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Extended protectorate announcement

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[b]Official announcement by the International[/b][/center]

We were sadly informed that United under Scorn is no more. Their new leader announced to us that their treaties are canceled and now their forums have ceased to function...

As this all happened rather sudden, the International would like to announce that we extend our protectorate unilaterally for another 30 days to everyone flying under the US alliance affiliation, so they may find a new home. In addition the Coalition of Royal Allied Powers (CRAP) and the Basketball Ninja's (BN) also agreed to extend a helping hand and defend anyone under this AA for the same period.


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Thank you INT, CRAP and BN. We all appreciate your help. In truth, this is sudden to the membership as well. I plan to stick around until everyone else in United under Scorn is safely somewhere else. Good to know that we have support.

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I was very surprised to hear our treaty partners in United Under Scorn have disbanded. It is a sad day, indeed.

I have nothing but great things to say about everyone I met at US. Good luck to all of you.

And if there is anything the NAC can do to help or assist, just let us know.


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Necroseer and I would like to express our thanks to the members of The International for their protection over the majority of the past two years. United under Scorn couldn't have had a better protector!

We would also like to thank the members of US, past and current. It was a fun and every one of you can feel free to contact either of us in the future via PM. We'd also like to express an extra "thank you" to those who took up the leadership roles after we semi-retired.

There were many people who provided help and assistance. I would like to thank a few leaders who went far beyond our expectations:

Chuck Normis of Kickastan: without your advice early on, we easily could have been one of those alliances screaming "we're being attacked" on OWF not knowing a thing as to why or what to do about it. You are our oldest friend.

Stangad of Stangnation: You've given billions in tech sales to almost every member of US and are the one who suggested a Protectorate in the first place and helped make that happen. I (WC) consider you one of my best friends on CN and a strong mentor. You're also one of the best fighters I know. :salute:

Seixas of Seixas: A fine diplomat and mentor. Thank you for helping US out in our early "tech raid" experiences and insisting on bringing US along when TRF merged into INT. You're cool.

devnull of Republic of Unix: Thank you for helping me make the our private home (OOC: US forum)look professional. You earned every 3 mil and more. We love the fact that we had someone NOT in US who we could trust entirely with all our secrets (as VAST and world shattering as they are - :P ).

Comrade Craig of Free Left Coast: You are the toughest of the tough guys I know (I know many ;),I have a soft spot for the type) and an incredibly good leader. You've taught me everything I know about "behind the scenes" large alliance politics and have always told me how it is as opposed to what I've wanted to hear. You've gotten US out of difficult situations and, if I were the type who had tantrums on occasion (I deny it, I've always been an excellent diplomat and totally in control of myself) - you would have been the one to take the brunt :P Also, for the PUBLIC record, Craig does NOT have a any "soft" spots, has gotten over all possible idealism and IS in every way an absolute bear ;)

walford of Walfordistan: You are one of the finest military instructors any new leader could wish for and an absolute blast! You taught us both how to defend our infra while challenging us to think about what is and is not worth fighting for. You defend your own position with style but also have always shown respect for us in those instances where we disagree.

Jack Shepard of The Lost Island: Thank you for inviting us into your alliance. You are, in our opinion, one of the most skilled alliance leaders of our "generation" and an incredible coach.

Thanks all.
- Lord Necroseer
- White Chocolate
Co-founders of United under Scorn

Edited by White Chocolate
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I wish I could have bumped into you guys a little earlier .. It seems we both had alot in common and could have teamed up and made things turn out diffrent. In any case I wish all members of US the best of luck finding new homes.. Also great move protecting the "AA" long enough for the members to find a new home.

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US was a great group. I am very glad I was given the opportunity to help them grow and develop in their early days. They came a long way considering the fact they pretty much didn't know anything and decided to just jump in anyway.
I am going to miss US.

o/ scorn!!

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This is sad news...

[quote name='White Chocolate' date='12 July 2010 - 12:47 PM' timestamp='1278964055' post='2368401']
Comrade Craig of Free Left Coast: You are the toughest of the tough guys I know (I know many ;),I have a soft spot for the type) and an incredibly good leader. You've taught me everything I know about "behind the scenes" large alliance politics and have always told me how it is as opposed to what I've wanted to hear. You've gotten US out of difficult situations and, if I were the type who had tantrums on occasion (I deny it, I've always been an excellent diplomat and totally in control of myself) - you would have been the one to take the brunt :P Also, for the PUBLIC record, Craig does NOT have a any "soft" spots, has gotten over all possible idealism and IS in every way an absolute bear ;)[/quote]

It's sad because, by all rights, I should have been thanked [b]FIRST[/b], not [b]EIGHTH[/b]. At least you wrote more about me than anyone else.

Also, you obviously know nothing about INT, because I was terrible leader. Just ask any member. They threw a party on the day I left.

Seriously though, I'm sorry to hear that US is no more. I really liked you guys a lot. Your government didn't actively seek out trouble like one or two of our other protectorates. Whoever snatches you guys up will be acquiring some great people.


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The protection of the above alliances is more than enough, but I must add that the MDP between United under Scorn and the Sandwich Confederation is still in effect.

It's too bad that US won't be continuing, but we definitely had some good times with you over the last couple of years, all the way back to the time when most of us were known as The Light Brigade, and most of you were new to this world. If you need anything from SC, you know where to find us. Good luck to all current US members in finding new homes.

One more for the road...

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[quote name='White Chocolate' date='12 July 2010 - 03:47 PM' timestamp='1278964055' post='2368401']walford of Walfordistan: You are one of the finest military instructors any new leader could wish for and an absolute blast! You taught us both how to defend our infra while challenging us to think about what is and is not worth fighting for. You defend your own position with style but also have always shown respect for us in those instances where we disagree.[/quote]I'm not sure what's going on, but the kind words are appreciated. You have shown yourself an able leader and willing to accept different points of view for the sake of your own group, but also for your allies and for the Greater Good -- of which I know you and the other senior leadership of your alliance are committed.

Best wishes in your future endeavors. [img]http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/2025/e10125.gif[/img]

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I'm sad to see US go. You guys were one of my favorite alliances in CN. Definitely a great and respectful bunch.

[quote name='White Chocolate' date='12 July 2010 - 03:47 PM' timestamp='1278964055' post='2368401']
Stangad of Stangnation: You've given billions in tech sales to almost every member of US and are the one who suggested a Protectorate in the first place and helped make that happen. I (WC) consider you one of my best friends on CN and a strong mentor. You're also one of the best fighters I know. :salute:

Thanks for the praise, I appreciate it.

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[quote name='Bordiga' date='13 July 2010 - 09:32 AM' timestamp='1279031539' post='2369307']
It is sad to see an alliance of such strong principles as United under Scorn end, particularly considering our close partnership. Good luck to the members.
that just goes to show that in this day and age strong principles have almost been forgotten by this world.
and I blame the media. there too left wing, and they corrupt everyone with a weak mind that sees it.

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To all United under Scorn members,

Please do accept one of the invites that we all have been receiving to join one of our allies (or look for some other alliance) sometime between now and the end of July. I highly advise against going off on your own because SOMEONE will attack you (probably three on one) because that's just how Planet Bob is at the moment.

Everyone else,

I plan on sticking around until everyone in US is somewhere else. I already have plans once that's done. This has already been stated but I'm saying so again.

We have a Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact with The Sandwich Confederation. That's still in affect and does NOT have an expiration date on it. SC has a military treaty with Basketball Ninjas. BN has treaties with other alliances. Both our co-founders have moved to BN.

I assume you all get the picture :P

Edited by Mistress Demona
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