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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1282660133' post='2429409']
I'm sure they'll offer an apology as meaningful as your alliance's admission of wrongdoing.
Nice one...
Congrats on a peace everyone. I thought peace was a lie? More like pie.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1282648057' post='2429294']
Is that really where we are here? It all seems rather trivial from both sides.
No. We're at a point where we were put under the bus and railed from one end of the cyberverse to the other (and still stand to raise your annoyance levels) and because Hoo's word is supposed to be the [i]be-all; end-all [/i]. But when it came down it - it meant nothing more than a convenient reason to start a stupid war. A stupid war was met with a stupid end. We have the intelligence to [i]play[/i] down to your level.

[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1282654822' post='2429337']
Congratulations to our allies Ragnarok (and their allies, of course) on their victory.

Calling what's in the OP "terms" is just stupid, since it's plain that the NSO doesn't mean a damn word of it anyway.

Now, don't you have a moral crusade somewhere to toddle off to, child?

EDIT: Oh, almost forgot....

I can't believe you guys actually took up my suggestion of a beer review.

+1 for me. Huzzah!
Terms are terms. It may have just come down to every single one of us singing the alphabet - but they're still terms. Terms that prove Hoo is not the infallible beacon that was so argued throughout the entire war.

[quote name='zenergy' timestamp='1282655576' post='2429357']
I'm disappointed - if the NSO is required to give a beer review, they should also be required to bring enough for the whole class.

Seriously, though - congrats to the NSO for finally getting peace in the stupidest war Planet Bob has seen in quite a while.
Saved a couple cases for the after party ;)

[quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1282656592' post='2429370']
I'd like to thank all our allies for the great support.

In fact I can already see them performing [i]Foedus Reparo[/i] on our nations.

Indeed. Thank you. Despite the nay-sayers and name-callers; you guys had the hardest job. Sitting and watching while we had all the fun. Will see you in the welfare line :awesome:

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[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1282628855' post='2428987']
I wasn't aware that no terms and some terms were equivalent now.

Is that new RoKmath?

We had no interest in terms.

[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1282628980' post='2428992']
Where I come from, "There would be no terms, we'd just walk away." does not mean "You will copy and paste these exact words that I have written for you and agree to write a beer review, or we will continue to attack you." Being forced to do something in order to receive peace is, indeed, a term whether you'd like to admit it or not. But you go right on ahead and keep telling yourselves that your alliance didn't get caught in a lie. It's ok. We all know the truth now.

We didn't lie. The war not only ended exactly when we said it would, but we also got our allies out too. I'm not sure how this is a bad thing? It seems that no matter what we did, certain parties would attempt to paint us as evil. Lesson learned for next time.

[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1282630490' post='2429056']
RoK is the alliance that presented the terms. You're not even trying here, WC.

Semantics. Terms are always presented as a group and were in this case as well. It doesn't really matter who pasted them into the channel.

[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1282630635' post='2429069']
Then thirty minutes before update RoK brings in GOD and VE to shove these terms down our throat out of nowhere.[/quote]

Both heggo and Lint were made aware long before that there was a statement being prepared and that they would have it by the end of the day yesterday.

[quote name='2burnt2eat' timestamp='1282631658' post='2429119']
Besides the fact that Ragnarok presented the terms, you mean to tell me that Ragnarok, lead by Hoo (I know this is all so hard for you to follow), the guy who told his allies to come in, couldn't tell them to get out on his terms? It's a simple matter. It would take literally no arm-wringing to have these tools back off with any terms he wanted. And hell, if they refuse, it'd make me wonder the true reasons they entered the conflict to begin with.

We can request that they come in and also request that they leave. It is up to them on both counts. I personally would rather we all left at the same time, which is what ended up happening.

[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1282631837' post='2429131']
You guys are really reaching to try and paint RoK and Hoo as some sort of villain here.

Which is amusing since I was the one pushing to end this.

[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1282632091' post='2429142']
I like how all through this war, Rok huffed and puffed about how they always "talk straight", and how everything Hoo says happens.

And then they prove that he's as big a liar as anyone else.

