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Some people take cybernation to seriously?


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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1284530743' post='2454546']
On my forum (http://kerberosnexus.com/lance/index.php) with newly registered users I have it set so I need to approve posts before they show up, but someone has been trying to spam every thread with all my personal information. Including home address, college address, my email address, web domains, arrest records (a few cannabis charges when I was younger), as well as my cell phone number and other information. I hate to imagine where else all my personal information is being posted. [b]The IP used leads to anonymous proxy, but there is [i]only one alliance[/i] I can think of that would be obsessive enough and have motive to even do something like this.[/b]

Then you should be more careful of how you word things Methrage and oh btw have you figured out yet that if you had went to GOONS leadership first before posting this fail thread it would have worked better? Or was it your intention to poke them in the eye?

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[quote name='Derwood1' timestamp='1284563097' post='2454760']
Then you should be more careful of how you word things Methrage and oh btw have you figured out yet that if you had went to GOONS leadership first before posting this fail thread it would have worked better? Or was it your intention to poke them in the eye?
In the past I've never had much success talking with GOONS leadership, so no I didn't try that and don't know how they would of responded had I queried them on IRC. (or if they would of even taken me seriously)

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[quote name='Bilrow' timestamp='1284557123' post='2454706']
The counties in Atlanta, Georgia, publish any booking publicly.

For example, one of the counties of Atlanta:
Fulton, County, Atlanta, Georgia (PM me for the link or google it, not going to post it here)

As to the amount of free time, that has nothing to do with it. When they book someone into the system on the computer system, it updates automatically and is posted in the database which displays it online.

Clearly Impero's from a different United States than you. [i]His[/i] doesn't post that stuff and doesn't use db software.

Methrage - sorry to hear this is happening, as suggested - definitely contact the local authorities. As most local enforcement agencies are generally clueless when it comes to internet laws, you may even want to contact someone higher. A close friend of mine recently had her facebook, email and bank account hacked - and even when we learned the identity (dumb !@#$%* didn't even use a fake address while holding the account by changing the password recovery email) the local authorities were clueless on how to advance. Had to contact someone in the office of the Chief Information and Privacy Officer ..

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[quote name='Aimee Mann' timestamp='1284562404' post='2454753']
"I'm not jumping to conclusions so fast as to say this was government sanctioned or more than one person was involved if it was GOONS. This isn't fun and I wouldn't try something like this to make GOONS look bad..."

He doesn't suggest that it's an alliance sanctioned action, or that it's more than one person acting alone, and even explicitly states that he doesn't intent to harm your favourite alliance's precious PR. So now that that's cleared up, what's Methrage's motivation for making this up?

Much like Impero and a few others, I think you're stuck in your IC persona and it's clouding your judgement. Maybe you should stop posting here until you are able to get past your in-game grudges.

Uhh, actually, he did implicate an alliance. You know, by mentioning an alliance. Yeah...

Anyways, I'm just basing this off of the facts:
-GOONS finds Methrage a laughable annoyance. They do not take him seriously. There is no motive to do this.
-Methrage's sole goal is to hurt GOONS' PR. That's a massive motive to fake this.
-Methrage has been working hard to transform things into PR black eyes for GOONS. In fact, he utilized this 'attack' to attack GOONS rather than handle it appropriately. That alone should show you his intentions.
-GOONS hasn't done a single thing to Methrage (like looking up personal information or OOC attacks). Methrage has, however, attempted to manipulate things to hurt GOONS' PR in a manner similar to this (though not to this extreme).
-It just doesn't make sense for GOONS to post his personal information on his own forum. If they wanted to let him know they had it they could have emailed, mailed or called him and it would have been much more annoying/creepy. To simply post it on his forum is stupid.

All the facts point towards it being unlikely that a GOONS member did this, and much more likely that Methrage made it all up. But whatever. Clearly every accusation must be correct (even if it doesn't make sense)! And questioning any serious accusation is "disgusting".

[quote]Methrage - sorry to hear this is happening, as suggested - definitely contact the local authorities. As most local enforcement agencies are generally clueless when it comes to internet laws, you may even want to contact someone higher. [/quote]

Could you please direct me to the 'internet law' about not posting someone's phone number online? I'd love to read that! Going to local law enforcement, as is so often recommended by the OWF, is stupid. They have more important things to worry about than your phone number being posted on the internet. Especially since it (probably) isn't against the law. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's illegal.

What you should do is try to figure out how they got that information. Do you run a website where your name is listed as the registered owner? Did you post your info somewhere? Try to close that hole so it can't happen again. Change your phone number if you feel that's important. Other than that, there's nothing you can -- or should -- do.

Edited by Penkala
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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1284573077' post='2454851']
Now I remember why I don't usually bother reading your posts, but I appreciate those from GOONS who have been understanding and trying to help find out who it was.

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Bilrow' timestamp='1284557123' post='2454706']
The counties in Atlanta, Georgia, publish any booking publicly.

For example, one of the counties of Atlanta:
Fulton, County, Atlanta, Georgia (PM me for the link or google it, not going to post it here)

As to the amount of free time, that has nothing to do with it. When they book someone into the system on the computer system, it updates automatically and is posted in the database which displays it online.
Yeah, but such systems usually only publicly display bookings for a limited time and have a logical reason: it becomes a place to search in the event a dumb friend suddenly goes missing. I've yet to find a system that just publicly displays complete individual criminal records.

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1284531413' post='2454557']
Methrage, I'm glad you didn't call us out specifically, but it's fairly apparent who you feel is behind this. Let it be known that I will not tolerate that kind of behavior in GOONS, and if it is shown to be one of ours, it will not be taken lightly. If you do have any information that could corroborate the identity of the offender, please contact either Sardonic or myself directly.

