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Remembering Karma


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[quote name='TheNeverender' date='25 April 2010 - 11:09 AM' timestamp='1272208179' post='2274315']
I was the Voice of Karma or some stuff like that. I think my experience wound up being pretty damn public, so writing about it here would be silly now wouldn't it.
You might be surprised if you found out what the public thinks your experience was. ;)

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[quote name='Haflinger' date='23 April 2010 - 09:54 PM' timestamp='1272077678' post='2272676']
Actually I did find one piece of memorabilia.

This was my IRC window near the start of Karma.


That's why I'm not Invicta VP anymore. Hehe.

Hahahah, wow. That's insane.

Edit: I wasn't around for Karma, but from what I've seen in this thread/on the wiki, it was a fun time to be playing.

Edited by QuotingTheCrow
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When I first heard about Karma, I was all like "YO GUYS LET'S JOIN UP AND KICK SOME PACIFICAN SCUMBAGS!!!11 YAHH!" and my alliance mates were all like "WE WOULD MAN BUT WE GOTTA DEFEND TOOL N ALL THAT!111111111 YAAH!" and I was all like "OK MAN THATS FIEN WIT ME YAAHHH!!!" and then we went on to get white peace with Sparta and The Brigade, but not until after dealing out some nice damage.

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[quote name='mike717' date='23 April 2010 - 10:36 AM' timestamp='1272036994' post='2272060']
This is, without a doubt, the one single thing i regret most during my time on this planet. I was TORN council at the time, and pushed for us to accept the MK terms. Looking back on it, everyone was so angry at the perception that NPO was hanging us out to dry that we wanted nothing to do with that mess. In hindsight, the proper thing to do probably would have been telling MK that we appreciated the offer of help, but were going to lay in the bed we made, for better or for worse, then canceling the NPO treaty out of protest, continuing to fight the war to the bitter end.

You live, you learn.
Hey, that's my experience too!

It was too stressful of a time, but I think going through that got us eventually to a point where we knew exactly who we could count on, so it eventually worked out.

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mm... karma. went in as a 30k NS nation in Athens with 100 mil warchest and 200k casualties, came out of it being at a low of 2k NS (think when the war actually ended i was at about 5k NS) and just over 1 mil casualties and about 20 mil remaining. I had the most declared wars out of any nation in my alliance, of which i remember fighting Moo, Mary, and Loucifer at the same time, and also remember SilentKiller and Degenerate of GGA at some point.
only took one quick peace mode break in the very beginning, otherwise the only times i was not warring was when nuke anarchy kept me from declaring more wars.

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[quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' date='26 April 2010 - 01:50 PM' timestamp='1272250222' post='2275358']
NPO was my enemy for my entire time in this game. I got to help take em down. So that was cool. Other than that I think it marked the end of my real activity in CN.
He's said it for me too.

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Mmm Karma.

Athens was the first alliance, and I was the first nation to attack NPO during Karma. It was cathartic and exhilarating, considering NPO-Athens history. I especially enjoyed fighting Dilber.

I set up a target distribution system and oversaw planning for the hit on NPO's 900 members in under 24 hours. The Karma coalition was defensive in nature, and no planning was drawn up against NPO until NPO attacked Ordo Verde. The NPO task force ended up starting out with 51M NS, which was a pretty significant chunk of the entire coalition, although many alliances in that group did fight on other fronts as well.

I ended up more or less being the point man on NPO terms negotiations, which put me under intense pressure and scrutiny from all sides. This all ended up becoming public, though, so everyone knows this. Definitely the most work I ever did for anything in CN. Proud of the achievement of finally arriving at terms that would be accepted by both Karma and NPO. Indifferent as to the actual scope of terms. Didn't really care much what they were by the end as long as everyone would sign them. Think they were fair, considering NPO's history in CN. Amused at how many uninvolved people PMed and queried me during that time trying to put their stamp on and have their say about NPO terms.

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[quote]The Karma coalition was defensive in nature, and no planning was drawn up against NPO until NPO attacked Ordo Verde.[/quote]
As I recall we weren't even expecting NPO in the first wave. That target assignment was done in a heck of a rush after it happened!

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I was in Vox. After it ended I realised that I was kind of bored so I decided to sit in TSI after talking to Shuru and just collect every so often :3 Now I'm still inactive but check what's going on on the forums once every two months or whenever ;)

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I was in MASH. I was the Senior Drill Instructor (MoD) and had just been promoted. I had worked with one of the ex generals in the WOTC. I do remember from the uproar inside the alliance due to a lot of ONOS ex patriots in the alliance and them wanting to take down the NPO hardcore for the distruction of that alliance as well as others. We went in against GGA through an ODP with Athens and purple wasnt really happy about that with the exception of Legion. I like alot of purple alliances but they never realized how much we hated the NPO for what they had done.

