't be surprised, all you and your alliance are good enough for nowadays really. I'm sure Bob Janova can write up a couple long winded and useless posts to justify this position then go back and apologize for it all saying he should have taken more action.

You know, VE stuff.
Yeah, stuff, we do stuff. You don't. You should probably go make a poll about it

Arcturus: VE-GOONS-Ninjas eternal MADP? :ph34r:

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Most alliances have way too many close friends to even think about "ranking" them.

Hell, if you put umbrella, GOD, Athens, Asgaard, RIA, Fark, and BACoN on a table right now, I wouldn't be able to pick any one of them over the other.

Edited by Hyperion321
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Well considering we only have 3 MDoAP+ level treaties (well, according to your description [a bloc is kind of more than just one treaty]), I'd stick with those:

Foreign Article 5 with NATO
Peace and Love Train bloc
MDoAP with NV

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[quote name='Cornelius' timestamp='1285648922' post='2466621']
I'd keep the Maroon Entente with GOD, the NV MDoAP, and one treaty that doesn't exist yet. And throw in a reminder that we'll defend any Green alliance if we feel like it. ;)
I like that idea, too. Especially the 3rd one you listed. ;)

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[quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1285688443' post='2466870']
That's a pretty difficult question.

If I had to pick. VE, SF bloc, and..um. Too many good choices to pick from. Keeping SF as a whole's a massive cop-out too, heh.
What are you going to do? Kick people out of SF until there are only three members?

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