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His Imperial Majesty's Most Gracious Speech


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[quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1283150666' post='2435586']
I offer my sincere congratulations on your longevity. May mistakes from the past never be repeated in the future. May peace be real, [b]strength never used[/b], and prosperity be more than a memory.
[/quote]Erm, huh? All alliances use strength when it is available to them. Even you tagged along with RoK's efforts to flex it's muscle and pound an alliance into the ground over practically nothing at all. Perhaps you meant something else with this?

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1283152102' post='2435595']
Erm, huh? All alliances use strength when it is available to them. Even you tagged along with RoK's efforts to flex it's muscle and pound an alliance into the ground over practically nothing at all. Perhaps you meant something else with this?

You really shouldn't be posting about things like this until your reading comprehension is up to scratch.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1283153008' post='2435603']
You really shouldn't be posting about things like this until your reading comprehension is up to scratch.
Care to explain what I'm missing? Sitting there tossing petty insults does scarce little to clarify your view.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1283153008' post='2435603']
You really shouldn't be posting about things like this until your reading comprehension is up to scratch.

HoT makes a fair point on his quoted statement - Sir Antonio Salovega VI hopes for the strength of an alliance, specifically Pacifica in this instance, never to be used and yet the Entente recently emerged from a war where that very strength was put into practice on the field of war. While the hope is certainly valid, coming from such an alliance so close to the conclusion of an armed conflict it does seem a little odd. Do note that this does not, in any way, invalidate the sentiment expressed.

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[quote name='Ferrozoica Hive' timestamp='1283153859' post='2435608']
HoT makes a fair point on his quoted statement - Sir Antonio Salovega VI hopes for the strength of an alliance, specifically Pacifica in this instance, never to be used and yet the Entente recently emerged from a war where that very strength was put into practice on the field of war. While the hope is certainly valid, coming from such an alliance so close to the conclusion of an armed conflict it does seem a little odd. Do note that this does not, in any way, invalidate the sentiment expressed.
The point of the expression "may your strength never be used" is the hope that it never [i]needs[/i] to be used - more specifically, that whatever adverse conditions or happenings which might cause it to be used do not come to pass. It's basically a roundabout way of saying "I hope everything goes well for you and that nobody does anything bad to you or your allies".

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Congratulations NPO on the anniversary of your long and vibrant history. It gives me great pleasure to see an alliance that has contributed so much to this game to bounce back after being humbled in such a major war. You have much reason to celebrate and I wish you the best for your endeavours to constantly improve.

PS: for the newer players to CN, the speech draws on the foundation days of the NPO in !@#$%* and the dramas there. (Correct me if I'm wrong, however)
PPS: I like the .mp3, even if it does sound like some guy sitting back on his couch on a Sunday afternoon. Saves my eyes a bit. :awesome:

EDIT: Word filter picks up the name of another game where a lot of the early players from this game originated.

Edited by Rextu
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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1283157221' post='2435621']
The point of the expression "may your strength never be used" is the hope that it never [i]needs[/i] to be used - more specifically, that whatever adverse conditions or happenings which might cause it to be used do not come to pass. It's basically a roundabout way of saying "I hope everything goes well for you and that nobody does anything bad to you or your allies".
See, this would have worked rather than blast me on 'reading comprehension,' it's too bad it took someone else to step in before you would address the point.

The phrase came off odd to me, and I still hold it is on the vague side. And you know, what with people still proclaiming how the NPO is some great evil that needs to be neutered, people who very literally seek to make sure NPO never again has the strength to defend itself... Well, I hope you get my point. And beyond that, it's a rather unrealistic hope, VE themselves just finished "doing something bad" to NPO's direct ally. But I get the idea behind it, generally just wishing NPO well with fancy words.

Anyway, it was a fun chat, maybe next time we can talk directly instead of through somebody.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1283157221' post='2435621']
The point of the expression "may your strength never be used" is the hope that it never [i]needs[/i] to be used - more specifically, that whatever adverse conditions or happenings which might cause it to be used do not come to pass. It's basically a roundabout way of saying "I hope everything goes well for you and that nobody does anything bad to you or your allies".

Thank you for rewording precisely what I said while avoiding the urge to insert anything new or thought provoking. It's good to hear myself echoed - my ego thanks you.

Edited by Ferrozoica Hive
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[quote name='Ferrozoica Hive' timestamp='1283164404' post='2435655']
Thank you for rewording precisely what I said while avoiding the urge to insert anything new or thought provoking. It's good to hear myself echoed - my ego thanks you.
Yeah except it's not precisely what you said. Not even close in fact!

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1283164589' post='2435656']
Yeah except it's not precisely what you said. Not even close in fact!


[quote name='Ferrozoica Hive' timestamp='1283153859' post='2435608']
...Sir Antonio Salovega VI hopes for the strength of an alliance, specifically Pacifica in this instance, never to be used...

[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1283157221' post='2435621']
The point of the expression "may your strength never be used" is the hope that it never [i]needs[/i] to be used...[/quote]

Looks pretty close to me. But cheers anyway - I'm sure the Co-prosperity Sphere needs your efforts elsewhere.

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In this context is a huge difference between "never to be used" and "never needs to be used". The latter version more explicitly outlines the intended meaning of the phrase used by Antonio, which was necessary given HoT's confusion (my post was also partly addressing his queries).

ps its generally a bad idea to try and end a post with some pithy "oh haha but cheers anyway thanx for playing better luck next time run along now~~ *smirk**" line when you're objectively the dumber participant in the argument

Edited by Voytek
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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1283203674' post='2436115']
Have you guys abolished the uselessness that is the Council yet?.
I invite you to read the Clerks report and focus on the bit about the charter. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=91388

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[quote name='Brenann' timestamp='1283207312' post='2436184']
I invite you to read the Clerks report and focus on the bit about the charter. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=91388

You invite me?. Cut the public charade we both know we don't like each other. Act like it. And congratulations on finally changing SOMETHING in the Order.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1283168780' post='2435683']
In this context is a huge difference between "never to be used" and "never needs to be used". The latter version more explicitly outlines the intended meaning of the phrase used by Antonio, which was necessary given HoT's confusion (my post was also partly addressing his queries).[/quote]

That's a semantical game at best and one you were using to attempt a cheap shot at HoT. While I don't find myself agreeing with him in general, as noted I feel the remark was indeed warranted and a rather useful observation considering the political climate in the 'verse.

[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1283168780' post='2435683']
ps its generally a bad idea to try and end a post with some pithy "oh haha but cheers anyway thanx for playing better luck next time run along now~~ *smirk**" line when you're objectively the dumber participant in the argument

Which is precisely what you just did here.

Enough with the digression, and again, cheers. Onward Pacifica, to bigger and better things.

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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1283209462' post='2436225']
You invite me?. Cut the public charade we both know we don't like each other. Act like it. And congratulations on finally changing SOMETHING in the Order.

I don't believe it was a charade, some people like to act older than ten.

Edited by Wentworth the Brave
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