We did talk straight. There isn't a single thing that we lied about. The war lasted two rounds like we said it would and we walked away.

[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1282632263' post='2429149']
He said that if GOD or others wanted to continue then that was on them, but RoK wouldn't go along with them, actually.

They didn't want to continue. They decided that they wanted to end as well with a signed statement from the NSO.

[quote name='mdnss69' timestamp='1282640491' post='2429263']2. If you truly believed what you said to us, RoK would probably still be at war with TPF. Don't even try to spill that crap, RoK is far from perfect.

TPF were told in advance that the war would only last a few days to a week. Guess what? It lasted a week.

Edited by Van Hoo III
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[quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1282662301' post='2429442']
I'm horribly ill and have been in bed for 24 hours ... I had to catch up. ;)

Ah so there was a Hoo impersonator allowing your name to be slandered by you're [i]allies[/i] only 10 hrs ago.

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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1282662385' post='2429445']
Ah so there was a Hoo impersonator allowing your name to be slandered by you're [i]allies[/i] only 10 hrs ago.

I wasn't here 10 hours ago. Are we going to debate this fact as well?

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why is everyone congratulating NSO when we should be congratulating the victors especially TENE as they are a small alliance who would have been surely destroyed if it wasn't for ROK's support and the valiant members of TENE

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[quote name='uaciaut' timestamp='1282665888' post='2429467']
I don't see ANY reason why NSO would be displeased in this situation yet they are.
Well we did go ahead and accept the terms, since someone in this situation had to step up and be reasonable and just end the damn thing already, so I think we're okay, and ready to move on.

I think most of our frustration stems from constantly being told one thing and then another thing happening that directly contradicts that first thing, as well as the pointlessly childish way that they went about finally actually ending the war.

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[quote name='lorian' timestamp='1282666292' post='2429475']
why is everyone congratulating NSO when we should be congratulating the victors especially TENE as they are a small alliance who would have been surely destroyed if it wasn't for ROK's support and the valiant members of TENE

TENE would never have been destroyed. The incident between them and Sedrick would have remained between them had RoK not declared on him while he was under our AA ...... But - that's a wartime argument. We're post-war now. We'll save it for next time RoK comes knocking.

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[quote name='lorian' timestamp='1282666292' post='2429475']
why is everyone congratulating NSO when we should be congratulating the victors especially TENE as they are a small alliance who would have been surely destroyed if it wasn't for ROK's support and the valiant members of TENE

maybe because we were curb-stomped 5 to 1 but we still hung on and survived

Edited by Copperhead
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I think when Hoo said that he wasn't interested in terms, he meant he wasn't interested in reps. I also love how NSO is so grumpy about the fairly harmless terms. The terms seemed kinda pointless, IMO, might as well be white peace. The beer review was the only one worth it.

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[quote name='Chron' timestamp='1282632919' post='2429169']
And you're going to equate that kind of loyalty and dedication with the opportunism shown by GOD in this war? Wow.

You guys really need to get over yourselves. It's cute when Ivan does it, it's his thing, and he's good at it, but the body of your alliance showing the same arrogance is lulzy. We actually [b]had[/b] no desire to fight you, it was going to get us nothing but annoyance. It was boring last time, it was boring this time, and it's not worth it to loose 180K NS eating nukes from turtles ( * VALID TACTIC alert!) who won't even bother to do anything but carry on on the OWF and send PM's saying "Hey I'll "forget" to nuke you if you "forget" to nuke me?" I mean damn, if you were going to nuke, at least follow it up with navy and air. While turtling is a valid tactic, for the bravado you all show, you could of at least brought it.

