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Announcment from ADI

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[quote name='mco119' date='26 March 2010 - 02:56 AM' timestamp='1269590143' post='2237188']
Regardless, sir, of what you claim here, you do not know our reasons. You will soon. As for the Wiki page, this shouldn't have occured, and was not authorized. The situation was immediately rectified, and an apology was given to the ADI member in question. Regardless of what you may think at this time, right and wrong is important to this group..this is what helped motivated our attack in the first place. Again, our reasons will be shared with all of you shortly.

i think it would've been better if one of you guys weren't already in ADI for a couple months and ghosting their AA.

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[quote name='raasaa' date='26 March 2010 - 09:34 AM' timestamp='1269596047' post='2237220']
Have fun mate, i hope you accomplish whatever it is that you are attempting to.

I'll second that, I'm sure you'll have fun doing whatever it is you're doing Phil Sr. (or is it Jr? It's been so long I don't remember)

[color="#FF0000"]*Mayz eagerly awaits an announcement from Phil and co about what it is they're up to and why.[/color]

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[quote name='Kevin McDonald' date='26 March 2010 - 07:41 AM' timestamp='1269603695' post='2237252']
What took you so long?

I'm interested to learn the motivation behind these attacks, but I'm shocked to see the attitudes displayed by members of The Corporation in this thread...especially you. I've always held a great deal of respect for you and the way you handle yourself. Surprised to see posts like this and your apparent support of the posts by your members. Today, I have a new outlook on The Corporation. :(

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[quote name='Reagan' date='26 March 2010 - 11:00 AM' timestamp='1269615602' post='2237353']
I'm interested to learn the motivation behind these attacks, but I'm shocked to see the attitudes displayed by members of The Corporation in this thread...especially you. I've always held a great deal of respect for you and the way you handle yourself. Surprised to see posts like this and your apparent support of the posts by your members. Today, I have a new outlook on The Corporation. :(

Well, I answered the NPO member like that because NPO insulting my alliance I take as a compliment - I certainly set out to run my alliance completely opposite from NPO, so it makes sense that our opinions don't mesh.

However, in terms of the wider ranging comments... I don't think Corp deserves all the flack it is receiving. Could some of my members have explained their views a little bit more rationally? Sure they could have. However, every alliance has to deal with their members speaking in public, and I certainly don't feel the need to muzzle any of my members in this type of thread. They are welcome to express their opinions.

But let's examine this in reality. A lot of RoK's allies still harbour some ill will toward ADI, and Corp is certainly no exception. It is my contention that we can enjoy and even encourage these specific nuke rogues without condoning nuclear roguery as a whole. The fact of the matter is, some people decided they had had enough of ADI's BS, and decided to do something about it. Will Corp actually invite these members to join us after they finish with ADI? Of course not. Nor will we provide financial or military aid to them. However, to say we can't enjoy their acts is a concept I don't agree with. I know for a fact that there are any number of instances in which people could go rogue on (Archon, Londo, Hoo, myself even), and those rogues would receive acclaim and encouragement. Do I think that if a former member of (NPO, Invicta, TOP, etc.) went rogue on one of the aforementioned people meant that (NPO, Invicta, TOP, etc.) would enjoy it? Of course I do. I wouldn't, however, think that those alliances would be condoning the roguery. They would just be enjoying it.

That's where Corp and a number of people are here.

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Not an hour after announcing their dealings, a corporation member calls them "a bunch of whiny little girls". Justify it anyway you want, but a statement like that is going to get some flak...rightly deserved in my opinion.

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[quote name='Wabooz' date='26 March 2010 - 11:32 AM' timestamp='1269617560' post='2237368']
Not an hour after announcing their dealings, a corporation member calls them "a bunch of whiny little girls". Justify it anyway you want, but a statement like that is going to get some flak...rightly deserved in my opinion.

And I clearly stated that some of my members could have expressed their opinions in better ways.

Edit: To clarify... if you want to give my members flack for expressing their opinions, I have no issue with that. However, I'm saying Corporation should not thought of as "rogue condoners", as I have clearly explained above, that is not the case.

Edited by Kevin McDonald
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[quote name='Wabooz' date='26 March 2010 - 10:32 AM' timestamp='1269617560' post='2237368']
Not an hour after announcing their dealings, a corporation member calls them "a bunch of whiny little girls". Justify it anyway you want, but a statement like that is going to get some flak...rightly deserved in my opinion.

