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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order

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I love how everyone claims NpO is 'a new alliance' and has 'changed' since Electron sponge departed.

Reading this takes me back, its like Electron sponge injected himself into the body of AlmightyGrub, the best part is where TOP members applaud this action, where as the same action prior to the No-CB war was frowned upon.

Interesting theory, since Sponge came back yesterday

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How very noble of you to try to have a 1 vs 1 duel. Thats like a boxer taking on a twelve year old and pretending its fair because its 1 vs 1.

It feels so good, when a bully using "do something about it" finds that there are actually forces in the universe who WILL do something.

o/ Polaris

(Must... resist....temptation...to....join...)

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I love how everyone claims NpO is 'a new alliance' and has 'changed' since Electron sponge departed.

Reading this takes me back, its like Electron sponge injected himself into the body of AlmightyGrub, the best part is where TOP members applaud this action, where as the same action prior to the No-CB war was frowned upon.

I dont think you know enough of the TOP-NpO relation to actually comprehend what you are talking about. To us they are completely different now. Whether this roots in not having known them properly in the first place or Electron Sponges behavior is dependant on your perspective. I think both played a role.

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I love how everyone claims NpO is 'a new alliance' and has 'changed' since Electron sponge departed.

Reading this takes me back, its like Electron sponge injected himself into the body of AlmightyGrub, the best part is where TOP members applaud this action, where as the same action prior to the No-CB war was frowned upon.

I'm not entirely sure you are right. I don't recall the old Polar doing this. I guess you have a vested interest as it could well have been Athens getting attacked.

EDIT: Nearly missed the obligatory GARRRR TOP.

Edited by Nizzle
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One question on this occassion is the use of peace mode strategy or cowardice, I know you \m/ folks had a very clear opinion on it a couple of weeks ago but you know trends change so fast these days.

The accusation of cowardice was directed at the lack of DoW's not the tactic of peace mode.

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None of these alliances will answer the call. And considering how quickly RoK criticizes other alliances for failing to answer treaties, this should be interesting.

Grub, you dont know me, but you made my ******* week.

o/ NpO

I guess you don't know anything about what is going on, but I am glad you're the only tool in this thread....

Simple... If Rag thinks that Polar is in the right then activate your oA, if you think Polar is wrong then follow through with the mutual defense part of the one with \m/. You guys need to decided where you stand and stick with it. Sidelines is an option to, I guess.

Personally MD > oA... but that is just my personal thoughts. Either way we now have entertainment on our fair planet again.

Oh, wai.....

I don't know how anyone can even look at RoK the wrong way in this matter. From what I understand, RoK was backing \m/ 100% until \m/ decided to really take advantage of their friendship and !@#$ the bed.

<VanHooIII[RoK]> We don't agree with our allies in \m/ raiding a 30 plus man alliance

<VanHooIII[RoK]> But we also don't agree with someone attacking them for it

<Hizzy[NV]> i'll ask you again how you feel about it after they're done milking the goodwill

Honestly \m/, you make it too easy.

Here is your answer. I personally did not condone anything of what \m/ did, but I would of course have defended them. I am certain that multiple people, including Grub may attest this. But when they went to far, after being given chance upon chance, the patience really wears thin.

I hope they put you down for good. Thugs like your alliance were the cancer Karma tried to fight.

Isn't this exact behaviour from Polar that made your alliance roll them in the NoCB war?

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The accusation of cowardice was directed at the lack of DoW's not the tactic of peace mode.


That thread was idiotic at the time now it's just wonderfully ironic.

I'm sure there are plenty of other even better examples

Edited by Meer Republic
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That thread was idiotic at the time now it's just wonderfully ironic.

I'm sure there are plenty of other even better examples

Not only was that thread written by a \m/ember and not gov but did you actually read the OP?

There is mention of peace mode but the general theme as lack of DoW's.

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Not only was that thread written by a \m/ember and not gov but did you actually read the OP?

There is mention of peace mode but the general theme as lack of DoW's.

o/ Peace Mode Warriors. And quit saying "yeah well the 6 days was all strategy, and we put most of our nations in peace mode as another strategy" Being a coward isn't a strategy, no matter how you put it.

...and number of nations in peace mode seems to be a key part of the rather spiffy spread sheet. Keep trying though.

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Someone will be along to prove you horribly wrong.

EDIT: Damn you Meer!

In fact I just reread the entire thing and the only 2 [ooc]posts[/ooc] by \m/ gov were to point out that it was not sanctioned by \m/ and not the official opinion of \m/. Great try though guys. Please continue.

edit: wow I'm tired

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Interesting theory, since Sponge came back yesterday

Sponge came back last week. Hi Sponge!!!! I'm sure Mr Wonderful is flattered by the conspiracy theories (as if his head wasn't already big enough).

Grubb I understand your position on this and wish both you and Polaris all the best in your crusade. I am however upset that you will be to busy for our scheduled Q&A. Have fun.

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In fact I just reread the entire thing an the only 2 [ooc]posts[/ooc] by \m/ gov where to point out that it was not sanctioned by \m/ and not the official opinion of \m/. Great try though guys. Please continue.

What do you mean good try? No trying involved. Its there for all the world to see. Your guys laughing it up then, and now in peace. Its hilarious.

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Man, for once I don't pay attention to drama and for once it actually amounts to something. :(

For several months, behaviors that have long been considered against the greater good of the community have been on the rise. It is clear that many wish to test the community, find new boundaries, push existing ones and establish a lower standard of conduct for their benefit. These same people mock and ridicule those who question what they do, backing down when forced to do so, only to re-appear elsewhere with antics more befitting a zoo than a political community.

Shall I expect a cancellation with NSO? :P

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...and number of nations in peace mode seems to be a key part of the rather spiffy spread sheet. Keep trying though.

I can quote too, wanna see?

Now this is just annoying for me but Mathers won't be doing anything like this again. It's my job to whore attention and act like a tough guy around here anyway. Carry on everyone.
...And to others in this thread, If this would have been made in Alliance Affairs and made by a member of \m/ government, you would be right in assuming this was \m/'s official stance. How ever, since it was made instead in World Affairs, wether gov or not, it is clearly the views of one person...
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So what does PC have a deadline or not? Please make up your mind.

Well I wish yall would just make up your minds about what your going to do. Cause so far my experience with \M/ so far in this wars been somewhat pathetic, what with 1/3 of ya hiding, and the two I managed to get at offering no resistance whatsoever. What with one just asking for peace right off with no attacks, and the second firing two cruise missiles and then begging for peace. Surely \M/ can do better, if not they should just surrender now and save us all some time.

Edited by Wizardess
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Well I wish yall would just make up your minds about what your going to do. Cause so far my experience with \M/ so far in this wars been somewhat lacking, what with 1/3 of ya hiding, and the two I managed to get at offering no resistance whatsoever. What with one just asking for peace right off with no attacks, and the second firing two cruise missiles and then begging for peace. Surely \M/ can do better, if not they should just surrender now and save us all some time.

Coming from the person that has 5 factories and only 2 barracks has a monarchy gov.

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