We were asked to join because we had folks online, sure, anything to help one of our best friends, but we don't have this stupid vendetta you seem to think we have. You lot have tried to spin it into we wanted disbandment, or we wanted to ZI all of you, or <insert BS propaganda here> Let me tell you our thoughts on NSO:

You're not a threat to us as an alliance. We couldn't care less about you outside of the mouthiness you all have on the OWF, which sometimes funny, mostly comes off hot air, and [b]while[/b] we think you needed a throttling, the same can be said about several other alliances(us included I'm sure) I was actually disappointed CSN didn't get the chance to go instead of us and VE, at least they have a beef. We tend to not bother putting a large showing on the boards, so it's easier to paint us as the boogeymen compared to VE, or RoK. Go for it. Xiph has a habit of holding grudges for folks who've wronged us. Nothing wrong with that, but that's the extend of our evilness. But guys, we can't be the meatshield for RoK following Hoo's orders lockstep, and then be the ones bossing him around at the same time over terms. Pick one please. I prefer the evil twisted one, it gives a higher chance for a fun war somewhere down the road.

[quote name='Choader' timestamp='1282633207' post='2429176']
And this is why going easy on NSO is pointless, and even counterproductive. To them the basic acts of apologizing and admitting defeat are as horrible as being kept under terms for a year and a half while sending out all their tech. The sheer amount of whining you get from them and STA over the technicalities of an essentially white peace is more painful than the tears you'd have to listen to were they disbanded. [/quote]

Them I expected it from, a classy alliance like STA, I didn't. Really guys, crying over a beer term? Yes it's stupid, yes I'll admit it was a waste of space to include it, but if anything it was probably thrown in there from the tantrum they threw last time when they tried to dictate their own terms. Doesn't matter, they're not going to change their ways, so by including all we did was open the floodgates of crying. Stupid to even include it.

[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1282651786' post='2429315']
Good to see peace, although not good to see attempts at revisionism [i]already[/i]. (No, you didn't fight us to an effective stalemate, you got rolled and you lost badly. That sort of crap is exactly why the terms needed to have a clear statement that you lost, because you've already got a reputation as revisionists.)

The complaining about what Hoo said is rather petty. I guess you could technically e-lawyer your way to calling it a lie, but you have no material terms, and things would have been much the same had Ragnarok followed the exact literal meaning of his words and left GOD, VE and R&R to get you to sign a surrender. If you thought you were going to escape from the war without accepting that you surrendered and taking some responsibility for the actions that led to war, then that was rather a silly thing to believe.

Hopefully now everyone realises that they shouldn't aid rogues in active wars.

Can I point this out, when Bob Janova is actually arguing for the fricking side HE'S ON for a change for the first time in awhile, clearly, the world is topsey turvy.

[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1282666383' post='2429476']as well as the pointlessly childish way that they went about finally actually ending the war.

Amusing calling someone childish when your alliance is making OOC attacks against Xiph, the newest one literally one post down from your post in Rayvon's avatar.

Edit: Seems I can't find the review to read it, what the heck?

Edited by Midkn1ght
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[quote name='Midkn1ght' timestamp='1282666598' post='2429481']
Amusing calling someone childish when your alliance is making OOC attacks against Xiph, the newest one literally one post down from your post in Rayvon's avatar.

Malfoy completes me. I can change it to appease you. :ph34r:

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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1282666794' post='2429489']
Malfoy completes me. I can change it to appease you. :ph34r:

No leave it, it makes the people of my nation all tingly inside. But c'mon guys, several of you have them, that's not exactly Sith material.

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[quote name='Midkn1ght' timestamp='1282666910' post='2429492']
No leave it, it makes the people of my nation all tingly inside. But c'mon guys, several of you have them, that's not exactly Sith material.

Remember Midkn1ght, [b]they[/b] are being the mature ones here.

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[quote name='Copperhead' timestamp='1282666164' post='2429470']
I wonder who was enough of a sore loser to delete the beer review.

is that mean NSO hasn't fulfil their term and GOD and Co. have another valid CB to DOW on NSO ? :awesome:

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[quote name='Copperhead' timestamp='1282666405' post='2429478']
maybe because we were curb-stomped 5 to 1 but we still hung on and survived
You survived two weeks of war. My god! You guys are like the next FAN!

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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1282666794' post='2429489']
Malfoy completes me. I can change it to appease you. :ph34r:

Don't get me wrong, I found the beer review funny and all (really did), but I don't think an alliance full of star track enthusiasts should really be poking fun at what someone else is into.

Edited by Il Impero Romano
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