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[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1285269545' post='2462370']
Cheerleader outfit is yours since you do it so well. Just remember to shave those legs when you put it on, the rest of us want to keep our lunches in.

Besides what is the point of going rogue on GOONS, I'd be fighting their allies instead of GOONS themselves.

Lovely 'no u' retort, Andre. I'm not the one cheering on rogues and attempting to fight their verbal battles for them (yet failing miserably). If only you could put together a logical conclusion once in a while, instead of your usual Methrage-esque method of addressing an issue, which includes horse blinders and earplugs.

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[quote name='James Wilson' timestamp='1285219907' post='2461895']
So, this was an epic read first.

Second, your all idiots.

YAY, lets go to war over 3 million in secret aid! [b]Oh god, its so awful, he gave him some money, oh boohoo, now were going to ruin our best nation plus some of our allies best nations.[/b]

Over all, this situation is a sad a pathetic excuse by both parties.
You know how i know you'r afraid of war? You actually care about your nation so im going to get some Ric Romero breaking news for you. There are certian people (FOK, MK and NEW just to name a few) who really have no regard for how much infra theyve lost or how many people theyve fought. They just enjoy fighting otherwise this thread wouldnt be full of "I want a slot on this guy!"

PS, you get to be a rank 22 nation by doing nothing. literally...then bragging about TE doesnt help your case

EDIT: Forgot PC in my list up there, dont hurt me :wub:

Edited by wickedj
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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1285269798' post='2462374']
Lovely 'no u' retort, Andre. I'm not the one cheering on rogues and attempting to fight their verbal battles for them (yet failing miserably). If only you could put together a logical conclusion once in a while, instead of your usual Methrage-esque method of addressing an issue, which includes horse blinders and earplugs.

I did not start the ad hominem attacks remember ;)
Besides you displayed an incredible talent for cheer leading so why not give credit where it's due and give some pointers to improve on the performance.

The logical conclusions are there, the question is if you're willing to accept them. The frequency at which GOONS friends/allies have to show up does not inspire great confidence in the ability of GOONS to handle things themselves or as they like to put it "to do something about it".

If you (GOONS) would like to change that, do something about it and keep those allies out of the brawl. When that actually happens you'll hear a "kudos" from me, surprise me.

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[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1285270883' post='2462394']
I did not start the ad hominem attacks remember ;)
Besides you displayed an incredible talent for cheer leading so why not give credit where it's due and give some pointers to improve on the performance.

The logical conclusions are there, the question is if you're willing to accept them. The frequency at which GOONS friends/allies have to show up does not inspire great confidence in the ability of GOONS to handle things themselves or as they like to put it "to do something about it".

If you (GOONS) would like to change that, do something about it and keep those allies out of the brawl. When that actually happens you'll hear a "kudos" from me, surprise me.

Accurate summation of the above post: "I have no other means to taunt GOONS other than to suggest GOONS takes more damage than necessary when dealing with a rogue just to meet some sort of manly standard I've concocted in order to provoke a response".

We are "doing something about it". There's no 'honor' in a 1v1 fight with a rogue. We don't have any other nations in that range, otherwise we would have done it ourselves. Feel free to keep ignoring that fact, however, as you don't have anything else to complain about here.

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[quote name='Charles the Great' timestamp='1285271049' post='2462398']

GOONS has every right to the actions they have taken thus far in my opinion.

OMG my head is gonna explode.


Despite that i don't like GOONS, they are in the clear on this one. JimKongIl is, going by the definition, a rogue and GOONS has the right to defend themselves.

I feel dirty having said that. Would have been far more interesting if it had just been GOONS instead of GOONS and co.

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In conclusion:


[*]Aiding nuke rogues is okay.
[*]Calling in your allies when you don't have nations in range is cowardly.
[*]Alliances agreeing to assist their allies are being controlled by that ally.
[*]Defending your alliance from rogue attacks is not worth it because it will cost some money and destroy some infra.

I can't wait for the next major war to start when we see all the ChairmanHals of the world go back on every single thing they have said in this thread.

Edit: Oh and of course: GOONs are immorally moral or something.

Edited by lakerzz8
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[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1285270883' post='2462394']
If you (GOONS) would like to change that, do something about it and keep those allies out of the brawl. When that actually happens you'll hear a "kudos" from me, surprise me.

Sorry allies, time to pack it in. We are so desperate for Ande27's approval that we will deny your requests to help us fight these rogues and do it "fair" from here on out. We wouldn't want Andre27 to have to find another ridiculous excuse to call us something negative.

