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UPN Casper Resolution


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[quote][center]Twentieth Cabinet
of the
United Purple Nations[/center]
Title: Casper Resolution
Sponsor: DonVox

August 31, 2010.

1) A 'casper' is a nation wearing the United Purple Nations alliance affiliation without having applied for membership, as tracked on the Internal Affairs Master List
2) The 'casper' designation should be abolished, effective October 1st. All nations that fall under the current designation of 'casper' shall be a 'ghost'. A 'ghost' is a nation illegally residing in the United Purple Nations alliance affiliation.
3) All current caspers 10000 NS or above, or over 365 days seniority in the United Purple Nations shall be given automatic membership on application
4) All those under 10000 NS and not have 365 days seniority shall be required to pass the Academy upon application
5) After October 1st, all current caspers who have failed to apply to become a member will be re-designated as ghosts and are liable to attack
6) Future nations residing on our Alliance Affiliation shall have one week to apply to become a member, or else be designated as ghosts liable to attack

Prime Minister, Peggy_Sue
Tribune, DonVox
Tribune, Ahough


The purpose of making this announcement public is to notify all unaligned nations that UPN no longer accepts Caspers as part of their culture.

Negative commentary regarding any past action or in-actions involving the United Purple Nations are not welcome in this topic.


Edited by Harry Dresden
Mod Edit: There are no author's rights in this forum so you don't have to follow the "positive replies only" declaration.
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[quote name='Brutilius' timestamp='1284231787' post='2450025']
Caspers have got to be one of the single worst ideas in CN history. At least your coming to some sort of sense now.
Paging MHA and ODN to this topic

But on topic..why would you WANT ghosts? and think of the precious stats youll lose when you attack them..speaking of..you got any in my range? i need more land

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[quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1284232990' post='2450041']
Why would you make it public knowledge that you encouraged ghosting of your AA? Do you [i]want[/i] everyone to think/know how terrible UPN is?
My dear Mathias, are you new around here? :P

It is a terrible policy that wouldnt exactly be difficult to put an end to

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That actually doesn't seem like a terrible idea as long as you keep track of who is an actual member and make sure you and your allies know your real stats. It makes for some extra shielding during wartime. I personally think it'd be too much of a hassle to keep track of, but if you already had it set up... *shrugs*

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[quote name='Peggy_Sue' timestamp='1284233571' post='2450058']
I bid you all, friend and foe, good bye in this venue.
[color="#0000FF"]Are you telling us that you will not be responding to any criticism of the UPN? If so, smart move. As many others can attest to, allowing your detractors to walk all over you in public is by all means one of the greatest PR strategies that any alliance can follow.

Also, so, how many years did it take you to decide to not allow ghosts on your AA?[/color]

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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1284233741' post='2450062']
That actually doesn't seem like a terrible idea as long as you keep track of who is an actual member and make sure you and your allies know your real stats. It makes for some extra shielding during wartime. I personally think it'd be too much of a hassle to keep track of, but if you already had it set up... *shrugs*
My arguement against such a policy would be how terrible it makes you look in war. if you start the war at 450 members and end it with 380 and only a few were actual surrenders then we have a repeat of all the lolUPN or lolSparta jokes (how many does MHA lose when they go to war?)

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