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Over and out!


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Greetings Digiterria!

I feel I have been active enough over the years to warrant my own resignation thread so here I go! To those of you who do not know me, count your blessings and keep the obligatory "attention seeker" comments to yourself.

Fifteen months ago I decided to throw out all my computer games as growing real life responsibilities necessitated the removal of the major distractions in my life. I removed the two whole computer games I owned from my computer and threw the disks in the bin to remove the temptation of installing them a couple of weeks later. With very little exposure to the CN community at this point in time, I concluded that maintaining my nation would consume very little time and I should not, therefore, waste the three months and twenty dollars I had invested in building it.

Needless to say I could not have been more wrong. Inspired by the Pacifican community to delve into the political intrigue and vibrant communities peculiar to the CN experience, I found myself spending more and more time in front of the computer. Having been a part of quite a few communities in CN and obtaining fairly good insight into how others operated from friends and confidents alike, I am adamant I would have gone inactive and deleted if I had started my career almost anywhere else. To those of you who are just starting in the game, there are very few other alliances which I would recommend you kick off your career at.

Unfortunately, being an over-enthusiastic new player has its down sides; I purposely took someone else’s war slot and refused to complete the punishment the IOs metered out and was expelled as a result. Being a proud red nation and knowing very little about life outside of Pacifica at this stage, the next logical step was to join the next biggest alliance that allowed red nations: Multicolored Cross-X Alliance (MCXA). The MCXA was inferior to Pacifica in almost every way imaginable: the boards were not nearly as good, the members seemed less active and generally indifferent to what went on and one of the Commanders was nowhere to be found.

The one thing that stopped me from looking for a new home was the charisma, dedication and professionalism demonstrated by senior members -- such as Sam, Gopher, Enime, Jose, TFS, Iggy and DA -- during what had so far been a short stint at MCXA. I decided that instead of brooding about all the problems with the alliance, I would take on a position of responsibility and be part of the solution. It was around this time I started becoming active on IRC and I was appointed a minor departmental position soon after. During the course of my service in various alliance positions, I had the opportunity of observing the inner workings of the alliance more closely and to get to know my comrades on a more intimate level.

On the whole I both liked and respected the group of people I had spent the last x number of months working and socializing with so it should come as no surprise that I joined them when I found out most of them were leaving to form a new alliance. Most of you have a crude understanding of what went on during the MCXA-TSO split so I am not going to bother regaling my version of events to you. I would, however, like to briefly draw your attention to the fact that like alot of my former comrades, I approached Sam and Iggy to make my loyalty to them overwhelmingly clear as soon as I heard rumours that they were leaving the alliance. Like most people, I felt they were the heart and soul of MCXA and was more than happy to serve them no matter what flag they decided to fly.

There was alot of uncertainty, leading up to our DoE, fuelled by difficulties finding treaty partners, potential aggression from MCXA and the Continuum as well as the handful of alliances who felt they had a score to settle with us. Things did not get much easier after the debacle that was our DoE and we soon found ourselves staring down barrel of a seemingly blood thirsty, Continuum-backed MCXA. What impressed me was throughout all the drama, when things were looking grimmest, not one of the individuals who had promised their nation to the Oblivion abandoned our banner. If there was any confusion as to where my true home was leading up to these events, the conduct of our members and leaders during our shaky conception removed it.

I spent the next year serving in numerous positions and spent gratuitous amounts of time and effort making sure I was pulling my weight and doing my bit. For the most part it was a tonne of fun and having a fairly good feel for the quality of individuals and players CN breeds, I can say with some confidence that, with one or two exceptions, I could not have asked for a better group of guys to be affiliated with. The one possible exception to this statement being TOP who would have to rank as the most impressive group of individuals I have ever encountered online.

Despite the enormous amounts of enjoyment this game and the people in it have provided me over the past couple of years, just before Christmas I had decided that CN had become a bigger distraction than the games I had quit the year before and I had more important real life commitments that required my attention. Dwindling enjoyment spurred on by a few IC problems as well as my growing distaste the way the wider community conducted themselves on IRC and the forums also played a part in this decision. I decided to let my nation go dormant and defend the Oblivion when required and I was fairly successful on this front for a while.

However, my plan went a bit pair shaped after being involved in a major accident on the 26th December. Having lost most of my faculties other than the ability to think and sit in front of the computer, I spent most of my time playing CN. I slowly recovered over the next couple of months and as the Australian academic semester drew closer and my schedule began to fill up, I realized I could no longer manage my recovery, fulfil my other real life commitments and play CN -- even as a dormant player. The amount of time I chewed up during the first two weeks of this war only confirmed this conclusion and compounded the urgency of quitting.

In you're wondering why I left TSO, I had posted a resignation that was to come into effect at the end of the war but one of the Commanders I had been locking horns with over the past couple of weeks insisted I leave beforehand. After leaving TSO I found I had too much nation strength to hit the six individuals I wanted to go rogue on so I decided a fun way to shed some pixels was by nuking Grey Council. They were not quite the pushovers I expect, insofar as they sanctioned me on every team, but they were still pretty laughable. If you do not have anyone you particularly want to hit on your way out, I would highly recommend having a chop at them. I am now in range of most of the nations I wanted to hit -- elborrador (reaction would be priceless), Grub (obvious reasons), Archon (Crymson would get a raging boner), [s]Franesca[/s] feralboy (obvious reasons), sup4 (reaction would also be priceless) -- but unfortunately, Grey Council is bent on swallowing nukes until I delete.

Edited by SunnyInc
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It's been a pleasure knowing you and standing beside you both in MCXA and TSO. Good luck in healing and obtaining your degree. RL > CN.

Sure, we've had our disagreements and all of us are guilty of dropping the word Tact from our vocabulary, but all in all, you did a great job in helping with running the alliance.

Take care, stop in from time to time to tell us how things are going. And most important of all. Good luck and ever forward.

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Its been amazing having you around Sunny. I seriously wish you all the best IRL and hope your recovery is quick. Ill definitely miss talking to you. You may have been hot-headed at times but your input into the community has been priceless. Weve certainly lost a good one here. D: Good luck bud.


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[quote name='SunnyInc' date='28 February 2010 - 09:35 AM' timestamp='1267367926' post='2208252']
The one possible exception to this statement being TOP who would have to rank as the most impressive group of individuals I have ever encountered online.
I agree they are an impressive group, if not offered reasonable peace terms I think they can outlast those at war with them if they need to.

I never knew you well, but good luck.

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Sunny, I still hate to see you go, but I understand. I hope nothing but the best for you in RL. I had a lot of fun with our tech competition, and in the end - you won! Thanks for the friendship in and out of CN. I hope you stay in touch and as far as I'm concerned you will always be a member of TSO.

o/ Sunny

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It has been great knowing you and all throughout the past year or so in CN. It's been an honor. I always held out for the hope you would join us one day, but you do what you must. TSO has lost a great member in my book.

I hope to catch you sometime and catch a beer IRL.

o/ Sunny

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[quote name='SunnyInc' date='01 March 2010 - 12:35 AM' timestamp='1267367926' post='2208252']
[s]Franesca[/s] feralboy (obvious reasons), [/quote]

[quote]sup4 (reaction would also be priceless)
Don't even think about it, you'll have to get through me first, but alas, you are too weak to get near me, I won't enjoy the pleasure on nuking your sorry $@! back to the stone age :(

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[quote name='TheNeverender' date='28 February 2010 - 01:25 PM' timestamp='1267381742' post='2208566']
Yay I'm getting on more and more nuke rogue lists!

That's one of the perks of being the leader of the new hegemony.

Goodbye SunnyInc. Get out.

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