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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1285269015' post='2462359']
This is still going on? Just for personal interest, what alliances are pro nuke rogue and which are against it. Just in case this becomes a major war, I need to know who to root for.

Here, I made a nifty Venn diagram:


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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1285215697' post='2461828']
Well if people are THAT upset about it stop sending him money, i dont like GOONS but ffs the LAST time someone said "dont aid this guy" and someone aided him an entire alliance got their faces stomped in. compared to that 90 mil it pocket money

Yes, no doubt that's absurd to aid a rogue. That said, 90 million covers a lot of the damage. The 90 million first came about when Yev got Methrage off of the [s]EZI[/s] EoG list; even since then it's just been a benchmark for anything that revolves around Methrage(Which is, sadly, a lot)

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[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1285265346' post='2462307']
Even if MK, Umbrella, FOK, PC etc are itching for a fight, this does not change anything about how this reflects on GOONS ability to handle these situations themselves.

They are unable to transcend the fact they don't have other nations in range? Indeed, how very inept of them.

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Read this:

[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1285265346' post='2462307']
If Goons had some guts they would have settled to engage when the target dropped below 100K which is about the top range of their number 2.

Then this:

[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1285265346' post='2462307']
For the record, I've never left a member of my alliance or an ally out in the cold. If they need/want help, they've got it.

Translation: I'll help my allies out to no end but if [s]GOONS[/s][i]some other alliance[/i] does the exact same thing to their allies, they're a bunch of cowards.

No one else sees the hypocrisy in this?

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[quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1285273575' post='2462434']
Translation: I'll help my allies out to no end but if [s]GOONS[/s][i]some other alliance[/i] does the exact same thing to their allies, they're a bunch of cowards.

No one else sees the hypocrisy in this?
[/quote]It obviously means that all of Andre27's allies are weaklings and cowards and that he is the sole bastion of strength and virility within his quadrant of the treaty web.

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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1285269015' post='2462359']
This is still going on? Just for personal interest, what alliances are pro nuke rogue and which are against it. Just in case this becomes a major war, I need to know who to root for.
Most alliances are pro nuke rogue, as long as the rogue's hitting someone they don't like.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1285270591' post='2462389']
Good luck and enjoy your wars JimKongIl, [b]I'm sure you'll be able to dish out a lot more damage than they can do to you.[/b] Thanks for the assistance as well.

o/ JimKongIl

Yeah right :D

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[quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1285273575' post='2462434']
Read this:

Then this:

Translation: I'll help my allies out to no end but if [s]GOONS[/s][i]some other alliance[/i] does the exact same thing to their allies, they're a bunch of cowards.

No one else sees the hypocrisy in this?

What you seem to ignore is that GOONS allies are involved in every minor conflict. There is no problem with coming to the aid of an ally.
When such aid is frequent though and accepted in situations which an alliance (in this case GOONS) should be able to handle without outside assistance then it raises valid ground serious questions regarding said alliance.

Nice try though. The issue is not with the assistance offered, the issue is that GOONS seems to be dependant on such assistance.

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[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1285274962' post='2462450']
What you seem to ignore is that GOONS allies are involved in every minor conflict. There is no problem with coming to the aid of an ally.
When such aid is frequent though and accepted in situations which an alliance (in this case GOONS) should be able to handle without outside assistance then it raises valid ground serious questions regarding said alliance.

Nice try though. The issue is not with the assistance offered, the issue is that GOONS seems to be dependant on such assistance.
That doesn't address what he quoted, though. You made a very specific claim about what GOONS should do in this situation to show that we have "guts". And that action would be directly opposed to what you imply in the very same post that you would do in that situation.

As well, since you seem to have ignored it, I'll reiterate my response to the rest of your allegations (regarding UOKMB): There is a difference between requiring help and accepting help! That difference is incredibly relevant in this situation.

Edited by ktarthan
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[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1285274962' post='2462450']
What you seem to ignore is that GOONS allies are involved in every minor conflict. There is no problem with coming to the aid of an ally.
When such aid is frequent though and accepted in situations which an alliance (in this case GOONS) should be able to handle without outside assistance then it raises valid ground serious questions regarding said alliance.

Nice try though. The issue is not with the assistance offered, the issue is that GOONS seems to be dependant on such assistance.

Really? Because I'm pretty sure once UOKMB got knocked down to the level of the majority of our members we've been handling them by ourselves just fine.

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[quote name='Charles the Great' timestamp='1285271049' post='2462398']
someone nuke me for what I am about to say...........

GOONS has every right to the actions they have taken thus far in my opinion.

OMG my head is gonna explode.


I'm sure they appreciate your seal of approval as much as I do.

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