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My position in charge of MK communications was elevated to a Lordship during Karma, so as the war rolled on I once again found myself in a government position for a major global conflict. Luckily, I didn't really have to do much compared to previous wars. A few wars, none nuclear, none particularly notable, performed well enough in all of 'em. Much of my time was spent working on the comms machine: churned out some propaganda, kept the Mushrington Post going with some degree of regularity, played cheerleader and reminded folks to keep fighting like it was day one until TPF surrendered. Pitched my opinions to the rest of gov't. Retired from the LHC position the day after NPO surrendered and haven't pursued any major office since, which is nice if sometimes boring.

Oh, and I made [img]http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u51/silverfoxrocker/smughist.png[/img]

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I remember being sort of excited, incredulous, and relieved. As I put it to the people in Vox who didn't want to disband: Fun is fun and done is done. I was really ready to get away from Vox as fun as it was for so long. I thought Vox had run out of usefulness once Karma began; not so sure anymore, but that's history now. I do miss it.

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Now, when i think of that war, i see it just as another event in the history of our planet. No great wrongs were righted, no new light dawned upon mankind. To have portrayed that as one of the possible outcomes of the event while it was occurring in itself was wrong. I have said so earlier and i still stand by it. It is simply that a group of people were unhappy with the state of affairs for a long time since they had been on the so called "losing side" for far too long. The circumstances presented themselves that they could finally do something about it. Then there were those that saw the pattern of the past and figured it would be their turn to join the losing side soon enough, and they took steps [as they should] to prevent such from coming to pass.

For the record, calling someone evil/virtuous over actions taken in game, is alright if it is just another game move, politics whatever, to actually believe that and get sore over it, is plumb silly. Do not buy into that rhetoric, ever.

Edited by Alfred von Tirpitz
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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' date='29 April 2010 - 11:28 PM' timestamp='1272601711' post='2281006']

For the record, calling someone evil/virtuous over actions taken in game, is alright if it is just another game move, politics whatever, to actually believe that and get sore over it, is plumb silly. Do not buy into that rhetoric, ever.
Mind mailing that to the me of about 13 or 14 months ago? Thanks :)

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Since we're in an OOC forum here, I absolutely agree. However, it's perfectly reasonable for your [i]character[/i] to call someone evil, get sore over their actions etc. Just remember that you are not your character, and you're all playing a game together, so yeah, if [i]you[/i] hold negative feelings about other players for things they do in the game, you're doing it wrong.

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[quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' date='26 April 2010 - 03:50 AM' timestamp='1272250222' post='2275358']
NPO was my enemy for my entire time in this game. I got to help take em down. So that was cool. Other than that I think it marked the end of my real activity in CN.

I remember you got in my face for not fighting for the other side when I wasn't even responsible for their actions, in fact, I was a victim of it. This was amidst the Coalition of Cowards incident, many on the other side wanted us to fight so I decided to. I honestly had no idea the rest would come later. Had I done that, I would've stayed in Soldier instead of fighting 'cause Stumpy told me I should. That was an interesting query, thanks a lot Stumpy. <_<

At least he mentioned me three times in his best trashcat edition. Should have been at least five times, though.

Edited by The AUT
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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' date='30 April 2010 - 12:28 AM' timestamp='1272601711' post='2281006']
Now, when i think of that war, i see it just as another event in the history of our planet. No great wrongs were righted, no new light dawned upon mankind. To have portrayed that as one of the possible outcomes of the event while it was occurring in itself was wrong. I have said so earlier and i still stand by it. It is simply that a group of people were unhappy with the state of affairs for a long time since they had been on the so called "losing side" for far too long. The circumstances presented themselves that they could finally do something about it. Then there were those that saw the pattern of the past and figured it would be their turn to join the losing side soon enough, and they took steps [as they should] to prevent such from coming to pass.

For the record, calling someone evil/virtuous over actions taken in game, is alright if it is just another game move, politics whatever, to actually believe that and get sore over it, is plumb silly. Do not buy into that rhetoric, ever.
If there are no heroes and villains then there's nothing left but gentleman's duels or [i]realpolitik[/i], and I don't think many people who play are ambitious enough to make the latter enjoyable, so that's not really a CN I'm interested in.

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Karma was fun for me...fought VE, NV, some Aztec members. Although I was MCXA govt I had nothing to do with who we attacked, I was just told VE was the target :D

Lost almost all infra and tech and then payed reps. Karma over.

I might add, nothing as exciting as IRC when NPO & TORN attacked. As I recall...

Admin: Post the "damn" DoW already! in #NSA!

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