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Commencement Announcement

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Hello, and welcome. I'm here to announce an alliance of the tiniest proportions. I am glad to bring you the Social Acolytes of Narcissistic Destiny. We (I) are a small alliance, we (I, Eventually) will be on the yellow sphere. Only fitting for our acronym of SAND to go to the yellow sphere. I here by give you the public charter of SAND. This is what i believe you, the outsiders, should know of our alliance. Anything else is for us to internally govern SAND.

[QUOTE]The Social Acolytes of Narcissistic Destiny

Public Charter
Any nation looking to join SAND must have a vouch from a member within the alliance. Once vouched for and signed up on the forums they shall be given more information to become a full member.


The Pope of the Social Acolytes of Narcissistic Destiny is the highest ranking member. Has The Final Say on matters of treaties and war.

The College of Cardinals
The Cardinal of Finance for the Social Acolytes of Narcissistic Destiny shall deal with all the internal fiscal means of the alliance.
The Cardinal of Defence for the Social Acolytes of Narcissistic Destiny shall deal with the defence of the alliance as a whole from raids to alliance wide wars.
The Cardinal of the Interior for the Social Acolytes of Narcissistic Destiny shall deal with members and be in charge of keeping the alliance running smoothly and keeping everything the alliance owns up to date.
The Cardinal of the Exterior for the Social Acolytes of Narcissistic Destiny shall deal with foreign matters of the alliance. Such as treaty evaluations, setting up foreign aid deals.
Cardinal of the People is a cardinal position elected by the people for voting purposes.

Tech Raiding Policy
The Social Acolytes of Narcissistic Destiny do tech raid.[/QUOTE]

I know we (I) still need a protectorate I have a few alliances in mind, but if you'd like to approach me i'll have both ears open to listen. We shall tech deal since i'll probably only attract small/new members so we can offer something in return to our protection.

With that thus concludes the our commencement announcement.

#SAND - coldfront


Pope - My Name Is Romance

College of Cardinals

Off to dinner, see comments answer questions latter.

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[quote name='New Frontier' date='27 March 2010 - 11:21 PM' timestamp='1269750100' post='2238909']
Sovereign Alliance of National Defences.

Was that so hard?

Sartorially Anachronistic Naval Divers? Unique, and it would allow you to have a flag featuring one of these:


Take a good look at that baby and tell me it isn't something you want associated with your alliance. Go ahead and try.

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Sexy Arachnids and Nuclear Ducks?

Then this guy could have been your mascot!


But nevertheless, congratulations and good luck. :)

Edited by Shurukian
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Interesting name. Good luck with your endeavors. It might be easier for you to find an alliance to serve as temporary protectors until you get a couple more members. Most alliances won't sign a protectorate with a one man alliance. Not because they don't want to protect you, but because (and don't take this wrong) one man alliances don't usually last.

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[quote name='New Frontier' date='28 March 2010 - 12:21 AM' timestamp='1269750100' post='2238909']
Sovereign Alliance of National Defences.

Was that so hard?

Sounds to general to me, also doesn't fit in with what i do.

[quote name='USMC123' date='28 March 2010 - 02:28 AM' timestamp='1269757669' post='2239020']
Interesting name. Good luck with your endeavors. It might be easier for you to find an alliance to serve as temporary protectors until you get a couple more members. Most alliances won't sign a protectorate with a one man alliance. Not because they don't want to protect you, but because (and don't take this wrong) one man alliances don't usually last.

Yea, i know. AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN I WONT LAST RRAWWRR!!! Understandable, i have some ideas on who i'd approach to see if they'd be willing to offer one, but i'll stick it out until i can get recruitment going and find someone willing to buy.

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By definition, one nation cannot be an alliance. An alliance is a partnership between two or more "allies". Good luck with this, but it would have been better to be patient, gather a few friends or others to help, secure a protector, and then announce your existence.

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[quote name='Reagan' date='28 March 2010 - 10:03 AM' timestamp='1269785016' post='2239133']
By definition, one nation cannot be an alliance. An alliance is a partnership between two or more "allies". Good luck with this, but it would have been better to be patient, gather a few friends or others to help, secure a protector, and then announce your existence.

We better tell the game then that one person can't change to an AA alone then. You can do it your way i'll do it my way but thank you for giving me luck.

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Welcome to the Yellow sphere and all the best in flourishing here. We need more people here to fill the space that the Golden Horde has left. :)

You can approach one of the Yellow alliances, it makes sense to me that they would be more eager to protect a fellow teammate.

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[quote name='My Name Is Romance' date='28 March 2010 - 11:46 AM' timestamp='1269791181' post='2239193']
We better tell the game then that one person can't change to an AA alone then. You can do it your way i'll do it my way but thank you for giving me luck.

I wasn't bashing you. I sincerely wish you well. I know how tough it is out there and there are lurkers who love seeing announcements like this with no protector and no help. I don't know how much experience you have in alliance creation, but there are a couple of great guides posted if you haven't seen them, like [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=42130"]the one[/url] by Duncan King. Trust me, I've learned from experience. :gag:

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