[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1284531585' post='2454562']
Why would anyone do that? Please, give me a logical reason why someone would go to your completely unused forum and spam your personal information. [i]If someone is using an anonymous proxy and wanted to harass you by putting out your information, tell me why they would do it on an unused forum where no one will read it[/i] instead of here or irc or 100 other places where it would actually make sense.

Guess what, I don't believe this actually happened.
GOONS giving a far more mature response than VE? What is this?

Good job GOONS, and shame on Impero for what is very clearly a politically motivated denial of events he has no inside knowledge of, even if he thinly veiled it as a 'personal opinion.' There is plenty of motive to post it just on Metherage's site, especially considering that there is nothing illegal with telling a single individual their personal details, and nothing illegal with harvesting such information from the public internet, except maybe harassment, but that's not inherent in the act itself. It also isn't terribly difficult to do, contrary to what some individuals are claiming in here. It's still disgusting and pathetic on the individual's part, and I hope that Metherage, GOONS, and the CN staff can sort this out quickly.

A note on interweb security: You should work hard to separate your online identity from your IRL identity. Never use your full name when registering for any site, and use separate emails, never use your phone number or address on any site unless they need to ship you something, and in that last case pick an unrelated screen name. If you are smart you can effectively eliminate any ties from your RL identity and your Internet identity. Be especially careful around sites like MySpace and Facebook, as that is commonly where the link is made between an online name and your RL identity, and people tend to put way too much private information on those sites.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1284530743' post='2454546']
On my forum (http://kerberosnexus.com/lance/index.php) with newly registered users I have it set so I need to approve posts before they show up, but someone has been trying to spam every thread with all my personal information. Including home address, college address, my email address, web domains, arrest records (a few cannabis charges when I was younger), as well as my cell phone number and other information. I hate to imagine where else all my personal information is being posted. The IP used leads to anonymous proxy, but [b]there is only one alliance I can think of that would be obsessive enough and have motive to even do something like this.[/b]
There was no need of saying that.

If this is truly happening then I suggest you contact the Police.

Edited by ak47don
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Not sure why people are bothering to try and deny that this could be happening. This is the internet, and specifically CN. People do dumb, pathetic things that don't have any benefit or do anything other than annoy people relatively regularly.

That said, if all they've done so far is look up publicly available information and show you they have it then it's hard to see how any crime has been committed. Just someone being dumb.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1284573635' post='2454858']
Now I remember why I don't usually bother reading your posts, but I appreciate those from GOONS who have been understanding and trying to help find out who it was.

I thought my last section (the one aimed at what to do if this actually happened) [i]was[/i] helpful. Sorry for trying to help?

[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1284578262' post='2454925']
Not sure why people are bothering to try and deny that this could be happening. This is the internet, and specifically CN. People do dumb, pathetic things that don't have any benefit or do anything other than annoy people relatively regularly.

That said, if all they've done so far is look up publicly available information and show you they have it then it's hard to see how any crime has been committed. Just someone being dumb.

I already answered why. It doesn't make sense, but it is an easy way to take a pot-shot at GOONS. You know, like the pot shots Methrage's been taking for weeks? I don't see how it's hard to see where some of us are coming from...

[quote]There is plenty of motive to post it just on Metherage's site, [/quote]

What motive is there for that?

Edited by Penkala
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[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1284565549' post='2454789']
Even if it's not true, I think we ought to give Methrage the benefit of the doubt on this, and I hope y'all find out who it is soon :)

I'm going to go with this one.

Also shocked by the lack of privacy in some states of the US. In the Netherlands info such as arrests are not publicly available.
The idea that employers can look at your personal history without permission is horrifying.

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[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1284585708' post='2455036']
I'm going to go with this one.

Also shocked by the lack of privacy in some states of the US. In the Netherlands info such as arrests are not publicly available.
The idea that employers can look at your personal history without permission is horrifying.

"Horrifying"? Really?

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Its not hard nor impossible for this information to be gathered.

I'll start with websites, which in all probability the root of the cause. With domain registrations and the ICANN, on a domain registration they want contact details such as name, address, phone number and email address for legal reasons. Falsifying such information is grounds for them to drop your domain with no notice and no refund, so you've really got three options, you can put your real contact details, you can take the risk and falsify some/all of your details, or you can purchase a service such as anonymous domain registration, which runs about $7-8 per year per domain.

If somebody knows a domain that you own, and your valid contact details are on that domains registration information, all they have to do is do a 30 second search online and they'll get the full details of the registration, including your name, city, state, email address, and phone number. With this information in hand, its easy to find a number of details such as current residence, arrest records, etc, because a vast number of this stuff is published in the public domain depending on the laws and regulations of your region.

The legality of such an act is questionable. All the information is likely already public in a variety of locations, so publishing it in itself would generally not be unlawful, however if its done in a way which is clearly intended to be harassing, then there might be some reasonable grounds for legal charges.

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My hat's off to ktarthan for being so cooperative and sharing his initial investigative results.

I simply cannot fathom what level of crazed IC/OOC blurred vision has led some other people ([i]and not a one of them is a member of the GOONS[/i]) to take this game so seriously that they automatically question Methrage's OOC integrity here.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1284585902' post='2455039']
"Horrifying"? Really?

Without permission, most certainly.
Even when there's nothing to hide, privacy should be respected at all times.

Let's take a hypothetical situation where you get pulled over for a alcohol test.
The breath test spikes because you had a spoon of coughing syrup and you get a ticket for "drunk driving".
The ticket gets transferred to the net and the employer where you have a job interview some time afterwards sees the ticket, concludes you're a drunk and decides not to hire you.

Things like medical records, arrest records and so on should [i]always[/i] be private. To see such is not the case in some US states is most certainly "horrifying".

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