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The Cybernations Academy Awards

Sir Paul

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[quote]Doitzel - Most Active Player[/quote]

You know that PM you sent me on Feb. 16? I just read it, I think, two days ago. I was upset that I missed the invitation, but I didn't bother replying when someone said you'd already posted it.

This title will make a fine addition to my collection. :awesome:

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[quote name='Elyat' date='09 March 2010 - 06:34 PM' timestamp='1268188759' post='2220315']
You know that PM you sent me on Feb. 16? I just read it, I think, two days ago. I was upset that I missed the invitation, but I didn't bother replying when someone said you'd already posted it.

This title will make a fine addition to my collection. :awesome:
I'd love to re-record it. You up for it?

(I'd PM you but you don't read your mail)

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[quote name='Poobah' date='10 March 2010 - 07:47 AM' timestamp='1268167938' post='2219578']
We were never under MHA's boot, fyi. Our first allies would not have abandoned us, and the cluster$%&@ that MHA declaring on us when TOOL would not give up our protectorate would have been more than enough of a deterrent. Sure, we got to deal with them trying to sabotage us, but they never had as much control as they thought they did.

I certainly agree that Argent were never under our boot, but the rest is half-truths and victim-complex nonsense. The only time we were genuinely pissed off with Argent was after we suspected that we were being recruited from, and after certain members (hello) were trolling our IRC. I'm sure we did talk to TOOL, and probably were angry, but to think we'd actually declare on you, or were even close to declaring, is utter nonsense. There were some people (certain former MoDF's, for example) who certainly would have wanted to, but it was never a serious consideration. Trying to sabotage you? Thought we controlled you? [i]Come on.[/i] We couldn't care less about you, especially after the beginning of 2009 when we had much bigger problems to focus on, and after which repeatedly told TOP and Citadel that we had no problem with them being allied to you guys at all. Yes, they came to us first before getting close to Argent and not once did we object.

Anyway, Argent have flourished on their own and frankly all of that nonsense should be left well in the past where it belongs.

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[quote name='Fallen_Fool' date='14 March 2010 - 08:38 PM' timestamp='1268624637' post='2225986']
Clearly I'm not active enough if I couldn't beat that evil and manipulative Penguin in the Nicest Player category.
I feel terribly guilty for snatching this award away from you. I implore the Academy to give it to someone else.

Edited by Penguin
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