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Which opponent was the most enjoyable to fight?


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[quote name='Lord GVChamp' date='07 February 2010 - 07:01 AM' timestamp='1265526060' post='2166447']
1. WotC-Babyjesus
2. BiPolar-Trebek's nation sitter
3. BiPolar-Greco

thank you sir
trying my best to give you guys a good fight :)

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Kriyevla in GW3 was a fun opponent.
Quizkid and Xaran from GOONS in UjW were tough but thoroughly soporific to speak to.
Fought 1 person in Wolfpack War, never spoke.
Goose in 1V/No Vision war was fun.
Fought a nation from NV in WotC who deserted after 2 days.
Can't remember my IRON opponent in Karma War, never spoke.
Marcus Guildenstern from MCXA in this war is loquacious and entertaining. Others don't speak much.

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GWIII: NPO (some nuke-rogue named Yamamoto) and some GGA who I don´t remember.
UJW: Sitting in peace mode, organizing the fail GATO-rush on FOK.
1V vs. GATO: Cata (I am still sorry for that Cata)
GPWII: Grämlins-guys. They were cool.

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GOONS guys from GW III, CMEA during UJW and especially Sparta and FOK during our war with the Continuum were all rather awesome fellows. Those guys were exceptionally nice to chat with, but most folks tend to be rather nice even during a war, at least according to my personal experiences.

Except perhaps Valhalla, TPF & NATO from the NoV/FCO vs. tC war, they were pretty horrible dirtbags.

Edited by Iosif Moldov
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Lord LEvi from Valhalla has been entertaining.. as much on IRC as well as ingame. The other Valhallan refuses to answer any of my propaganda and or lulz mail. Id say valhalla has put up a good show.. with no whining.. I like no whining.

Also BayEagle is still in FAN and still active on our boards, although not as engaged as he once was with CN.

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I wish I had kept track during the Karma war. My IRON targets knew how to war and I had a blast against them. Hell, my NPO targets were pretty friendly as well, if not the fighters I was hoping for.

I was hoping my targets from NEW would be chatty, but alas.. I've gotten only radio static from their end.

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[b]GW1:[/b] A long dead NPO member; Federal Dutch Union.
[b]GW3:[/b] GOONS member Point Given was awesome.
[b]UJW:[/b] Point Given again B-)
[b]ICP Reformation War: [/b]FCO's Adolf45.
[b]GATO-1V War:[/b] GGA's Tip-A-Canoe, Polaris's Hertugen, NPO's GodKing I, Toyotavallejo & Elektra (latter two seem to be no longer around).
[b]Karma War:[/b] none really.
[b]Current conflict:[/b] SO far IRON's Alaric II (The Allied States) and FEAR's ToySoldier78 (Starkland) are two great fella's ;)

Edited by Cataduanes
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UJW- I don't remember any actual combatants, but I got Louisa to surrender to me personally. That was unexpected/cool.
NoCB- Caveman of Vox. Cool guy, and I still talk with him sometimes. He's almost as good as Cata at finding the losing sides of wars.
FS- Don't Remember
Karma- A BAPS Triumvir. Don't remember his name right now, but he was passionate, combative... a true exemplar of the BAPS nature.
Bi-Polar- I was tickled pink to host an ODN.gov [i]soiree[/i] in my capitol the very first week of the war. A SecGen, a SecEcon, and a Justice. I was honored.

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[quote name='WCaesarD' date='08 February 2010 - 09:06 AM' timestamp='1265641576' post='2168729']
I've been having a good time fighting my Valhalla opponents this war. White Majik in specific stands out, though I think he just joined to fight. My IRON guys aren't so fun, they keep sending me individual surrender terms. :awesome:

I have received so many sets of terms from IRON it is unreal...even from guys I'm not engaged with.

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NoCB war, I had fought against 3 =LOST= targets, two of whom were inactive, but the other went down fighting, and was very fun.

In Karma, I had very pleasant fights with a couple of chaps from ODN, they were good.

Bi-Polar, I was fighting two Immortal guys, one wasn't talking (but he sure was fighting), and the other was quite willing to introduce me to his nukes.

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[quote name='WalkerNinja' date='08 February 2010 - 10:07 AM' timestamp='1265638023' post='2168690']
UJW- I don't remember any actual combatants, but I got Louisa to surrender to me personally. That was unexpected/cool.
NoCB- Caveman of Vox. Cool guy, and I still talk with him sometimes. He's almost as good as Cata at finding the losing sides of wars.
FS- Don't Remember
Karma- A BAPS Triumvir. Don't remember his name right now, but he was passionate, combative... a true exemplar of the BAPS nature.
Bi-Polar- I was tickled pink to host an ODN.gov [i]soiree[/i] in my capitol the very first week of the war. A SecGen, a SecEcon, and a Justice. I was honored.
Was that me? ;)

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[quote name='hertugen' date='08 February 2010 - 10:53 AM' timestamp='1265626409' post='2168547']

1V vs. GATO: Cata (I am still sorry for that Cata)
I forgot about that, you were actually really cool :D (Hence i will edit my post).

[quote name='WalkerNinja' date='08 February 2010 - 02:07 PM' timestamp='1265638023' post='2168690']
He's almost as good as Cata at finding the losing sides of wars.
Almost but not quite, no one can be better than me at choosing the losing side again and again :v:

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My opponents from the traditional Great War cycle (GW1-3) mostly escape me, though I'll always remember Decollo blindsiding me and wrecking my !@#$ in GW2 as a "rogue" from \m/ after two GOONS couldn't bring me down :P

Unjust War - Easily Electron_Sponge. A total freaking blast, and really I think the beginning of positive relations between the Mushroom Kingdom and the New Polar Order. I had a lot of fun jawing with him each night on IRC.
noCB - Similar to ES, I had a lot of fun fighting DarkMistress and Chron (both NPO) in this war, but sadly I can't quite remember who else I fought. I know there were more fun folks though.
Karma - Without a doubt mhawk (TPF). Gosh, I have a habit of fighting high ranking people, don't I? >.> But anyway, I don't think my nation ever really recovered from mhawk's relentless assault, though that might be my fault for signing up for a round 2 for the heck of it.

This one - Been traveling so much I haven't exited peace mode yet (fighting from hotels and airports struck me as a horrible idea). I imagine I'll come out to play soon, and hopefully I can draw someone fun from TOP to wreck my !@#$ some more. :)

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[quote name='Sunstar' date='06 February 2010 - 07:57 PM' timestamp='1265504230' post='2165576']
Bi-Polar - Fighting loltex and jstep. Nukes flying, alongside plenty of strategy and coordination from both sides. Right in the heart of the war and having lots of fun with them.

So yeah, this one.

The first few days were fun. Its too bad I've had a nation sitter for a couple of days due to extremely intermittent access/traveling (2 13 hour flights in under a week), as well as a couple research presentations and a grant proposal

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[quote name='Sunstar' date='06 February 2010 - 06:57 PM' timestamp='1265504230' post='2165576']
Bi-Polar - Fighting loltex and jstep. Nukes flying, alongside plenty of strategy and coordination from both sides. Right in the heart of the war and having lots of fun with them.

So yeah, this one.

Agreed with Sunstar, it's been very fun. :awesome:

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