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None DoE, DoW/Word to Yo Motha!

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I hereby introduce to you a newly united front, called None. We are the backbone of Planet Bob and we hereby enter ourselves into Existence and Declare War on the World. So for all Ya Playa Hater's, Suck It!

Preamble: For those nations of us wishing to not be bound by the shackles of a centralized governing body.

Article 1: Membership

-Any nation not affiliated with any alliance is a member of None.
-We will accept any and all members no matter what other people think of you.
-You can come and go as you please, we do not ask any nation to be bound to this Alliance, we realize that loyalties can change over time.
-You are on your own when you join None, it is a Dog Eat Dog world.

Article 2: Government

No Nation will be treated like an inferior Nation. We are all equal. Our government is based on an Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune. Each nation has the sovereign right to do what they please with their nation.

Article 3: Concerning Other Alliances

We recognize that other alliances exist on Planet Bob, however we have no central structure so in order for you to get anything done, it would require you to message all of our members individually. The only way we would approve of something done by another alliance is if all current members agree on the situation. We will not recognize any war against us, and we will not make any public declarations of war as we do whatever we please.

Article 4: Raiding

Consider any nation under any alliance, even other members of None under threat of Tech Raids from members flying the None Banner.

Article 5: Randomness

Alright, here's what's up. You can live here, you can record here, you can be badboy artists here, but if you wanna do it, first y'all gotta walk to Queens and get me a sugar cookie.

Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.

This is an impressive crowd — the haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite. I call you my base.

People say, how can I help on this war against terror? How can I fight evil? You can do so by mentoring a child; by going into a shut-in's house and say I love you.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go home and put some water in C&G's momma's dish. Good day to you all.

Article 6: Love

<3 Ronin
<3 TOP
<3 Crymson
<3 AlmightyGrub
<3 Croix
<3 AirMe
<3 HisK

Article 7: Hate

No love for yall playa haters out there. I be representing None now !@#$%*es!

The Voice of None, BloodFury :smug::awesome: [/center]

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[quote name='Desperado' date='10 March 2010 - 01:11 AM' timestamp='1268201835' post='2220660']
I not agree with this!

:o I'm Sorry Desperado, I weighed my love for you, but just couldn't fit you into the post properly.

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[quote name='BloodFury' date='10 March 2010 - 01:13 AM' timestamp='1268201938' post='2220662']
:o I'm Sorry Desperado, I weighed my love for you, but just couldn't fit you into the post properly.

That's ok, we know that NONE loves its hockey...


-Yes, this is going to be back in avatar form at a later date ;)

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[quote name='Haflinger' date='10 March 2010 - 07:47 AM' timestamp='1268225538' post='2220857']
You know, I think I preferred Walford.

[img]http://i729.photobucket.com/albums/ww298/RadicalStar/Miles Edgeworth/edgeworth-smirka.gif[/img]
This man knows what he is talking about. Death to the illegitimate NONE regime.

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[quote name='Jens of the desert' date='10 March 2010 - 06:39 PM' timestamp='1268246716' post='2221105']
Waldorf? Someone hasn't been aged well.

Hey, They didn't let us out amongst the masses on Planet Bob's Retirement "Resort".

Walford did it better.

Edited by PrinceArutha
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[quote name='BloodFury' date='10 March 2010 - 12:10 AM' timestamp='1268201725' post='2220657']

I hereby introduce to you a newly united front, called None. We are the backbone of Planet Bob and we hereby enter ourselves into Existence and Declare War on the World. So for all Ya Playa Hater's, Suck It!

Not even anywhere near as classy as Walford, my good man, assuming that is what you are attempting. Missed it from your first paragraph. Go back into the history books and do better research.

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[quote name='White Chocolate' date='10 March 2010 - 07:52 PM' timestamp='1268251056' post='2221167']
Not even anywhere near as classy as Walford, my good man, assuming that is what you are attempting. Missed it from your first paragraph. Go back into the history books and do better research.

Declaring war from peace mode is tha secks!

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[quote name='agafaba' date='10 March 2010 - 11:44 AM' timestamp='1268239785' post='2220997']
Walford did it better, may his holyness rest peacefully.[/quote]Not so fast. For those who wish to review NONE's purpose [note the comments]:

@OP: so what is your history? I see you were recently in Ronin.

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If you start something else with different people and a different purpose, that is not re-igniting. What remains of the original NONE is in TE [see the link in my sig below].

NONEtheless, good luck.

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