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Why is it that you people continue to neglect to mention \m/'s aggression against FoA? Is it really too embarrassing for you fellows to own up to what you're really fighting for?

Anyway, FAIL hereby recognizes as a state of war with GOD and RnR. Since we're currently preoccupied with FOK, and are unable to spare any resources, I am afraid we must simply talk you to death. God have mercy on your souls.

O noes!

It can't get much worse for GOD and RnR.

Edited by Aeternos Astramora
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We are reeling from the mighty five nation blitz, GOD.

Seriously, where's the rest? Let your hatred for the Sith consume you!

I've seen a number of preliminary

Reports that are suggesting that there is a large alliance

On the horizon which GOD is bracing themselves against.

Nobody is sure which one it might be, however.

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Hehe, I wonder how many times GOD can survive going in early and aggressively. I know your warchests have been stretched a bit, despite all the reps your received from Karma War. TPF did quite a number on GOD in the TPF war really. I was disappointed when it ended, I was totally gonna make Xiph collect in 20 days anarchy with an already small warchest. ;)

Unfortunately I don't think we'll get to fight GOD this time. Ah well, have fun. Good luck, NSO.

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The cause of this war is that NSO declared war on FOK. \m/ bears zero relevance here.

Actually it does because PC decided to decide for everyone that \m/'s inflammatory personal attacks upon the leader of another alliance do not constitute an aggressive act in which an alliance has the right to defend their honor against in a manner of their own choosing. Now, there are insults that happen all the time and then there are the kind that require your leader to make an attempt to keep the expected reprisal attacks from coming by making a rather long public apology. That apology is actually an admission of guilt in this regard and the fact that it was so horribly unapologetic means it probably had the opposite effect as that which was desired.

Now, had these horrible attacks been given the value they deserve then PC's attacks would be seen as aggressive as well and FOK wouldn't be in the war because as you say, they came in Defense of PC not in shared aggression, correct?

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The cause of this war is that NSO declared war on FOK. \m/ bears zero relevance here.

Right, one of the causes of this war is irrelevant. I completely see where you're coming from, here, SCM, unfortunately, where you're coming from doesn't make any sense.

PC came in to defend \m/, FOK came in to give PC a chance in hell, and now...

Right. Good god man, you just keep finding new barrels to scrape the bottom of, don't you?

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I've seen a number of preliminary

Reports that are suggesting that there is a large alliance

On the horizon which GOD is bracing themselves against.

Nobody is sure which one it might be, however.

I heard it was GPA, but like I'm saying that's just what I heard. You may have heard different.

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PC came in to defend \m/, FOK came in to give PC a chance in hell, and now...

Right. Good god man, you just keep finding new barrels to scrape the bottom of, don't you?

A chance in hell :')

Well, it certainly didn't come from NSO, you guys couldn't even make a dent in cream butter.

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Unfortunately I don't think we'll get to fight GOD this time. Ah well, have fun.

Now here is something I can agree with you on. This is twice in under a year we've been on opposite sides of a war and we still haven't gotten to duke it out. It's a damn shame.

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Actually it does because PC decided to decide for everyone that \m/'s inflammatory personal attacks upon the leader of another alliance do not constitute an aggressive act in which an alliance has the right to defend their honor against in a manner of their own choosing. Now, there are insults that happen all the time and then there are the kind that require your leader to make an attempt to keep the expected reprisal attacks from coming by making a rather long public apology. That apology is actually an admission of guilt in this regard and the fact that it was so horribly unapologetic means it probably had the opposite effect as that which was desired.

Now, had these horrible attacks been given the value they deserve then PC's attacks would be seen as aggressive as well and FOK wouldn't be in the war because as you say, they came in Defense of PC not in shared aggression, correct?

None of these propositions have anything to do with GOD's DoW on NSO. If you want to discuss them - go and do it elsewhere, but stop sidetracking this discussion.

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A chance in hell :')

Not every day a man feels like he has to drag in an entire gang of his friends just to defend someone who they ostensibly don't want to defend to begin with.

None of these propositions have anything to do with GOD's DoW on NSO. If you want to discuss them - go and do it elsewhere, but stop sidetracking this discussion.

Sometimes I hope you're being deliberately obtuse, but the thing is, I'm pretty sure you actually are crazy enough to believe the nonsense you're claiming.

Yeah, all politics exist in a vacuum.

Edited by Chron
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Now, had these horrible attacks been given the value they deserve then PC's attacks would be seen as aggressive as well and FOK wouldn't be in the war because as you say, they came in Defense of PC not in shared aggression, correct?

From our DoW:

FOK therefore hereby activates the optional Agression, the Defense clausule and/or the general spirit of the treaty with Poison Clan and declares war on the New Polar Order.

So we activated the entire treaty, not just the defensive or just the offensive clause.

edit: spelling

Edited by erikz
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Because it's irrelevant.

You know, for the self-proclaimed moral crusader that you are, it is amazing how easily you're able to shrug off \m/'s needless attack on FoA so that you can draw an imaginary line to connect invisible dots (or rather dots that only you can see) just so you can take a shot at NSO. And a rather poor shot mind you.

The cause of this war is that NSO declared war on FOK. \m/ bears zero relevance here.

No, you see, this is all just one big war, unless you want to conclude that this is just a series of individual wars, in which case so was GWIII, and everyone other war. But if you want to think that there is absolutely no connection to anything that is going on with anything else that is going on whatsoever then be my guest. Who am I to question your world?

None of these propositions have anything to do with GOD's DoW on NSO. If you want to discuss them - go and do it elsewhere, but stop sidetracking this discussion.

No, they saw the war that was going on and decided that they were part of the coalition against Polar and its allies. A coalition which includes FOK, PC, and \m/. So yeah, you're still ignoring the cause here. Unless you are going to say that GOD was going to attack NSO even if this war did not take place then you really don't have anything.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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You know, for the self-proclaimed moral crusader that you are, it is amazing how easily you're able to shrug off \m/'s needless attack on FoA so that you can draw an imaginary line to connect invisible dots (or rather dots that only you can see) just so you can take a shot at NSO. And a rather poor shot mind you.

No, you see, this is all just one big war, unless you want to conclude that this is just a series of individual wars, in which case so was GWIII, and everyone other war. But if you want to think that there is absolutely no connection to anything that is going on with anything else that is going on whatsoever then be my guest. Who am I to question your world?

All these wars are connected of course. The motives can be totally unrelated tho.

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All these wars are connected of course. The motives can be totally unrelated tho.

The motives are irrelevant as the cause of all of this still can be traced to \m/'s attack on FoA and its subsequent insulting of Grub. Had that not occurred, there had been no war, and GOD would not have attacked NSO.

What SCM is trying to do is deny that this war is a result of \m/'s attack on FoA, because if that is the case he really cannot justify his support of this side. Despite that he really hates NSO and Polar, so to reconcile these differences his plan is to completely ignore the simple fact that \m/ is relevant (as much as I hate to say this) to the cause of this war. So there you go.

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The motives are irrelevant as the cause of all of this still can be traced to \m/'s attack on FoA and its subsequent insulting of Grub. Had that not occurred, there had been no war, and GOD would not have attacked NSO.

What SCM is trying to do is deny that this war is a result of \m/'s attack on FoA, because if that is the case he really cannot justify his support of this side. Despite that he really hates NSO and Polar, so to reconcile these differences his plan is to completely ignore the simple fact that \m/ is relevant (as much as I hate to say this) to the cause of this war. So there you go.

I think Polar is as relevant to this conflict as \m/ was - because afaik the issue was solved before Grub opted to escalate the entire situation all over again.

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