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What do You Regret Most About CN?


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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1282367255' post='2425466']
Same here, back when Ramirus wasn't really in power yet and I saw people complaining about him I asked some GRE's members and former members why they keep Ramirus in gov if they didn't like him and I received the same answer from everyone: "He's good in get tech for us"

Yes, and when he was in the process of ruining relations between TOP and the Gramlins, they'd refuse to admit that they were culpable in repeatedly electing him.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1282408932' post='2425751']
Yes, and when he was in the process of ruining relations between TOP and the Gramlins, they'd refuse to admit that they were culpable in repeatedly electing him.
In all fairness, TOP was pretty nasty towards Ram and kind of alienated him from even coming over for a Q&A. When TOP members, even half-joking, tell TOP's ex-Gre members to go back to Gre with the specific request to retake power from Ram (basically coup him), what do you think he's going to think of TOP? I know how Ram can be, but TOP was partially responsible for what happened to the relationship. If it was just Gre, maybe, but FOK, MHA, Umbrella all ended up on very different sides of TOP last war. But from what I've seen TOP blames all of them and never has taken responsibility for it's actions leading up to that war. There were some serious internal arrogance going on in TOP and you wouldn't listen to anyone, not even your own members.

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Joining a newbie alliance that had no membership activity (it only had a signup section, nothing else, lol), had no nation building guides or anything else, never knowing about tech deals (until after joining DOOM), planned on getting a crappy trade set (yes, it had Fur), tech raiding a 19 day inactive person (received no loot), got kicked out of the alliance after apologizing for the raid, and was insta-raided by someone who spammed aircraft and CMs at me with ground attacks and told me that he liked to ZI new players for the fun.

My second biggest mistake: Thinking that economical wonders were only worth it when I reach 14,999 infra, which is why I have such few wonders compared to other players that joined at a similar date.

My third biggest mistake: Walking into the Karma and TOP-C&G War, with only a SDI as my military wonder (no MP) and having a warchest that lasted barely for a week while most of my opponents were decked out with nukes, military wonders, and massive warchests. Basically I walked into a gunfight with only a knife, twice.

And I still have a SDI as my only military wonder. :awesome:

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1282446362' post='2426242']
Joining a newbie alliance that had no membership activity (it only had a signup section, nothing else, lol), had no nation building guides or anything else, never knowing about tech deals (until after joining DOOM), planned on getting a crappy trade set (yes, it had Fur), tech raiding a 19 day inactive person (received no loot), got kicked out of the alliance after apologizing for the raid, and was insta-raided by someone who spammed aircraft and CMs at me with ground attacks and [b]told me that he liked to ZI new players for the fun[/b].

Wampler? Sounds like his style.

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[quote name='Uralica' timestamp='1282447621' post='2426264']
Wampler? Sounds like his style.
He does allow players who aren't in alliances to peace out if they ask for it, right? The rogue I faced gave me the silent treatment after telling me what was his intent, completely ignoring my requests for peace.

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[quote name='Gn0xious Jr' timestamp='1282086813' post='2420533']
i was only in Atlantis for 2-3 months before they disbanded, at the time i thought it was the only option and moved on... i'd liked to have seen, and been a part of, Atlantis' fight for survival...

This is probably my biggest regret. Would of loving for Atlantis fight to the death

Some other regrets:
The way the merge to form Atlantis was handled on the Republic. Was so crazy. I was going away and when I got to a PC Chickenzilla had met these people and was like we should merge. So I am spending my holidays on €2 for 10min computers reading IRC logs form the night before. I did get back before talks ended ( here I went off and read The old Republic forums and the forms we set up for Atlantis when we were still in talks and its now 5:34am

Also going rouge when I did. About to quit the game so I go rouge. The next day log on to IRC. GGA are threatening hyperion a day or two latter nocb war starts. So I joined Vox instead of quitting. Also not staying active in vox after a few weeks

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I wish I had spent more time playing this game so that I would be one of those players that everyone thinks are "great" too.

Actually, no I don't. I'm happy I don't waste more time on this game than I already do. I have no regrets. Wa ha ha ha.

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Not vetoing Ramirus' application.

Thats about it.

edit: Bob beat me to it.

[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1282151980' post='2421725']
I always found it baffling how, despite his horrible demeanor, people kept him around and in power for awhile (that is, before he really took power) because he was so good at obtaining tech. It made the Gramlins appear to have a seriously unhealthy addiction to the stuff.

You're oversimplyfying it. It was a constant struggle between those who wanted to keep him away and those who wanted to see him in power.

Edited by HellAngel
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[quote name='dragonknight1000' timestamp='1282455954' post='2426406']
only regret: not buying a WRC when I had the chance before UJW2 V_V (worst idea ever)

I suppose a regret would not rallying enough support to ban such a stupid name for being used to describe that war.

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[quote name='Uralica' timestamp='1282451007' post='2426332']
Ouch. Sounds like a different kind of bloodthirsty than Wampler then. :blink: And probably not the kinda guy I'd want in my alliance. <_<
Sure you do. Give the rogue a good reason to stay loyal to your alliance, and use him as a cannon fodder against another alliance during another global war. His ZIing experience and refusal to back down would help alot. :smug:

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1282146114' post='2421628']
The day I met lebubu.

But, on a serious note, not having gotten to repay all of my grudges yet. Im working on it though.

Your such a bitter old man. :|

I have no regrets myself. :)

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1282017263' post='2418635']
I regret nothing, all my bad decision in this game taught me something important.

Agree with this, but some things I could've done without:

[*]Not coalition building before UJW.
[*]Not leaving Illuminati sooner.
[*]Ever spending time with Ephraim.
[*]A spree of dick moves in the Summer of 07.
[*]Wasting time with Gre QnA's.
[*]WUT disbanding, even if I couldn't really control that.
[*]Letting Kas get ZI'd.
[*]Not rolling MCXA for their terms for CSN in the GATO-1V war.
[*]Ever trying to be nice to Cora during the spats before USN left CA.
[*]Not rolling Shebang.
[*]Not rolling Ruben a second time.
[*]Focusing on Citadel and not C&G Pre-Karma, though I don't regret the Umbrella/FOK I met during it [This goes back to positives out of negatives].
[*]Not having a better relationship with Polar back before UJW.
[*]Did I mention losing that war? Definitely losing that war.
[*]Not scheming effectively to ruin GGA for the Viridicide before VE came back.
[*]Everything related to the MK-RIA drama, and the heavy lobbying that got pushed on ASC and RoK to drop the treaties.
[*]Not insisting with Gen_Lee that he let me back him up on the IRON front.

Yeah long list. :wacko:

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Letting my signature be on The Legion surrender to Sparta
Not immediately going to join TOP and continuing to fight after I left the night of the Legion peace
Not seeing that the pre-emptive strike would blow up in our face

Besides that I have very few regrets, I've made mistakes but they've all been good learning experiences. Now I just have scores to settle

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1. Not destroying OO when I had the chance.
2. Not fighting back against Pacifica.
3. Not joining ACV under a reroll after Pacifica EZI'd me.
4. Letting my relationship with NADC get as out of hand as it did.
5. Failing to remove ECVI from power in time to stop the BLEU war.

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