I read the OP. Clicked on the four nations attacking and viewed all their wars, looked at the strength of ADI as an alliance, and my initial thoughts were it is a weak alliance that cannot deal with rogues on their own.

Still, I held my thoughts and read through the rest of the thread. Unsurprisingly, my thoughts were already expressed by others. I don't think I care one way or another about rogues. For three years I've seen people say, "Do something about it" and when somebody clicks on the declare war button to "do something about it" the bawwing begins.

To all involved, may you collect many casualties.

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Anyone that believes ADI is complaining or "bawwing" about this situation is mistaken. This was an announcement informing the world not to aid these rogues. The actual handling of the rogue situation has been going on, for 4 days mind you as well. Anyone wanting to turn this around and say we are whining is only doing so due to their need to take pot shots at ADI for whatever reason.

[quote]And I clearly stated that some of my members could have expressed their opinions in better ways. [/quote]

It seems to be ok to continuously promote the stigma of ADI of days gone by despite their change of leadership and to continue to impart your grievances against our old leader in every single ADI thread that goes up, but when your alliance is judged on the actions of one of your members, who mind you, you didn't exactly stop, you believe there is some sort of injustice.

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[quote name='John Warbuck' date='26 March 2010 - 12:28 PM' timestamp='1269620894' post='2237407']
It seems to be ok to continuously promote the stigma of ADI of days gone by despite their change of leadership and to continue to impart your grievances against our old leader in every single ADI thread that goes up, but when your alliance is judged on the actions of one of your members, who mind you, you didn't exactly stop, you believe there is some sort of injustice.

No I don't. I even said, "if you want to give my members flack for expressing their opinion, go ahead." My contention is with people stating we condone nuclear roguery, which is not and has never been the case. Doesn't mean we can't enjoy this type of it, however. I don't condone settling disputes with violence, on a personal level, but that doesn't mean I can't laugh if someone gets a punch in the face that had been coming to them. These things happen in life, and not everything is black or white.

Edited by Kevin McDonald
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[quote name='Drostan' date='26 March 2010 - 12:21 PM' timestamp='1269620452' post='2237400']
Nobody trains rogues like Kronos. Enjoy the Kronos craftsmanship, boys!

oh you :wub:. I get the feeling there must be a special kronos training program; n00k raids 4 dummies.

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[quote name='Nathan Grant' date='26 March 2010 - 04:59 AM' timestamp='1269593956' post='2237213']
You have nothing to win by continuing a spar with words. It is obvious that you have no moral high ground or you would have tried to seize it already.[/quote]

Why does one need the "moral high ground" to fight a war, or a war of words?

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[quote name='Lord Curzon' date='26 March 2010 - 12:35 PM' timestamp='1269621306' post='2237414']
oh you :wub:. I get the feeling there must be a special kronos training program; n00k raids 4 dummies.
mostly ample observations....

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I'm not familiar with the transgressions of the past by ADI, but it seems clear that leadership has changed and they are working towards a new direction. If I'm wrong, please feel free to dispute me. If they've set about to turn the ship around and removed the past leadership, then why are they being punished for their past? It would make sense if they hadn't changed a thing and expected to get away clean. If certain people still hold a grudge over someone else's leadership and what was done before, then why not approach the new leadership and work out a settlement of the dispute? All I'm saying is give the new guys a chance before you try to go cracking their skulls.

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[quote name='John Warbuck' date='26 March 2010 - 12:28 PM' timestamp='1269620894' post='2237407']
Anyone that believes ADI is complaining or "bawwing" about this situation is mistaken. [b]This was an announcement informing the world not to aid these rogues.[/b]

Or else what exactly?

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[quote name='Kevin McDonald' date='26 March 2010 - 11:35 AM' timestamp='1269621297' post='2237413']
My contention is with people stating we condone nuclear roguery, which is not and has never been the case. Doesn't mean we can't enjoy this type of it, however. I don't condone settling disputes with violence, on a personal level, but that doesn't mean I can't laugh if someone gets a punch in the face that had been coming to them. These things happen in life, and not everything is black or white.

Wait Kevin, so you support the nuke rogues, but you just laugh at ADI, and reward these rogues with your laughs. Either you support the rogues or not Kevin, pick one. ;)

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