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A MORE Official Announcement from the Grand Global Alliance


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I have no fancy graphics to make this look pretty. But as one of the oldest members of the GGA and by far its member with the highest nation strength and most casualties sustained fighting for the alliance, I have as much if not more credibility to post "official" announcements on the OWF. This is true in particular because the legitimate government and charter of the GGA have been suspended.

I'll make this brief. The GGA has been a dying alliance for a long time. Frankly, Bilrow carried us on his shoulders and to a certain degree we have never found footing in his absence. Be that as it may, many of us (including myself) have participated in GGA government to one degree or another in an effort to forestall the apparently inevitable demise of the GGA. With the act of banishing Qaianna from her post as Triumvir only a week or so after she assumed office, I can say unequivocally that the GGA has ceased to exist. Removal of Qaianna is a classless act of epic proportions because it was carried out by Shane who clearly knew that she was being set up as a sacrificial lamb whey she was elevated to triumvir. And, considering the organization of tonight's announcement and the things I have heard for weeks now, no one can tell me that this all just came together in the past few days.

So, my recommendation to all my fellow members of the GGA is to not honor their treachery with your presence. If Shane & Co treat the membership of the GGA with such disregard, then they do not deserve your loyalty. Remove GGA from your alliance affiliation.

My recommendation to all alliances who have dealings with the GGA is to follow the lead of Octavo Orden and terminate your treaties with the GGA. The once honorable alliance you knew has long gone. Do not denigrate the good name of your alliances by being treated to these people.

That is it. GGA is dead. It has joined the choir invisible. It is pushing up the posies. This...is a dead alliance.

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[quote name='Momonishiki' date='22 February 2010 - 07:45 AM' timestamp='1266824759' post='2196897']
I have no fancy graphics to make this look pretty. But as one of the oldest members of the GGA and [b]by far its member with the highest nation strength and most casualties sustained fighting for the alliance, I have as much if not more credibility to post "official" announcements on the OWF. [/b]

That's not quite how it works.

However, instead of making a faux disbandment thread, did it not cross your mind to attempt to actually further the place? You may not like the way it was done, but you said yourself that the alliance was dieing in the absence of something changing, therefore it only stands to reason that you should embrace the change and help cultivate any sort of progress which proves to be possible.

...or make angry announcements, one of the two.

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Momonishiki is proof that high NS and casualty counts mean nothing when it comes to being a good member. If he truly wished to fix what he himself calls a dying alliance, he would have attempted to fix it. Instead, he has spent his time bragging about being the Senator for the GGA.

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' date='22 February 2010 - 01:53 AM' timestamp='1266825190' post='2196913']
That's not quite how it works.

However, instead of making a faux disbandment thread, did it not cross your mind to attempt to actually further the place? You may not like the way it was done, but you said yourself that the alliance was dieing in the absence of something changing, therefore it only stands to reason that you should embrace the change and help cultivate any sort of progress which proves to be possible.

...or make angry announcements, one of the two.

Definitely the second.....way more hilarious....

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Obviously the only way to fix a dying alliance is to attempt to smash it into pieces.

Call me old-fashioned, but I much prefer the "fixing things when no one else really is" route.

And there's no resentment towards Qaianna, so that's a silly argument. I loves my Q.

But, anyway. If you genuinely don't care to help fix the GGA, then I guess there's not really anyone stopping you from leaving. Sorry you decided it to do it this way, though.

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Also, as a note, his information is blatantly false here. OO did not cancel their treaty with the GGA, as it was canceled in our announcement. We have actually be in contact with their government who wish to sign a new treaty as soon as we can.

Also, anyone who has been around since late 2007 can see the false part when it comes to Bilrow.

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[quote name='Momonishiki' date='22 February 2010 - 02:45 AM' timestamp='1266824759' post='2196897']

My recommendation to all alliances who have dealings with the GGA is to follow the lead of Octavo Orden and terminate your treaties with the GGA. The once honorable alliance you knew has long gone. Do not denigrate the good name of your alliances by being treated to these people.


Protip; when attempting to smear an alliance in public double check your facts*, OO didn't cancel.

*The reason you should do this is the nature of CN poltics, when making a thread calling someone out, you are just as likely to be heckled as the people you are calling out. It pays to insure you provide people with as little ammunition as possible.

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[quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' date='22 February 2010 - 03:00 AM' timestamp='1266825612' post='2196932']
Also, as a note, his information is blatantly false here. OO did not cancel their treaty with the GGA, as it was canceled in our announcement. We have actually be in contact with their government who wish to sign a new treaty as soon as we can.

Also, anyone who has been around since late 2007 can see the false part when it comes to Bilrow.

Personally, I would suggest against the part about signing a new treaty with OO, but to each their own.

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That's a pity to see this kind of drama air itself in a squabble where no-one else can see the right and the wrong. It's a sad day indeed.
Hope u guys could patch things together, and possibly - since the problems are on anyone to see - work ur way on a scission of some sort into two separate alliances.
If you need help in that, just ask.

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[quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' date='22 February 2010 - 12:00 AM' timestamp='1266825612' post='2196932']

Also, anyone who has been around since late 2007 can see the false part when it comes to Bilrow.

The facts speak loudly. We had mover 400 members when Bilrow was around. Look at us now. I am no lover of Bilrow nor his current affiliations, but I cannot change the facts of history.

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[quote name='Momonishiki' date='22 February 2010 - 02:04 AM' timestamp='1266825870' post='2196942']
The facts speak loudly. We had mover 400 members when Bilrow was around. Look at us now. I am no lover of Bilrow nor his current affiliations, but I cannot change the facts of history.

It's all about quality, not quantity.....(waiting for someone to finish this statement for me).

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[quote name='Momonishiki' date='22 February 2010 - 04:04 PM' timestamp='1266825870' post='2196942']
The facts speak loudly. We had mover 400 members when Bilrow was around. Look at us now. I am no lover of Bilrow nor his current affiliations, but I cannot change the facts of history.
You are where you are now largely because of the collapse of power structures such as One Vision and the Continuum, weakening the power base of what was undoubtedly your biggest ally, the New Pacific Order. Your alliance is simply not 'invincible' due to your allies anymore.

Edited by Arrnea
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